Venomous Beauty Venus

The dangerous mountainside suddenly became abnormally quiet.

The few of them had yet to recover from the shock just now.

Especially that extremely terrifying Frost Dragon, which had actually disappeared in front of their eyes!

It really made them feel a little unusual.

"I've already told you guys. I'm someone who has been reborn. Of course, I know all these little details!"

Brown laughed.

"Let's hurry up and adjust our state. It's best if our HP is full. After dealing with some small monsters, we'll be dealing with the Frost Elf. Whether or not we can write our names down in the history of Reincarnation depends on what happens next!"

A few simple sentences made the people beside him extremely excited instantly.

After adjusting everyone's state, Brown continued to walk up the mountain.

Their progress here was extremely smooth.

But Tyrone's side appeared to be rather difficult.

This time, the team had a few experts, but they had never cooperated before.

The tacit understanding of the team naturally reduced greatly.

Almost all the players focused their attacks on the Frost Dragon that suddenly appeared.

This monster was huge and had explosive attack power.

Everyone wanted to get rid of it before dealing with those knights.

However, there was no absolute difference in strength.

So it was simply a fool's dream wanting to get rid of that Frost Dragon!

Tyrone had once again fallen at this stage.

Brown and the others also came to the top of the mountain, chatting and laughing.

"This Frost Dragon is just a decoy. Its purpose is to drag more players into this. There are only ten players in total. If we can't find a weakness, we won't be able to deal with these monsters!"

Brown told them everything he knew.

It was also at this moment, following the system's notification, a few of them could not help but look at the enormous ice palace in front of them!

The entire palace looked quite spectacular!

Compared to Frost City, it was not inferior at all!

Snowflakes danced above his head.

The silver-clad city walls added a solemn and cold atmosphere!

"It's here!"

Brown's eyes were fixed on the city wall in front of him.

With a creak, the gate of the city wall in the distance slowly opened.

A woman who was emitting a dazzling light from head to toe, dressed in a brocade robe, walked out of the city!

That solemn aura and noble temperament made the kids beside Brown dumbfounded!

This was Frost Elf Venus!

Frost Elf Venus.

Level 30 Boss (Gold)!

It had the name of Venus, the goddess of love.

The appearance of the Frost Elf at this moment was even more beautiful!

Back then, in the official promotional video for the dungeon, the appearance of the Frost Elf only flashed by.

Other than the side profile that only appeared for a second or two.

No one could see what this elf looked like!

Brown had naturally seen Venus' beauty.

However, the few people around him had long fallen for this beautiful appearance!

Night Elf gulped.

His eyes were fixed on the NPC in front of him.

Even the slightest thought of resisting had disappeared!

"This is the Frost Elf?"

In the game of Reincarnation, the elves were already extraordinarily beautiful.

However, the scene in front of him was enough to make people feel suffocated.

They still couldn't believe it.

The next target to deal with was actually such a beautiful NPC!

"Don't look at how beautiful she is. If you had taken a punch from her, I'm afraid you would have returned to the resurrection point long ago!"

Venus was not a vase.

As the first dungeon boss that was created by the game officials, her strength was definitely not something that ordinary people could imagine!

The moment Brown spoke, Venus, who had just walked out of the city gate, suddenly attacked!

There was no time to react at all.

Even a simple conversation between a normal boss and a player did not begin!

A huge snowball smashed toward them!

They were caught off guard by the sudden attack that even Brown could not react in time.

When the snowball in front of them grew bigger and bigger, the few people did not have time to react.

Brown could only speed up.

He charged directly toward the snowball!

The Wolf Slayer Sword was unsheathed again!

Brown waved the sword in his hand.

He used countless sword lights to form a powerful shield in front of his chest!


Brown's reaction was fast enough.

Facing such a terrifying attack speed of the Frost Elf, his was already the limit of what he could do!

But even so, the moment the snowball collided with the shield, a huge force exploded in the air!

It directly knocked Brown's body not far behind her!

And his HP was only left with a quarter after this attack!

"This is too terrifying!"

After reaching level 20, the players' attributes had a qualitative increase.

If the few of them were to withstand this attack even with full statuses, they would probably turn into white light in an instant!

"Once this woman makes a move, she won't rest until one of us dies! Hurry up and attack!"

Brown also knew that time waited for no one.

He quickly arranged for the few people beside him to arrange according to the established strategy.

He began to gulp down Health Potions.

He watched as his HP bar slowly filled up.

Brown's eyes became sharper and sharper!

In the end, Reincarnation still had its consideration for the players.

Before the first player in the dungeon gets killed, the boss's attributes would increase by 20%.

This was also Brown's only chance!

Venus saw that her snowball had failed to kill these hateful human cultivators in front of her.

Her expression immediately turned ferocious!

Her face was originally as beautiful as a fairy's suddenly turned into a demon at this moment!

The sudden change was even more unexpected to Cold Dragon and the others!

"This woman is indeed terrifying!"

They sighed with fear.

Brown, who was not far away, also made a move at this moment!

He did not have many skills.

His class change did not succeed, and he did not obtain many skill books.

At this moment, he could only rely on a few active skills!

"This is enough!"

The other three had already gone to the left and right sides to attack!

Brown, who was in the center, stood there and held back.

Venus looked at the scattered humans.

Anger instantly clouded her mind!

She raised her hands.

A series of incomprehensible sounds came out of her mouth.

It was as if she was talking to some mysterious existence.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly streaked across the sky!

Then, there was a violent explosion.

The lightning quickly gathered in front of her chest and formed a huge ball of light!

"It's coming! It's finally here!"