Chapter 323 Shocked

"Are we not going to get out?" Li Shuangshuang asked in despair.

"I don't know, but I'm afraid it's going to be very difficult to break through the entrance." At this moment, Li Xuanqing had also put away his gun, staring at the boulders blocking the entrance with a solemn expression.

He had already exerted all his strength, but still couldn't break the huge stone.

Xue Hu had obviously set a prohibition on the outside.

"Damn it, Xue Hu wants to trap us all in here to die." Qin Yu cursed angrily.

Xu Ping'an's face was grim, as he hadn't expected to be outwitted like this.

Because Xue Hu held no intention of killing him, but just wanted to block the cave, the character for "ominous" in Xu Ping'an's mind didn't stir.

It was precisely because of this that he had been careless.

"It seems in the future I can't rely too much on this thing, I have to trust my own judgment." Xu Ping'an reflected.

He casually looked around the cave.