chapter one

🐺🐺 The Ruthless

Alpha's Mate 🐺🐺

( Touch her and you're dead !!! )

Chapter 1 : The Dream

She ran and ran as fast as her legs could carry her in the dark eerie forest. Something was chasing her, something huge was chasing her. She couldn't see what it was but she could feel it behind her, she could hear it's deep scary and ferocious growls reverberating and shaking the forest.

She knew that she was being chased by an animal, a beast.

She continued to run breathing so heavily as she stepped on dry leaves and twigs. She could feel the chilly breeze biting against her skin and she shivered. Her teeth clattered together and her hair covered her face while she ran.

Thanks for the bright moon light she could see through the forest but unfortunately she didn't see the extended root of a tree in front of her when she turned around to see if she was still being chased as she could no longer hear a sound only the sound of her loud breathing and her steps.

She kicked the root so hard and tripped over and she fell with a loud thud on the ground. She tried so hard not to scream as she used both her hands to cover her mouth in a tight grip holding back her scream so whatever was chasing wouldn't know where she was.

Five minutes passed and she continued to lay there on the cold ground bearing the throbbing and sharp pain on her sprained ankle but she didn't hear a single sound aside from her own rapid breathing.

Probably what was chasing her had gone another way and she sat up and looked around her one more time and when she was sure that she was indeed safe she stood up and dusted her dress.

And she started limping trying to find her way out of the dark and scary forest despite the pain. But then she heard a low growl behind her back and she turned around to look but she didn't see anything only the thick darkness.

She was sure she heard something now but just as she turned back around to continue limping my way out of the forest all the air in her lungs left her and she fell so hard on her butt with wide eyes and mouth parted trembling in fear as she stared at what was standing in front of her.

It was a huge grey Werewolf and it's size was five times bigger than a normal wolf. It's yellowish golden eyes stared down at her like a predator staring down at its prey.

The Werewolf bared it's sharp cannies that were akin to that of a razor blade at her as it began to walk closer to her letting out a low growl and she moved back trembling in fear at sight of the huge Werewolf walking towards her

What that what had been chasing her all this while ?

God! It was so huge.

Was this going to be the death of her ?

Is this how she was going to die ? Here in the dark forest !!!

Suddenly the Werewolf raised it's head up to moon and let out a loud howl that shook the whole forest and she thought it was the best time for her to run and escape. Though she knew that she won't get to far before she would be caught and torn into many pieces.

Just as she was busy thinking of how she would escape. She saw the Werewolf looked back at her but this time it's yellowish golden eyes was pitch black and she watched as it opened it's huge mouth and lowered it's head to bite her and she closed her eyes waiting for the pain.

A few minutes passed and she felt no pain, she felt no bite and when she opened her eyes she couldn't find the Werewolf anymore but a tall man about six feets with torn shirt staring back at her.

She couldn't see his face clearly but his yellowish golden eyes shone brightly in the dark forest and before she could open her mouth to say anything she heard him say something that left her dumbfounded.

" Mine "

And then she woke up.


....At the cafe....

" Hey... Did you hear what I said " Danielle said waving her hand at Muna to get her attention who was lost in thoughts in her own world.

" Huh ? What did you say, sorry I wasn't listening " Muna said as she turned to face Danielle as she stuffed some popcorn into her mouth.

" What were you thinking " She asked.

" Nothing " Muna answered while shaking her head.

" Is it about that dream again " Sharon asked as she chewed on her chocolate and Muna stared at her but didn't say anything.

" It is right " Sharon asked again and Muna slowly nodded her head.

" You saw him again, didn't you ? " Danielle asked.

" Yeah and he kept on saying the same words " Muna said " He kept calling me ' Mine ' in the dream "

" I've told you that can only mean one thing " Sharon said and Muna rolled her eyes.

" Oh please don't say that " She said.

" But I haven't said anything "

" I can never be a mate to a Werewolf, those horrible cruel creatures " Muna said and this time Sharon rolled her eyes.

" Was it because your parents were killed by the Werewolves "

" Sharon ? " Danielle glared at her for bringing up Muna's deceased parents.

" What ? " Sharon said.

" Yes, that's the reason why. Those animals took my parents away from me and there's no way I'm ever going to be a mate to a Werewolf "

" Every girl wished to be the mate of a Werewolf and an alpha at that " Sharon said.

" Me too... I wished to be the mate of a handsome Werewolf too " Danielle said.

" Well not me... I rather prefer a hot looking Vampire guy, they are much tamed than those cruel Werewolves " Muna said with a scoff.

" You mean a hot guy like that one sitting over there " Danielle said pointing at a guy who sat alone at the far end of the cafe with his phone in his hands and Muna followed her line of sight and saw who she was pointing at and her eyes got wide slightly.

" Jeez, oh my God... Who. is. that " She asked and Danielle giggled lightly.

" Well, that my friend is the hottest new guy in school I was telling you about some minutes ago while you were busy thinking about your dream " She said.

" Oh my God, he's so cute " Muna said already dripping and for a moment she saw the guy turn to look at her direction and both their eyes met for a brief moment but she quickly looked away.

Red eyes ??

A Vampire ??

" He's a Vampire too...." Sharon said admiring her new nails.

" Yeah... A good-looking one at that " Danielle said and they all watched him stood up and left without even glancing at them.

" Bless the moon goddess " Muna said drooling as she continued to stare at his retreating back until Sharon snapped her fingers in front of her face " Hey back to earth " She said.

" Don't tell me you're already crushing for him " Danielle said with raised brows.

" Who wouldn't... I mean he's cute and he's a Vampire too " Muna said.

" What about your dream... What if you truly turn out be a Werewolf's mate. You know Werewolves hates it when their mates are gawking or standing with another man " Sharon said.

" It won't happen " Muna said.

" How can you be so sure about that " Danielle said with a mouthful of cheese and Muna glared at her.

" But what if... "

" That's enough Sharon " Muna said and sipped her orange juice as her mind went back to the Vampire guy earlier before.

Those red beautiful eyes that had stared back at her for a few seconds made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Muna had always wished to end up with a Vampire guy who would love and cherish her just like the way her father did to her mother before they both died trying to protect them from the war years ago.

Her father was a Vampire and her mother was human and they were both killed by a Werewolf. Since then Muna and her younger brother Nathan loathed the Werewolves after what they did to their parents.

The sound of the bell broke her from her reverie and she and her friends left the cafe going back to class.


After school was over for the day. Muna waved her friends goodbye and then she went to drop a few books she won't be needing in her locker.

Just as she closed her locker, she almost jumped out of her skin in fear when she found the new hot Vampire guy standing a few steps away from her leaning against another locker with his arms crossed on his chest.

" Hi " He said when their eyes met.

" Jeez...Oh my God " Muna said placing her hand on her chest to calm her racing heart.

" Did I scare you " He said in a british accent as he walked over to where she stood leaving only a little space between them and his red eyes seizing her from her head to toe as if he was observing her and her cheeks turned crimson red.

" Yes you did... Gosh, my heart is still racing fast " She said.

" Sorry " He said.

" It's alright " She said and she looked at him and she realized how handsome he was now that he was standing close to her.

It was so clear that he was from a rich family judging from the clothes he was wearing.

His thick brows were neatly carved upwards giving him a cool look over his attractive features. His red eyes matched his red hair and tanned skin. His nose was pointed and straight and his lips were gorgeously red and she felt like touching them to feel how soft it was.

" I saw you and your friends staring me at the cafe today at lunch " He said with a slight grin on his face which made him look more attractive.

Great, the attractive guy just got more cuter.

" What ?? I wasn't staring at you ..." Muna lied while avoiding his eyes as he hadn't for once taken his eyes off her and it felt very uncomfortable. His gaze was patronizing.

" Hmm...I'm Raymond by the way but you can just call me Ray " He said in his cool british accent.

" Oh...Ray, sure. Nice to meet you Ray " Muna said and she tried to hide her blush as she tucked in her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

" You too..." He said and added " It was nice talking to you "

" Yeah, you too Ray " Muna said and she turned to leave but she halted when she heard what he said.

" You didn't tell me your name "

How stupid of her !!

She didn't want him to see that her cheeks were already red that's why she turned around to leave quickly and she forgot to tell him her name.

Stupid !

She turned back to face him and gave him a nervous smile " I'm sorry, I'm Muna " She said and she saw him smirk.

" Beautiful name for a beautiful girl " He said and he turned around and left.

' Did he just call her beautiful ' she said in her mind as she kept on staring at his departing back till he walked out of the school.

Her reverie broke when she heard someone hissed loud enough for her to hear and she could see some girls glaring dangerously at her.

The Witches, the Vampiress and even humans like her but she just ignored them all and walked away to get her younger brother.


When she finally got home after dinner she went over to her room which was painted with purple all through. Her bed and pillows were purple, her curtains, her walk-in closet, her duvet, everything was purple.

Apparently her favorite color was purple.

It was raining so she closed the windows and turned off the ac so she won't freeze to death. She wore her fur coat purple jacket and she wore her thick socks to prevent her from the cold.

She took her phone which was wrapped up in a purple cover from the night stand. She took her purple bluetooth earbuds and fixed it in her ears as she tapped on Elastic heart by Sia and the song started playing.

She went over to her Whatapp group chat on her phone and dropped a message.

' Hi girls, guess what ? The hot new Vampire guy talked to me today after school gosh I almost blushed to death '

Muna took out some chocolate in her drawer and she unwrapped them and stuff it into her mouth and started chewing as she waited for her friends to reply her message.

A few minutes later couple of messages popped up on her phone screen and she chuckled.

' Omg...Are you serious ? ' from Danielle.

' You kidding right ' from Sharon.

' Come on, say something Muna ' from Danielle.

' What did he say ? ' from Danielle

Muna finally picked up her phone and typed something while smiling as she imagined the look on her friends face right now.

' I'm so damn serious guys. I mean I was surprised my self to see him standing beside me, Oh my God he's so cute '

' Tommorow at school, you would give us full details of what happened ' from Sharon.

' Smiles... Sure I will, night night guys love you guys ' Muna replied.

' Sweet dreams, we love you too ' Both Sharon and Danielle sent the message at the same time.

Muna kept her phone back on the night stand and turned off the light and she covered herself with the duvet as she closed her eyes to sleep with a sweet smile on her face as her head began to reply her conversation with Raymond at school.

T. B. C.

So how was the chapter 1 ? Did you like it ? If yes guys I'll need your full surpport. Your comments and shares will be supportive. On this story, I won't complian like the last story and I hope you guys will cooperate too.

Like, comment and share....

Much love from jaymia