Joseph City

The burly man's eyes were filled with disdain.

It was as if he did not care about Brown and the others at all.

Even the women behind him began to speak in a strange tone.

"Why are there all kinds of Tom, Dick, and Harry these days?"

"Why didn't they take the initiative to give up their position when they see us? What were they thinking!"

"Brother, these guys don't seem to respect you at all!"

The voices of these beautiful players sounded like they were being clamped.

Even the clothes on their body looked revealing.

Reincarnation had a high degree of freedom.

Other than the rules for some large-scale main storyline missions and faction missions, there were no restrictions on what the players could do.

On the other hand, the clothes of these beautiful players were just some simple decorations.

Therefore, it was naturally within their control to wear their clothes in a revealing manner.

It was obvious that the burly man was bringing a girl.

Hearing the woman beside him say this, he acted even more arrogantly!

He pointed at the area under his feet and raised his middle finger at Brown and the others.

"You bunch of trash. I saw this place first, so it belongs to me!"

Looking at such an unreasonable person, Brown was naturally indignant.

He wanted to find that scalper and have a good talk with him.

However, this guy showed a helpless expression and spread his hands.

"Anyway, I've brought you to the position. As for whether you can snatch it from others, that depends on your own level."

Hearing the scalper's words, the burly man seemed to be more confident.

He raised his eyebrows in Brown's direction proudly, and the expression on his face looked even more arrogant!

"Hurry up and get lost! Don't think that I won't dare to hit you here!"

The burly man rolled his eyes at Brown.

He directly showed his information!

Wind Chaser (Swordsman)

Level 20 player.

Guild: Dawn Guild

Swordsman who had changed classes were not too rare at this time.

However, when the surrounding players saw the name of the guild he belonged to, everyone could not help but gasp.

"It's actually someone from Dawn!"

"No wonder he's so arrogant. He's very confident!"

The Dawn Guild was a well-known guild in Red Leaf City.

It had even left some unforgettable memories in the minds of many players.

So much so that when the Wind Chaser appeared, the players who wanted to speak up for Brown and the others did not say anything!

After all, no one wanted to provoke such a terrifying guild because of someone else!

Looking at everyone's afraid expressions, the expression on Wind Chaser's face looked even more smug.

"Do you dare to attack me?"

Looking at Wind Chaser's appearance, Brown was too lazy to say anything more to him.

He immediately showed his ID and level!

"It's Shadow!"

Red Leaf City was much larger than Greenwood Town.

However, Shadow had occupied the hot search list on the forum for a few days.

The crowd immediately exclaimed!

"Oh my god, he actually came to Red Leaf City!"

"This is going to be a good show. Of all people, he actually provoked a level 20 big shot!"

That shiny level 23 made Wind Chaser's eyes widen!

Even the women behind him tactfully shut their mouths at this moment.

Dawn Guild was indeed powerful.

But that was only the existence behind Wind Chaser.

Shadow was a real big shot!

How could that be a joke?

Brown stood there quietly, his eyes fixed on Wind Chaser in front of him.

"Are you going to give way or not?"

Just three simple words with the background of Brown's ID instantly erupted with unimaginable power!

The burly Wind Chaser stopped posturing.

He could only leave with his women.

But even so, he did not forget to threaten Brown fiercely when he left.

"Our Dawn Guild will not let you off!"

Brown did not take such a threat to heart.

After all, he even dared to provoke the members of the Holy Dragon Guild.

Why would he be afraid of a person at dawn?

It was finally Brown's turn.

The moment they walked into the teleportation array, the surrounding blue color made the entire space seem like a dream!

After everyone fastened their seatbelts, the countdown immediately sounded in his ears.

In the next second, following the appearance of a powerful force.

Their bodies flew out like cannonballs!

Wandering freely in this blue space.

When the surroundings stopped trembling, the teleportation array opened again.

Meanwhile, everyone had arrived at the city closest to the dungeon!

Joseph City!

This was a rather special place.

Joseph City still belonged to the territory of the Ogath Dukedom.

However, in the game's official background information, the city lord of this city had never been sent by the Duchy.

It was decided by the citizens of the city.

Even in some aspects, the entire city was a faction of its own and would not integrate into the boundaries of other places at all.

If it was any other city, they would have been ravaged by all sorts of things because they were caught between the three countries.

However, Joseph City was too powerful.

It had even far exceeded everyone's imagination.

That was why the city was an extremely special existence on the Lost Continent.

Walking out of the teleportation array, Joseph City was even larger than Red Leaf City!

Countless players had already appeared in front of them.

This was especially true for those teams that were well-equipped and looked extraordinary.

"What a pity, I failed again. Looks like I have to go back and continue to level up!"

"Isn't that so? It's said that our guild has already sent out more than ten teams, but none of them had a good ending!"

Almost all the teams that passed by Brown had the same conversation.

Everyone who planned to clear the dungeon looked particularly depressed.

Looking at the players' reactions, Night Elf suddenly became extremely excited.

"So many people are here. If we really succeed, won't we be able to leave our names in the history of Reincarnation?"

The title of being the first to clear the dungeon was quite attractive.

However, his companion beside him rolled his eyes at him.

"We're just here to have fun. Even the members of the other guilds failed. Do you really think you're some powerful character?"

The few of them were noisy and soon arrived at a tavern in Joseph City.

This was a resting place for warriors who came to the city from other places.

Most players would also choose to log off when they are here.

Brown had just booked a four-man space.

He was planning to bring Cold Dragon and the others to level up first.

However, the moment he walked out of the door, he suddenly heard a strange voice.

"A few trash like you guys want to challenge the dungeon?"