Chapter 15: Due Diligence

According to the files attached to the bounty, the Grackle's were based in a neighboring system, and somehow always knew when a FDII raid was coming.

Daniel surmised that they either had spotters in the surround systems, or a mole in the Jal System Government.

The FDII had a very dim view on traitors, so the practice of taking bribes among their ranks had decreased significantly.

Still in the Jal System, Daniel decided to do his due diligence and speak to the Ice Hauling Company that was contracted by the System Government.

The Glacier Company was widely uses in this Sector, mainly due to the connections their founder and current chairman had built when he'd worked for another company on the other side of the quadrant.

Daniel was currently communicating with the union rep for the Ice Hauler's working for Glacier.

"So why can't I speak directly to the haulers who experienced the attack? I need to know what kind of ships I'm facing.

I can't go into the Gatra System with out at least some idea what I'm up against."

The union rep, Fran Derise, was a thin woman with a tan complexion, not unlike Daniel's 3D rendering.

She had a reputation of being quite the staunch defender of the haulers' rights, too the point of being labeled "Iron Wall Fran" by both her admirers and critics alike.

"I'm sorry, Commander, but I can't allow the haulers in question to be questioned right now. They are already threatening to sue Glacier for hazard pay, and without delivering ice, most of them are losing the commission they would have otherwise earned."

Daniel's 3D image sighed.

He couldn't be mad at Ms. Derise, she was only doing her job. But she was making his life harder.

"Can you at least tell the one's who saw something to contact me? Tell them I'll give them 500 GC's if they come forward."

Fran's eyebrows rose slightly.

She knew that not many bounty hunter's had accepted the Grackle Pirate Base Bounty, even with the reward.

And the ones that had either bailed after meeting the Pirates, or didn't come back at all.

She sighed. She was aware that everyone, Glacier, Magistrate Rellter, the Ice Hauler Union, was waiting for someone like Commander Venata to solve their shared problem.

"Alright, Commander, I'll let the hauler's know about your offer.

I truly hope someone responds."

The last sentence was said with some emotion, so Daniel knew that she, as much as anyone, was hoping for a conclusion to this mess.

His 3D image nodded to the Iron Wall, who nodded back then cut the connection.

Daniel went over what he knew and what he could figure out.

The Jal System was on the Fringe of the Federation, too far and politically insignificant to warrant a Navy response.

The Grakles had started their little racket about six months ago. At first, only one or two shipments were being taken.

Then, two weeks ago, they stepped up their game and kidnapped nine Ice Hauler Shipments on the way to Flor, then ransomed the entire thing for 5 million GC's.

The Jal System didn't have many export's, and none of them were high-end.

Daniel was sure the Pirates had at least two Destroyer's and maybe five Corvettes.

They also had to have either a Freighter or a Hauler of their own to be able to transport that much ice.

Then, according to the files, they jumped away to the Gatra System, which was two jumps away.

Daniel was sure they would have spotters in the system between them and Jal.

However, with the new Hovarth Drive, that was a non-issue.

He hated the fact that he was forced to abandon the stockpile of goodies in the Markes System, because he could have used them to either purchase new Components, or sell them for enough capital to pay the ransom.

With to his new body, Daniel was able to think at light speed thanks to the circuitry that augmented his Advanced Processors.

He sat in limbo for about four hours, before a notification snapped him out of it.


[Commander, Fran Derise has requested communication with you.]

Daniel quickly accepted the request, and a second later, Fran appeared on his field of view.

She wasn't alone.

"Commander, I was able to find two men interested in you offer."

She gestured to the man on her right.

"This is Captain Borsan, of the Ice Hauler "Hail"."

She then gestured to the man to her left.

"And this is his first mate, Ryan Hardek."

Daniel nodded as they were introduced.

Borsan was a stocky man with blonde hair and a majestic beard, as well as sharp green eyes that were staring at Daniel intently.

Hardek was even bigger than his captain, with black hair and purple eyes, marking him as a Hersan Tribesman.

The Hersan were the product of Humans and another Alien race that was quite similar to humans genetically.

"Hello Captain, Mr. Hardek. My name is Commander Venata. I have recently accepted the bounty for the Grackle Pirate Base, and was wondering if you two had any information about the pirate's ships, who their leaders are, etc. Anything will help."

The two men's faces harden at the mention of the pirates.

Borsan was the first to speak. His voice was gruff, like that of a man who was very tired indeed.

"They have one big ship and three smaller ships. I'm not sure of the class, and they only fired their weapons once.

Their leader was a thin man, almost a boy, with the scariest eyes I've ever seen."

Borsan shivered, obviously remembering the encounter.

Hardek picked up there. He sounded equally tired, but also equally angry.

"I've seen the smaller ships before. They're Corvettes, Sord-Class. Saw them a lot when I was a middie."

Daniel was surprised to learn that the Hersan man was a former navy midshipmen. Their tribe faced a lot of stigma for being mixed-species, and their size and odd-colored eyes never did them favors.

"Did you recognize the weapons. Were they, Missile Launchers, Rail Guns, Laser Turrets?

Hardek shook his head.

"Don't know. Not missiles for sure, but they were to far to tell if it was Rail Guns or Laser Turrets."

Daniel nodded. If they were to far to see, but weren't missiles, than they were definitely Rail Guns.

"Did the leader Identify himself? A name, moniker, something like that?"

Both men shook their heads.

Daniel thought for a moment, realizing he had nothing else to ask.

Neither man had been to the Gatra System, so they couldn't know what their base was like.

Daniel transferred the funds to each man through account numbers Fran provided.

He said his good byes before cutting the connection.

He knew now that they had either a Destroyer or a Light Cruiser, as well as three Corvette's.

He was betting on a Destroyer, since a Light Cruiser would have warranted either a higher class or a Navy response.

Daniel knew he'd be able to skip past any spotters, so he would also have surprise on his side.

However, depending on where the base was, the window of opportunity would be small.

"System, take us to the Gatra System. Make sure all the modules are ready to go."

[Yes, Commander.]