Chapter 21: Ark Protocol

Daniel was deep in thought.

He didn't know why he'd cut the connection so suddenly.

The two siblings were the only hostages he'd spoken with.

For some reason, he was uncomfortable with revealing too much about this ship.

Too avoid suspicion, the Venator was register to the ITA, so any ship could see the ship class, but that was it.

If someone found out even a fraction of what the System could do, they'd hunt him down for rest of his immortal life.

He turned away from that line of thought and considered instead what the System had done to accommodate the hostages.

The residential level now took up the entire middle level of the Venator. The curious thing was that even though there was only 50 hostages, the new level was able to hold 2000 people.

This led Daniel to consider if this was something the System had ready to go.

He'd always assumed that the Avatar was supposed to be a warship.

Now, he wasn't sure what it was meant to be.

There was even a new module, [Residences].



- Capacity: 2000

- Facilities: Bunk Rooms, Common Rooms, Exercise Rooms, Infirmaries, Entertainment Rooms

Notice: User can modify the Residences Module at anytime. Capacity will increase with each new Ship Classification


Daniel had almost no cosmetic talent, so he ignored the modify ability. He payed more attention to the Capacity.

There was definitely something he didn't know about the Star Ship Avatar.

"System, where did you get the designs for the Residences Module?"

[Commander, you are at an insufficient level to learn more.]

"If my level is insufficient, how were you able to add a module I wasn't qualified for.

[Ark Protocol Overrode Level Condition.]

Ark Protocol?

What the hell is that?

"What are the conditions to learn more about the Ark Protocol?"

[Commander, the Avatar must be Battle Cruiser size to unlock information about the Ark Protocol.]

Daniel sat in thought, before pulling up the [Review], instructing the System to include the Component requirements.


[Star Ship Review]

[Name: Venator]

[Affiliation: NONE]

[Ship Classification: Nun-Class Destroyer]

[Ship Modules] (Select Module To Expand)

- Reactor: Online (Level 2)

- Light Cruiser Reactor: 0/1

- Sensor: Online (Level 3)

- Sensor Components: 28/50

- Sauveterre Engine: Online (Level 2)

- Sauveterre Engine Components: 4/10

- Hovarth Drive: Online (Level 2)

- Hovarth Drive Components: 2/10

- Weapon System: (Level 2) Mk ll Horus Rail Gun, Mk ll Apep Missile Launcher

- Weapon System Components: 16/30

- Shield Generator: Online (Level 2)

- Shield Generator: 11/20

- Armor: 1000/1000 (Level 3)

- Armor Components: 13/30

- Storage: (Level 2)

- Drone Command: Online (Level 2)

- Drone Components: 0/20

- Residences: Restricted (Level1)

[Ship View]


He was Destroyer size now. According to conventional practices, the sizes before Battle Cruiser were Light Cruiser and Heavy Cruiser.

Daniel wasn't sure if the mysterious civilization that produced the System used the same designations the Federation or Empire, but so far they'd lined up.

"System, how many Components do I need before I can Upgrade to Battle Cruiser?"

[Commander, you need 1 x Light Cruiser Reactor, 1x Heavy Cruiser Reactor, 1x Battle Cruiser Reactor, 272x Sensor Components, 56x Sauveterre Components, 58x Hovarth Drive Components, 104x Weapon System Components, 79x Shield Generator Components, 107x Armor Components, 90x Drone Components.]

Daniel's heart tightened as he reviewed the amount of Components needed.

He knew he could do it, and soon too if he kept to the pace at which he was going.

However, something about the numbers made his processors hurt.

He would have to destroy or purchase the equivalent of a Federation Battle Cruiser Squadron twice to get what he needed.

Daniel knew he would make a lot from this bounty, and he was also counting on rewards from the rich families who's scions he was returning.

While he was "speaking" to the System, the Venator arrived in the Jal System.

Daniel focused on the System Station, requesting a connection to the Magistrate about the Bounty he'd posted.

20 minutes later, his request was accepted, and an older man with long grew hair and brown eyes appeared in the View Screen.

"Commander Venata?"

"Magistrate Rellter, I have your missing Ice."

A look a of relief flashed across the mans face, and he seemed to visibly become younger.

"Thank the void. We owe you more than you can imagine, Commander.

I'm sorry the bounty is so low for the work you've done, and I can't thank you enough for returning the Ice.

I will be waving the dock fees for any purchase for your ship.

It's not much, but I hope you sense our sincerity."

Daniel was nodding, already planning to purchase Components.

"I was just doing what I was contracted to do, Magistrate."

"I can still be thankful, Commander."

They spoke for a few more minutes, before the Magistrate pulled away by something outside of the view screen.

Once the Magistrate was gone, Daniel contacted the branch of the FDII.

A moment later, a older woman appeared on his field of view.

"This is Mariah Velcom, I've been expecting your comms request, Commander.

I have been contacted by many of the young masters' and young miss' in regards to being returned home."

Daniel was mildly surprised he didn't have to introduce himself.

"I guess that let's me skip the introductions.

I'm contacting you in regards to those said youngsters. I am available to transport them to their home systems, but I wanted to check with the FDII before hand, so that I wasn't suddenly labeled a pirate."

Ms. Velcom smiled at the light-hearted joke.

"Yes, we wouldn't want such a rising star to be suddenly targeted by Battle Fleet over such a simple oversight.

Commander Venata, in regards to your question, we only ask that we are able to process your passengers before you take them home."

Daniel nodded to this. The processing would consist of medical exams, psych evals, and civilian debriefing, none of which would make his life harder.

"Of course, Ms. Velcom, I will communicate your request to the passengers."

A few hours later, a small group of FDII personnel arrived onto the Venator's docking bay, leaving a moment later with Daniels passengers.