Chapter 3: New Life?

Daniel mentally clicked [Ship View]. The panel showing the review disappeared, replaced by a 3rd person view.

The ship, or rather himself, was a narrow, blunted arrow-head.

There was no command bridge, unlike other ships, but that made sense, since it appeared he wasn't going to need a crew at all, let alone a bridge crew.

The color scheme was black and dark blue, with white trim and running lights up and down the sides.

He could see the Sauveterre Engine's thrusters at the rear, white blue energy glowing, ejecting out of the back of the ship.

He could also see the hard-points for his weapon systems. They were empty, but it seemed like for every hard-point added, two points would be added on either side of the ship.

He noticed the Drone Bay was on the starboard side; a small opening that looked like it was barely big enough for the Illion Empire's Sparrow-Class Light Assault Drone.

He couldn't see the Hovarth Drive, but he knew it was in the center of the ship, right in front of the Sauveterre Engine.

Finally, the sensor array was spread over the ship in the form of RADAR disks, LADAR turrets, Radiation Sphere's, and an unfamiliar panel that he assumed was whatever allowed him to see the "Surface" of the objects in the system.

Daniel didn't recognize the class designation, so he asked the System.

"System, what is the Njord-Class? That doesn't sound like any star nation class designation I know of."

[Commander, this ship class does not exist in your current galaxy.]

Daniel sat with that thought for a moment.

Apparently, this system could do a lot of curious things, and it creating a new ship class out of nowhere was the least impressive.

He was about to ask about the Upgrade Conditions, when the wording of the System's answer struck him.

"System, you said that the 'Njord-Class' didn't exist in the 'current galaxy?'"

[Yes, Commander]

"... are you taking this ship class design from another galaxy?"

[Yes, Commander]

Daniel didn't know what to think about that.

The thought that the System was pulling a super advanced ship design from a completely different Galaxy was something he did not expect in the slightest.

He was afraid to ask the question for some reason, but he figured if he was going to live with this thing for the foreseeable future, then he might as well know.

"System, are you from the same Galaxy as this ship design?"

[Commander, data is insufficient to answer your query, please upgrade your Sensor for information.]

Daniel was surprised, for some reason, that he got an answer at all.

He was also intrigued to know that if he upgraded his Sensor, he'd be able to know about this other Galaxy, and perhaps others.

That was an interesting thought, since he didn't know of any ship that could detect anything about nearby Galaxies, let alone steal technology from them.

Daniel thought about that for a long while, before admitting to himself that he couldn't do anything with the information given, so he set that problem in the back of him mind, or processors, as it were.

"System, explain the Upgrade Conditions. How do I obtain Components?"

[Commander, Components can be sourced in 2 ways. 1. Purchasing an Item that contains a Component. 2. Sourcing the Components from intact debris of star-ship wreckage.]

Daniel mentally smirked. So he could either buy it from merchants, or destroy other ships and sift through the debris for usable parts.

He suddenly thought of something and panned his optical sensors around to look at the wreckage of the Sheffield. He called back the [Avatar Review] and selected the [Drone Selection].


[Drone Selection]

- 1x Mk l Freyr Harvest Drone

Storage Capacity: 0/5


What the hell was a Freyr?

"System, how do I use this "Freyr" Drone?"

[Commander, you can launch any Drone with a mental command. A Drone needs specific commands to complete an objective. Example: Collect Viable Components. The Drone will automatically collect all Viable Components in the immediate area around the Avatar.]

"Are there any specific commands required?"

[Commander, the System will automatically translate any commands given to all Modules.]

Daniel sighed in relief. He would probably self-destruct if he had to learn thousands of specific commands for all of the modules he had.

He focused on the Drone Bay, mentally commanding the Freyr Drone to deploy.

He watched a metal rectangle with two thrusters protruding from the sides slowly exit from the Drone Bay, thrusters lighting off as it came to a stop just off the starboard side.

He could also see a claw attached to the belly, and a trapezoidal blue icon appear over its profile.

"System, are there any Viable Components in the Sheffield Wreckage."

[Commander, your Sensor is too Low Level, it is unable to sense any Viable Components. You will need to send the Freyr to manually observe and collect the wreckage. When the Freyr returns, you will be able to see if any Viable Components could be found.]

Daniel was a bit irked, but he guessed it made sense that Components weren't exempt from the Level restrictions of the Sensor.

"Send the Freyr to look through the Debris. Can you have it prioritize specific Components?"

[Yes, Commander. Which Components should be prioritized?]

"Prioritize Sensor Components, and make sure the Freyr scans through the entire debris field so it doesn't miss out on any Components"

[Yes, Commander.]

He watched as the Freyr moved toward the Sheffield's broken shell. It deftly maneuvered around parts of shattered hull and sparking electrical runs.

He knew that at least Weapon, Shield, Reactor, and Drone Components wouldn't be there, but he was hoping that he'd be able to upgrade the Sensor.

He floated patiently, passing the time by looking throughout the system, as well as wondering what he could do next.

He knew he wanted to hunt down and destroy the Illion Noble that destroyed the Sheffield, but he was aware that he needed to at least be a Frigate sized ship to go after the Lyre-class Destroyer.

He stopped at that thought, realizing he hadn't found out how to upgrade his ship's class.

This System would be pretty useless if he was stuck at this size forever.

No matter how advanced he became in his new ship form, any ship bigger than himself would destroy him easily, especially since he would need components to upgrade at all.

"System, how do I upgrade my ship to a higher level Class?"

[Commander, the Reactor, Sauvettere Engine, Hovarth Drive, and Armor need to be at Level 2 before a new class can be applied.]

"How come?"

[Those 4 Modules are needed as the main Modules to upgrade because they form the main body of any ship.]

Daniel agreed with this. He was about to ask why, if the class design was from a different galaxy, the modules were at least named after their counterparts in this Galaxy.

Then he realized that he'd be completely inept if he couldn't recognize any of the modules, especially the ones needed for basic movement and operation.

He slipped back into passive mode, observing all of the movements of the various Celestial Bodies, floating through space, uncaring of the musings of a small ship floating in the Asteroid Field.