1| Met me as a virgin

Twelve years ago, I was forced to marry a man I barely know. Just like the movies, I thought everything do be fine and we'd get along in a very short time but no. I was wrong. My whole life has been a torment in this thing called marriage.

There are no changes at all. Instead of us getting along, it's the other way round. I understand pretty well that we never fell in love with each other from there very start. Gradually, I began to feel something for him but he never did.

That something I felt for him was real but his was just the opposite. HATRED.

My parents loved each other before getting married just like normal people do but as time goes on, they divorced because my mom was too late to bare a child. My mom only found out she was pregnant with me just a month after the divorce, still unknowing to her that he has got married to another woman outside their relationship even before they divorced. And that woman bare him four kids.

Am just the least of them all.

I never wanted to repeat the same pattern as my mom. Though, she's married to someone else now and she has a son with him but me?

I don't think my biological father regarded me at all. He handed me over to a fucking rich tycoon family for marriage just to get famous as the one most biggest medical doctor of the time.

Yes, you heard that right. My father is a renowned medical doctor and my mom is a petty journalist who's still trying to make it to the top. I'd like my stepdad a bit. He has always been there for me since he married my mom. He is a lawyer.

Unlike my stepmom. I call her the witch 505. She's always this person I'd never want to get close to. I hate her with disgust and passion. She's a dentist, though, but I don't give a fuck bout it.

She has two sons for my dad whom are fractal twins and they're my elder brothers and two fractal daughters who are also my elder sisters. The only person am older than, is my stepbrother from another father.

As a young woman who doesn't have a say, I woke up one day and heard my father decide about my life. His wife suggested I get married to his choice like she was my mother.

Though, mom never approved the wedding. She wanted me to marry someone that I love. Someone that will cherish me till the end of time. Someone that would do fulfill the wedding vows and not the ones that would break it or destroy it like my father did to her.

It was too bad that my mother has no say just like me. My father is my father. I know him way too well. Not because his wife advised him to do so but because he wants to. To him, he thinks it's the right thing to do. He never pressured his two daughters to get married or maybe find a suitor for them as he did to me but he kept on persuading me to like something that I never want.

If course I tried my possible best to kick out of that track and darn his music tone for good but it was no use. He has married me off to the so-called family before I knew it.

And I thought the person I was going to marry do be nice. But…. It was the opposite.

I married a devil. A man born of cruelty and wickedness. I call him the handsome devil. He has no heart, no feelings for mankind, no sympathy in his dictionary. All he wants is for his own selfish desire just like my father.

I don't want to mess things up and discard like my mother did in her time with my father. Instead, I try to save things up and cover all the shits I get from him.

I'm a strong woman. I see myself that way and I don't need any mother-fucker to compliment me before I knew it.

It wasn't easy, though, but I had to take it all and blanket every other thing close.

Right from the day we got married, he never sees me like a woman or a wife material. He nags and says am the hindrance behind his blessings. Or am the witch troubling his life. But what have I got to do with all these shits he says?

All I remember is that, ever since I was forced to step foot into his life which I believed even him was forced to marry me in exchange for something too, he has been progressing and everything around him has changed for the best.

I think I have a good bright star connect to him.

He's a lot different from the way I met him. I mean, pfft! Look at his career or whatever he does for example. I'm not envying him but um….


Was I born to suffer in the hands of a man? Is this what dates wants for me? To die prematurely in the hands of a man? I can't believe that punching bags do exist in the body of humans too. I thought men hitting women in screens was fake because my dad has never raised hands on my mom once.

But this guy punches me like never before. He hits me for any single mistake. Infact, no mistakes at all. For instance, if he fucks me and I don't moan well, he stops riding on me, pull me to the ground and starts lacing hard fist on my slender body.

The only time he said sweet thing to me was when he called me DELICIOUS because he…..met me as a virgin.