The Obtrusive Shoes

Levi guessed right. Time passed quickly. When September came, his movie was still not completed.

The filming of the movie was completed in July. After the indoor parts in the early stage, there were outdoor scenes such as skydiving and drag racing that needed to be shot, which naturally delayed some time and made the film finalized a little later.

In the editing process after completion, Levi's work this time was also much more detailed. Levi also hoped that the film's compositional beauty and use of music could be better reflected during editing. This meant his movie was not even finished editing until September.

If you want to shoot a movie more accurately, you need to pay a price. The cost for Levi to hone himself is naturally time and money - fortunately, he has both of these and can afford the price.

Now that things are like this, Levi has no choice but to postpone the movie. Sony, which was originally discussed with him to release the film, also decided to release his movie in December. 

Although Levi's movie can be completed in October, the box office of the film released in October may not be too high. And the movie's box office may be higher come December, with Levi's name and some suitable arrangements.

Of course, they made this decision because the movie market during this year's Christmas period is generally relatively soft. This year's high-grossing movies are basically all concentrated in the first half of the year.

Shrek's domestic box office of 440 million and Spider-Man 2's box office of 370 million can be said to have created new highs. 

However, this year, no blockbuster is scheduled to be broadcast like The Lord of the Rings in December. The most competitive rivals are movies like The Aviator and Million Dollar Baby. 

It would be more reliable to compete with them at this time.

Levi had no objection to this arrangement. But what he didn't expect was that he would postpone the release of his movie, which caused some discussion in the media.

"This is the first time that Levi's movie has been postponed. What caused this situation? What kind of trouble did Levi encounter when filming a movie?"

When Levi was filming a movie, this had never happened before. He used to shoot two movies a year. He also calculated the time accurately to ensure he could release the film on time. But this time, he had problems controlling time, which made people feel a little strange.

It is actually not uncommon for movies to be delayed. 

Some commercial blockbusters get postponed to avoid strong competitors and obtain box-office benefits. 

Some literary and artistic films like to be postponed because they are often low-cost, difficult to shoot, and prone to shooting difficulties. 

Sometimes, there are conflicts between the director and the producer during filming. Or the distributor needs to edit the movie. Such things may also delay the production time of the film. 

Sometimes, the filming was slow and had to be postponed.

However, these situations do not exist for Levi.

His movie is not a commercial film. Judging from some information previously revealed by the crew, what Levi is shooting this time is not a commercial theme. Then, naturally, there is no need to avoid competitors and adjust to December. It can't be to avoid opponents.

Although his movie is a small investment, everyone knows Levi is never short of money. With his reputation, it is easy to attract investment, and even if he does not want to, his own company has never encountered financial problems. He has the financial and material resources to invest in a low-cost literary film. Unlike other directors who worry about funds and actors, Levi has never had such worries.

As for conflicts with film producers, it is even more unlikely - Levi has always known the rules, and there is nothing objectionable about filming his movies. Whether it is from the theme or time control, the arrangements have always been excellent, and there is no need for the film producers to take action against him.

Since these reasons are all wrong, it can be said that the release of Levi's movie was postponed because Levi's control declined and he could not control the crew, so the filming of the movie had to be postponed, or it was because Levi was striving for excellence in the movie and is more meticulous than ever, which wastes more time on film shoots.

These two situations can be said to be completely different, one positive and one negative. Which one is Levi encountering now?

Taking into account the supporting attitude of the cast and crew towards Levi in ​​previous interviews and the fact that the entire crew did not have any conflicts during the filming, people quickly came to a conclusion: I am afraid that this time, Levi was not able to produce the movie in time is to be more attentive.

"People in the crew revealed that Levi paid more attention to the overall film when filming this time. Compared with his previous works, this film is more delicate and beautiful. Obviously, Levi is pursuing success with all his heart for a breakthrough."

The media's detection can be said to be pervasive, and they immediately learned of Levi's emphasis on movies.

This idea became more certain when people saw the movie's promotional video and got some information about the film: This is a movie about disabled people, and it is adapted from actual events. 

No wonder Levi is this careful.

Everyone knows that disabled people are often in a less healthy mental state than ordinary people and film art has always been about digging deep into the human soul, which can often be better reflected in disabled people. 

There are many actors and directors in Hollywood who have won honors by filming subjects with disabilities. Such topics are easy to shoot well.

Moreover, this is also a very suitable subject for Levi.

When making a movie, every director has what they are best at - although many directors say they don't pay attention to rules and don't like restrictions, when it comes to shooting, the movie is created by the directors themselves with all their heart and soul, the works and their inner thoughts will inevitably be reflected in the film. 

Everyone has a soul, so every director's movie has a soul - and Levi's movie has a soul. It just fits this type of theme.

His films always reveal a profound sense of loneliness. This feeling of loneliness accompanies every protagonist in his films. 

From the earliest agent who listened alone to the self-satisfied Emily. From Truman, who was deceived by the whole world, to the undercover agents, who deceived everyone around him. 

Even in romance movies, the older man and the young woman passing by, the lovers in love who want to be forgotten, all these people reveal a kind of alienated loneliness, and in The Three-Body Problem, he directly made the people and the entire planet lonely waiting to be rescued.

Psychological problems of disabled people. The most important point was loneliness, and Levi was immediately interested in filming the stories of people with disabilities. 

To what extent can he interpret the feelings in people's hearts? This is what people are looking forward to seeing.

And the movie itself. It also touches on another theme, racial conflict.

The black group has received more and more attention in recent years, and the issue of racial conflicts has also attracted more and more people's attention. 

The topic of discrimination has always been a concern for people, and people want to know whether Levi's film can have any new ideas.

And if that's the case, the media has begun to speculate as to why Levi's film was moved to December: for a movie that wants to win awards, it's actually better than leaving it in the summer. The Aviator and Million Dollar Baby were also arranged in this way. Isn't the reason the same?

If it was to win a prize, there is nothing wrong with delaying it to this time.

Generally speaking, people also have different opinions on making movies to win awards, but many media are happy to see Levi make such a movie.

Last year, although Levi's The Three-Body Problem was a big success at the box office, it was still less popular than before and didn't get very good returns. 

At that time, many media advised Levi not to put too much energy into commercial films and the need to dig deeper into the connotations of the movie. 

This year, Levi immediately began filming a movie about people with disabilities. This also made many media believe that Levi accepted his opinions and started to get on the right track.

"When he was filming the commercial film Three-Body Problem last year, we were all saying that he had declined. But now it seems we can forgive him - he still knows what he must do." 

The media is concerned about Levi's filming this time, and most responded with this attitude. 

Moreover, because it was released in December and Levi's movies have always received a lot of praise, they were also discussing whether this movie could become an Oscar contender this year.

Such comments made Levi quite amused: Although Hollywood has always paid great attention to the box office when making movies, hoping to produce high-box-office movies, the media focuses more on artistic achievements. 

When he was making commercial films, they said he was declining, but when he started making artistic films, he immediately gained favor, which was quite speechless.

Amidst all the noise, the time is getting closer and closer to December. And when the first weekend of December came around, the movie was finally released.

This time, Levi's film did not hold a premiere - as a small-budget film, the film was not promoted too much. However, this did not affect people's enthusiasm for watching the movie. 

On the day the movie was released, the cinema was also packed. People are also looking forward to what Levi's new film will be like.

And the movie starts with this expectation.

The movie starts, and the credits pass. 

A line of words appeared on the black screen: Based on a true story. At the same time as this line of words appeared, the piano also sounded.

Unlike Levi's previous movies, the sound of piano playing as soon as this movie starts immediately attracted people's attention.

During the piano music, the camera began to sweep across slowly.

The camera moves across the ground, and there seem to be many people sitting side by side. Although people can only see their feet, people can also see something.

A pair of leather shoes, another pair of leather shoes, and another pair of leather shoes - it seems that these people are all dressed very formally and are waiting for something.

However, a pair of unexpected and worn-out basketball shoes appeared in front of people.

The elegant piano sound, the exquisite seats, and the pairs of well-polished leather shoes, but among them, a pair of basketball shoes suddenly appeared - compared with other shoes, these shoes are too strange.

This suddenness is also the beginning of the movie.


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