Battle of Defending the City

The movements of the dark creatures in the distance began to intensify.

This battle that would affect the future of the game had started!

The pace of Reincarnation was too fast!

Even if the current number one player on the Level Rankings had only just passed the level 30 threshold.

But the War of Light was so powerful!

A sharp alarm began to echo throughout the entire Red Leaf City and its surroundings.

The first city defense battle was about to begin!

The ground began to tremble, and the NPCs at the side gripped their weapons tightly.

Two to three kilometers away from the city, thick smoke had already appeared.

The sky above them had long been covered with dark clouds!

An oppressive dark aura was slowly moving towards the main city from not far away!

As the leader of the eastern wall in the battle to defend Red Leaf City, Oliver immediately waved his sword and shouted at everyone.

"All the warriors of light, fight against the darkness with me!"

Amidst a tsunami of cheers, nearly 100,000 players charged at the dark creatures in front of them!

The first batch of dark creatures to attack was the Giant Abyssal Scorpion!

This was a level 17 armored dark creature.

Although their combat strength was not particularly strong, the armor on their body was enough to make many players with low attack attributes feel helpless.

In addition to the unique dark attribute and poison attribute damage of this poisonous scorpion, it was enough to make many inexperienced players suffer a huge loss!

Meanwhile, the players who had been waiting outside the city wall for a long time were the first to charge forward and kill!

Even though there were at least tens of thousands of Giant Abyssal Scorpions, such a grand and exciting scene was rare for the players!

Other than this kind of quest that was open to all players, there was probably no other opportunity like that!

The color of darkness almost enveloped the entire outside of Red Leaf City!

It was not only the east wall that was affected. The other walls were also under the same pressure!

Although the average level of the players had far exceeded the standard of these dark creatures, such a chaotic battle would not be able to unleash the true strength of the players in a battle of this level!

It was also Brown's first time witnessing such a chaotic and complicated scene.

The moment he and Cold Dragon merged into the city defense army, Brown even felt that the methods he used to deal with the Frost Elf and the other bosses were useless!

Even if he used the stealth ability of a Specter, he could only carefully avoid the damage in this complicated crowd!

"Fire Dragon Assault!"

"Crystal Wall!"

"Freezing Barrier!"

The moment all kinds of elemental skills were unleashed, the entire battlefield instantly became incomparably gorgeous!

The dazzling light had even completely illuminated the originally suffocating darkness!

Countless white lights flashed across the battlefield.

The dark creatures had fallen into the hands of the players.

The players also died in various ways on the battlefield!

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Brown, who had activated his stealth, was completely speechless.

"Isn't this too messy?"

The Swordsman before him wielded a Bronze greatsword, and he directly slashed at the body of the Giant Abyssal Scorpion!

It was just that this simple and unadorned move was simply weak against this group of dark creatures!

The player quickly bounced away, and the monsters quickly seized the opportunity.

It directly punched the player's body!

Seeing that this guy was about to turn into a white light, Brown was not in the mood to continue watching from the side. He immediately took out his sword and blocked the monster's attack!

"Thanks, brother!"

The player who was waiting for death saw that he was unharmed.

The monster that was originally charging at him pounced in Brown's direction!

He naturally knew what had happened.

However, before he could continue speaking, another monster suddenly appeared behind him!

It bit down on his shoulder!

Accompanied by a scream, the player who had just escaped death turned into a ray of white light again and suddenly disappeared from the battlefield!

Brown had no other choice as he watched the player end up in such a tragic state.

He could only sigh heavily and kill the Giant Abyssal Scorpion in front of him with a single slash!

The battlefield was just so cruel.

The battle lasted for more than an hour!

The first wave of dark creatures had been completely eliminated!

"Are you alright?"

Brown couldn't find any trace of Cold Dragon in the vast crowd.

Therefore, he hurriedly made an emergency call to the party channel.

Although the death of players would not result in any loss of levels in this War of Light, they could only return to the resurrection point after every wave of monster attacks ended.

If they couldn't catch up with the other opportunities, their contribution points ranking would fall far behind the others!

"Alive, alive!"

Not long after, Cold Dragon's voice came from the channel.

"This monster is really tough to kill. I only managed to kill one after slashing at it more than ten times. I'm so tired!"

Before Cold Dragon stopped talking, another wave rose before the first wave subsided!

The alarm sounded again in the main city not far away!

"The second wave of monsters is invading again!"

"No way, again?"

The players did not even have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

The ground in the distance trembled again!

"It's a level 20 Destruction Elf!"

A player in front of him immediately typed the information about the dark creatures on the public screen.

Even though many people's fatigue had already reached its peak, in the face of the dark creatures that were about to threaten the city gate, everyone could only grit their teeth and charge forward!

Although the combat power of this group of Destruction Elves was very terrifying, its defense was still quite weak.

Three or four players attacking at the same time could easily kill a Destruction Elf!

A day passed in the game.

The sky gradually darkened.

The number of dark creatures in front also decreased.

The first city defense battle had finally come to a successful end!

"No wonder it's an all-in-one quest. Even if the top ten guilds gathered together, they probably wouldn't be able to survive the first wave of attacks, let alone the number one player on the Level Rankings!"

This was the first time everyone had seen a battle of such scale.

Everyone seemed to be in extreme pain.

"Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the first city defense battle!"

The system's voice finally sounded.

However, compared to killing a total of 100,000 dark creatures, the loss of 30,000 players and nearly 50,000 NPCs instantly made the players extremely cautious!

"Today, there are only some small monsters. At most, there are level 20 Destruction Elves. If their levels are slightly higher..."

The exhausted Cold Dragon slumped on the ground, and there seemed to be some fear in his eyes!

"The second wave of battle is probably coming soon!"