Chapter 12: Federation (1)

Ristari Federation, Capital Planet Ristari, Hexagon

Admiral Edward Falkoon, Chief of Naval Operations, sat at the head of the table.

His subordinates were arrayed around the large table, some looking at him, others tapping on their personal data pads, no doubt looking through the files he'd forwarded to them.

"This is what we know of Operation Avalanche."

He pressed a button on the console in front of him, which in turn instructed the table's built in holographic projector to activate.

A green haze of light appeared, before the image sharpened and a 3D projection of the Chaltor Quadrant appeared.

The Sengore Galaxy was divided into four quadrants, the Chaltor, the Saltor, the Daltor, and the Thaltor.

The Federation controlled most of the Chaltor Quadrant, with a few independent star nations on the borders, who's resources were insufficient to warrant invasion.

The Empire controlled all of the Daltor Quadrant, its territory glowing orange as the projection spread out to cover the entire Sengore Galaxy.

Red Xs appeared on four of the Federations Border Systems.

"These fours systems were attacked eight days ago. Intelligence acquired from the Tilan reports that four simultaneous raids were to be carried out on these Systems."

Admiral Falkoon's baritone was cold as steel, and his piercing gaze swept around the table.

"Can anyone tell me why these four systems were targeted?"

Admiral Whitestar, Chief of Naval Deployment, raised his hand.

Falkoon nodded to him, and Whitestar sent a new file to their data pads.

"Each of the Border Defense Fleets that were hit had one of the old Brakin-Class Drone Carriers deployed."

Falkoon nodded. He'd already know that, but his management style promoted the use of his subordinates in active discussion.

"Indeed. Why the Imperials felt the need to destroy four out-of-date carriers are beyond me, but the Carriers are actually insignificant according to Operation Avalanche."

He replaced the image of the Galaxy with a communication file, as well as an image of a bull-dog of a man.

"I'm sure most of you recognize the Duke of Forland, Darien Marsok."

He saw nods around the table.

Duke Marsok was one of the conservatives in the Emperor's court, one of the many strict believers in uniting humanity under the Empire's Flag.

The Federation was the product of a Civil War over 2000 years ago, and many in the Empire wanted to a see the lost star systems returned.

"The Tilan, which was commanded by Viscount Riley Marsok, was instructed by the Duke to return to Imperial Space before Operation Avalanche begun.

Obviously, the Tilan was stranded in the Markes System for whatever reason. Thanks to this good fortune on our part, we were able to learn about Operation Avalanche, but the Tilan's Memory Core was lacking in anything concerning the Empire's next move. Thoughts?"

It was silent around the table for a moment, before Admiral Talsore, Chief of Naval Research, stood up.

"I believe this is a sign of new technology out of the Empire's Ministry of Defense. Although out of date, the Brakin-Class still carried over 50 Mk lX Terle Assault Drones.

Whatever was sent to these systems was able to not only destroy the Carriers, but their consort's as well.

Nothing we've seen out of the Empire has shown anything that is capable of this."

Talsore sat down again.

Falkoon was nodding thoughtfully.

It followed that the Empire had new tech, since there was no way they'd made a new ship, because Naval Intelligence had spies in all of the Empire's Shipyards.

Unless the Empire had magically produced a new super ship, the advanced weapon theory would hold.

"Alright, if that's what we can all agree on, Whitestar, I want a battle group from Battle fleet deployed to each of the Border Systems. Make them at least double the strength of the fleets deployed currently.

Talsore, I want you to head back and start finding ways the Empire could have counteracted our Drone Carriers, be extensive.

Let's break for lunch, and comeback with fresh eyes.

Think about any suggestions you have for when we reconvene."

The men around the table were nodding, all except one.

Admiral Nicon, Chief of Naval Intelligence, stood up.

"Admiral Falkoon, there is one thing I want to mention before we break for lunch."

Falkoon was surprised at the usually quiet mans sudden ask to speak.

Nicon usually stayed silent during these meetings, preferring to give intelligence reports through data pads before the meeting.

Falkoon gestured for Nicon to continue.

Nicon inclined his head in thanks, before instruction the hologram to show a 3D image of an odd looking ship.

"This is an image captured from the Drell, the ship we sent to investigate the Markes System.

When the Drell arrived, it picked up this ship 40 km from the Tilan. We assume that this ship is the reason the Tilan was dead in space."

Admiral Jarkell, Chief of Naval Construction, shook his head.

"The Sensor data reads that ship at under a million tonnes, there's no way a ship that small was able to damage the Tilan to such a degree."

Other's were nodding.

It was commonly accepted that Corvettes were too small to mount a meaningful armament for fleet battles.

Corvettes were instead used as commercial escorts to ward off pirates in low security systems.

Nicon was nodding as well.

"That's we thought as well. We assumed, at first, that this Ship was a civilian who happened to be in system.

Then the Drell's commander reported that their Stealth systems were active, meaning there shouldn't have been a reason for this ship to leave immediately upon its arrival."