Chapter 5 : My Spells Are Never Wrong

( Touch her and you're dead !!! )

Chapter 5 : My Spells Are Never Wrong

Evelyn picked the call and Danielle's joyful voice rang out immediately.

" Hey Muna, guess what the spell worked. I found out where Raymond lives and I already told Sharon so we decided to meet at her house "

" That's wonderful...." Evelyn said.

" Oh my God, Jeez sorry Aunt Evelyn I thought it was Muna on the line " Danielle said after she heard Evelyn's voice on the phone.

" It's alright but I think you guys would have to free Raymond on your own without Muna "

" Huh...But why ? Where is Muna "

" She was... She was " Evelyn said in a broken voice as she broke down in tears again. Before her sister, Caitlin. Muna and Nathan's mother and their father had died.

They had told her with their last dying breath not to let their daughter fall into the hands of the Werewolves but she failed and if only they knew that their daughter was the mate to a Werewolf Alpha.

" Hello ? Aunt Evelyn ? " Danielle said when she heard a crying voice on the line " Are you alright ? Has something happened to Muna ? "

Seeing that Evelyn could no longer answer the call, Desmond took the phone from her hand and put it on his ear and answered the waiting Danielle on the line " She was taken by the Werewolves " He said.

" What ? When ? How ? " Danielle said shocked as her hand trembled.

" Not quite long.... It appears that she was a mate to their Alpha and there was nothing we could do about it " Desmond said trying to sound strong but deep in his heart he felt broken too.

" Oh my God this is not good, Sharon was right about Muna's dream "

" What dream ? " Desmond asked with furrowed brows.

" Muna told me and Sharon about her constant dream about being chased by a Werewolf in a dark forest and how the Werewolf turned into a man and called her ' Mine ' . Her dream had finally come true " Danielle told Desmond about the dream.

" How come she never told us about this " Desmond said and turn to look at his wife and Nathan who were giving him a questioning look.

" You guys didn't know ? "

" No "

" I see, I'll catch up on you guys later and tell Nate I said hi "

" Alright " Desmond said and the call ended.


After the call ended Danielle quickly freshened herself up and went over to Sharon's house.

She had been awake all night trying the locator spell to find out where Raymond lives. She had looked into her spell book over and over again to memorized the words and then she lit up candles in a circular motion and placed Raymond's book at the center and started casting the spells.

" Sectumsempra Avada Kedavra Lumos Expelliarmus Wingardium Leviosa "

As soon as she finished casting the spell her eyes turned white and she began floating on the air in a sitting position as strong wind burst open the window and entered into the room and the candles light started to flicker.

She then took a small knife and cut open her palm for blood to seep out and she let it drop on the picture and after some time she watched as the blood gathered together and began to write a word.

' Holand Street ' was the word written on the book.

Holand street ?

Raymond last name was Holand.

Does that means that he owns the street ?

Where the hell was that anyway ?

The wind stop coming into the room and the windows closed back and she stopped floating and her eyes returned back to it's original color and all the light of the candles went off and she wrote the street name on a sheet of paper so she wouldn't forget it.

She snapped her fingers for the blood to disappear from the picture as though it was never there and she looked at her palm which still had some traces of blood for it to heal back.

She finally got to Sharon's house and they drove her car while stopping people on the road and asking them for directions to ' Holand street ' meanwhile Danielle told Sharon who was driving the car about what Desmond told her on the phone.

" Hmm " Sharon just hummed and Danielle gave her an icy glare.

" What ? " Sharon said.

" Are you not surprised ? "

" No, I'm not because I knew that something like this was bound to happen to her "

" What are you ? A seer or what ? " Danielle said crossing her arms annoyed for the fact that Sharon was not bothered that thier friend was taken by the Werewolves.

She has always been like that, the less bothered about things, the annoying and calm girl, the bossy but smart type.

Sharon chuckled. " I'm not a seer but didn't I tell you both that the dream could only mean one thing and it happen. Muna kept on saying that she can never be a mate to a Werewolf and it was just a dream but then what happened ? She was taken by her mate who happens to be a Werewolf this morning and now we're on a trip to go free her second lover from a magic spell "

" Just shut up if you don't have anything better to say " Danielle said.

" What ? It's the truth "

" Whatever Sharon "

" Hey... Don't think I'm a bad person and I don't care about Muna. I do care about her, she's my friend, our friend and she's like a sister to me. We all saw this coming but she kept running from it, her constant dream was a sign but she didn't want to believe it. Even I tried to tell her, I tried to tell you both but I was always shushed up and no one wants to listen to me "

" So don't blame me, blame the moon goddess for pairing her with a Werewolf " Sharon said and stopped the car where two young girls with red eyes sat on a bench beside the roadside " Hey sorry to bother you guys but can you be kind enough to tell us where Holand street is located " She asked with a sweet smile on her lips.

The girls stared at themselves before one of them spoke up while pointing ahead of them " You're almost there, you just drive straight ahead until you see a sign which reads ' Block C ' and you take a curve to your left and you'll see ' Holand street ' "

" Thank you, you're such a sweetheart " Sharon said and drove off.

" Did you see the look those girls gave themselves " Danielle said.

" Yeah "

" It means something "

" Oh please Elle don't start right now " Sharon said and she turned left with full speed when she reached the curve after they reached Block C and Danielle almost hit her face at the glass.

" Take it easy Sharon I almost hit my face now " She said with a glare.

" Sorry " Sharon apologized.

They soon reached the sign that read ' Holand street ' and their eyes nearly popped out of their socket when they saw a tall huge mansion not to far with ' Holand mansion ' largely engraved on it.

" Is he the owner of that mansion " Danielle said gawking at the beautiful mansion ahead of them.

" Are you sure your spell brought us to the right place Elle " Sharon asked.

" My spells are never wrong " Danielle said rolling her eyes.

" So does that means Raymond lives in that mansion "

" I don't know let's just go and ask "

" Are you sure about that " Sharon asked.

" Come on let's go, we're doing this for Muna remember ? "

" Right " Sharon said and they both got out of the car and they walked towards the mansion but on getting there they saw two men who looked like guards standing on each sides of the huge gates of the mansion and they both had red eyes.

" They are Vampires like you " Danielle whispered to Sharon.

" And you know they can hear you right " Sharon whispered back.

" Are you sure Raymond lives here probably he lives down the street and we've just gotten to the wrong house " Danielle said.

" Hi, my name is Sharon and this is my friend Danielle " Sharon said and Danielle waved at the two men.

" Who are you two " One of the men asked.

" We are a friend of Raymond from school so we just wanted to know if he lives here " Sharon said.

" Master Raymond lives here and he is not receiving any visitors today so please leave " The other man said.

" Huh...We have to see him now it's important " Danielle said.

" I said both of you leave right now " The first man said as his nails elongated as a warning.

" Alright, alright we're leaving " Sharon said and dragged Danielle away as they began to walk back to the car.

It appears that things didn't go as they planned and they hadn't expected Raymond to live in a beautiful mansion with Vampires guards protecting him.

" Are we just gonna leave like that ? " Danielle said.

" No, we have to think of a way to get past them " Sharon said.

" But how ? "

" I don't know "

" I don't get it, I mean they are Vampires like you so why won't they let you in " Danielle asked confused.

" I don't know Elle maybe because I'm an outcast " Sharon said with a shrug.

" We witches we let our kind in no matter the coven we came from " Danielle said.

" Well, not the same for Vampires "

" Wait... I think I've got an idea " Danielle said.

" Well, tell me then "

" I would use my spells to control their minds and that way they will let us in "

" Do what you must we don't have time " Sharon said and they both turn around and began to walk back towards the guards.

" I thought I told you to leave " One of them said angry this time.

" Sorry but we can't " Sharon said.

" Get them Louis " The man said to the other Vampire guard who immediately moved to grab them.

" Now Elle !!!" Sharon said.

" Ona Dubious Sendrondium " Danielle chanted a spell and the Vampire stopped on his tracks and he held his head with his hands as though he had an headache.

" Well ? Did it work ? " Sharon asked.

" Maybe " Danielle said.

" Maybe ? "

" Who are you " The one named Louis suddenly said dragging their attention.

" We are here to see Raymond " Sharon said.

" Follow me " He said and led them inside the mansion and the girls smiled at each other.

" It worked " Danielle said giggling.

" What did you say " Louis turned to ask them and Danielle quickly shook his head.

" No, nothing I didn't say anything " She said grinning.


Alpha Jayden's park....

Muna stirred awake as her eyes fluttered open and she used her hand to cover her sleepy eyes from the bright sunlight illuminating into the room.

She sat up on the bed and tried to look around her when she hissed in pain.

" Ah "

She touched her aching neck, it hurts alot as though she had slept in a bad position for a long time.

Where was she ?

She looked at bright room and the large bed she was sitting on. It was so wide that it could contain at least ten people comfortably but most especially it was soft.

Her eyes fell on the glass door that led to the balcony and she got off the bed and her feet touched the soft red rug on the ground.

What happened ?

How did she end up in this room ?

Where was Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Desmond ?

" Where was Nathan ? "

Suddenly all the memories began to flood into her memories and tears began to fall from her eyes again when she remembered how she was being strangled by the Alpha.

He was going to pay for what he did to her.

She suddenly felt thirsty but there was no water in the room so she decided to go look for water to drink when the door suddenly yanked open and she gasped out of shock.

" Who the hell are you " She said.

" Sorry, did I scare you " The person who entered the room said with raised hands up in the air.

" Yes.... I mean no, you haven't answered my question "

The person smiled and then placed his left hand on his chest " My name is Dexter, I'm Alpha Jayden's Gamma " He introduced himself and Muna frowned instantly hearing the word ' Alpha '.

" I don't care who you are just leave " She said.

" Huh " Dexter said.

" Just leave I don't want to see any one of you "

" I'm sorry about what Alpha did to you but I'm not gonna hurt you okay "

" And why would I trust you "

" Please just trust me "

" No, I don't trust any of you so just leave now ! " Muna said and Dexter sighed.

" Okay but please you have to come with me " He said.

" To where "

" Alpha asked you to join him for lunch "