Hidden Class -- Specter!

Some sharp-eyed players immediately noticed the abnormality on the Level Rankings.

The cost ranking was relatively fixed.

At this moment, something unexpected happened!

Other than the number one Star, who was far ahead.

The second place was suddenly occupied by a player with the ID Shadow!

Besides him, the number of players above level 20 suddenly increased by three!

Before they could figure out what had happened, the system announcement came again in the next second!

"Server Announcement! Congratulations to Shadow's party for successfully clearing the Frost Elf Dungeon in 1 hour and 43 minutes!"

All the players heard the system announcement!

The game's official website also posted the scene of Brown killing the Frost Elf Venus with a dagger!

The entire Lost Continent fell silent for a few seconds.

A moment later, all the players were in an uproar!

"Who is this Shadow?"

"I don't know. I heard that there were only four of them, and none of them successfully changed their class! How did they clear the dungeon?"

"The dagger that this kid used to kill the Frost Elf is just a beginner's equipment, right? How did he do it?"

All the players had the same question.

No one could guess the reason behind all this.

At this moment, Tyrone, who had just been sent back to the resurrection point by the Frost Dragon's dragon breath suddenly heard that extremely familiar name.

He was shocked once again!

"How could it be this kid?"

If not for the game's official announcement of this matter, no one would believe it.

It had been less than a month since the first dungeon was opened.

There was actually someone who could complete the first clear at such a terrifying speed!

This was simply a genius!

Tyrone was dumbstruck, not daring to believe this at all.

The other players immediately sent a joint application to the game officials.

They wanted to see how Shadow could rely on only four people to completely kill the Frost Elf!

After all, they couldn't even get past the Frost Dragon!

Thirteen minutes after clearing the dungeon, the game officials also quickly released the images of Shadow and the others!

The moment the Frost Elf used the forbidden summoning spell.

Brown used all his equipment and the Gold-level Wolf Slayer Sword as bait.

At a speed that no one could imagine, he quickly dug a huge hole in the ground and hid in it!

Even though the aftershock of the big move still hit Brown's body, causing extremely terrifying damage!

However, Brown took advantage of the short period of weakness after the big move and immediately jumped onto Venus' back!

He directly used a dagger to end her life!

After all, Venus was in an extremely weak state for three seconds after the move ended!

Not only did her double resistance become zero, but she was also left with 1 HP!

Perhaps the game officials did not expect there was actually a player who could discover the side effects of this move!

Shadow cleverly made use of this to clear the dungeon.

Even though many players called him despicable!

However, the honor and reward for the first kill still made them green with envy!

The first player on the Celebrity Rankings appeared!


Looking at the Celebrity Rankings, there was only Shadow's name on it.

All the players could not help but be envious!

As for Star, who was number one on the Level Rankings, his gaze suddenly became a little abnormal at this moment!

However, Brown did not notice this at all!

The moment the system announced that they had cleared the dungeon!

Looking at the many pieces of equipment that dropped from Venus's body.

Especially the two pieces of Platinum equipment that flashed among them made them widen their eyes!

However, before they could walk forward and pick up the equipment, an extremely powerful suction force pulled them into an unfamiliar space!

"Where is this place?"

After a burst of extreme tearing feeling appeared.

Brown looked at the grassland in front of him.

He immediately noticed the abnormality.

"Weren't we on the snow mountain next to Frost City just now?"

Suddenly, they came from the extremely cold snowy mountains to the endless prairie.

Everyone knew that this situation was a little strange.

However, before Brown could say anything, the sky above them suddenly turned black.

In an instant, they arrived in an extremely dark environment!

Brown was at a loss.

But at this moment, an extremely sharp scream suddenly sounded beside his ears!

He didn't know what it was.

However, he still tried his best to increase his speed!

Although his HP had already been restored to full after coming to this space, the Fleetfoot Boots had been destroyed by him in the battle with the Frost Elf!

The barefooted Brown looked ridiculous.

Even his speed was greatly reduced!

However, just as he dodged an attack to the limit.

In this pitch-black darkness, his keen hearing allowed him to notice something different!

There was no time to think.

Brown quickly rolled toward the open space in front of him.

It was also at this moment.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew behind him.

A few swooshing sounds could be heard.

Brown didn't even need to think to know that there must be a hidden weapon that was shot right behind his body!

Brown, who had escaped death, did not dare to be careless at all.

He didn't know what kind of place this was.

It was not easy for him to think of all ways to clear the dungeon.

In the end, he did not receive any rewards.

He had actually been sent to such an extremely dangerous place!

"How f*cking unlucky!"

Brown gritted his teeth and cursed.

However, he did not have a good impression of this place at all.

In the next half an hour, Brown was dodging to the limit almost the entire time.

But even so, Brown's body was still scratched by an unknown bird!

Due to the pain and almost half of his HP disappearing, Brown couldn't help but wipe away his cold sweat.

He didn't know what this place was.

If he died here, he would be returning to the resurrection point.

What if the level 25 that he had worked so hard to reach was destroyed just like that?

That would be a huge loss!

Nearly an hour passed.

He lay on the ground, panting heavily.

He could not help but shake his head when he looked at his HP, which was only left with a single digit.

"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want. I really can't run anymore!"

Brown, who was about to give up on himself, suddenly saw the bracelet in his hand, which had been silent all this while, emitting a dazzling white light!

In the next second, his body suddenly floated in the air!

It was the system's voice that had just sounded.

At this moment, it rang in his ears again!

"Congratulations to player Shadow for successfully triggering the Hidden Class Change Quest!"

"Congratulations to player Shadow for successfully completing the Class Change Quest!"

"Congratulations to player Shadow for becoming a hidden class -- Specter!"