9| Trespassing into his territory

When I got home the next morning....

Yes, I passed the night at my parents' place and here I am in my marital home, the place which am married into. I hope everything is right and nothing goes wrong.

Because I suspected something with the look of his guards outside and some of the staffs giving me a pitiful glare. Especially Nylah who didn't say anything to me other than a weak GOOD MORNING.


Are you sure there's something good about the morning.

Let's hope but if you ask me...? I don't think so.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear....it pisses my mood the more when am in a complicated state and my stupid hair keeps pulling out to block the side of my eyes.

My glasses.

I just remembered and took it out of my purse. Thank God today is a day off for me. I'll call Alyssa later and ask her how's the day going over there in the hospital.

She's in today's shift. Moreover, I haven't talked with my biological dad since I resumed two years ago.

I've come to believe that if you want to move forward in life and step up a bit, there are certain people you most try to avoid in life and for me, the number one person I most dismiss from is.....my biological dad. He is such a drag and I hate him more than the devil.

Oh, no one knows how much hatred I have for him in my belly. He is the creator of the problem am facing today.

Bad marriage.

If he had let me live my life and choose who I wanted to be with, I don't think things would have been complicated for me.

Well, it's too late to cry when the head is cut off. Maybe this is what fate has for me.

"Ortega," I saw him walking out of the baking room.

His hands crest behind his back with a light smile which fell down quickly into something unexciting. He was putting on his normal uniform with his tag crest at the left top of his sleeves. HOUSEKEEPER. A white apron is tied from his neck to the back of his waist.

"Good morning, Mrs. Calloway." I study his swedish accent.

"Good morning, Ortega. How are you?"

"Am fine," He wanted to reach for my bag just to take it upstairs. But I refuse, hiding it behind me.

"It's alright, I'll take it upstairs. Where are my kids?"

"They've gone to school."

I shook my head, without adding WHERE IS MY HUSBAND? But it seems like Ortega could read my mind.

"Boss is in the patios. You can find him there."

My heart beat faster than I could count. I haven't left the spot I was standing and my legs are shaking. My feet and palms turned cold like an ice fish in the deep freezer.

Am I getting nervous just because I want to see my husband?

If I don't go to see him now, he'll freak out on me later. Knowing that I realized that he was around and I refuse to see him.

I know I don't matter to him but he value the welcome note and greetings I'd give him.


When I got to the patios, he was seated on a white chair, ankles crossed as he rest them on the table while busy with his laptop. He didn't notice me standing at the entrance. His eyes focused on the laptop's screen as he types the keyboard fast, causing it to make a clicking sound that enumerates the entire room of silence.

He's currently on black sweater pants, white sleeve which isn't buttoned to his neck, exposing part of his hard bare muscular chest and a pair of grey bunny slippers.

He's so handsome than the last time I saw him.


I think the weather there in Jersey City is doing a great job in my husband's skin tone. Someone has to see how gorgeous he has become from the last time before he left.

There's a very big difference and I envy it.

His silky light brown hair which makes me wanna touch it and comb it with my fingers. And what happened to his gaze now?

I seriously want to witness those ocean eyes.....deep blue eyes like the Pacific ocean. But he's not penetrating it towards my direction. I suggest he still doesn't observe my presence from the distance we shared.

I call him the handsome devil. Despite all that is happening between us and how he treats me like a trash, I still regard him and love him with the whole of my heart. I know that one day... he'll come to realize his mistakes and I also hope he changes for good and become a better person in the future.

"Why didn't you drop a note that you were going to see your boyfriend?"

Who just said that?

That deep baritone voice somehow sounded like my husband's.....?

Of course he's the one. I just saw his lips going up and down but he wasn't looking at me. His blue eyes still focused on what he's doing in the system.

I turned my neck around to see if there was someone else he might be talking to. There was obviously no one but just the two of us.

In that case then, who's the boyfriend he's referring to?

Oh Jesus, I don't wanna laugh. Is he serious right now? Has he gone mad? Does he think am that cheap to cheat on him? This guy has to visit the therapist ASAP before it turns worst.

My brows are still furrowed because am confused.

"I guess the mother of my kids is not deaf, uh?" Now I get it right. He was actually talking to me. He shut the laptop and kept it on the table before taking off his reading glasses.

I adjusted mine to keep it in place.

His blue eyes gazed to my big brown eyes and both locked in one contact. My hands which was clenched around my purse began to shiver in fear. I have nothing to say.

Literally tongue-tied.

I folded my lips into my mouth, scratched the top side of my head and tried to look away from him but I couldn't. One conscience whispered something to me and I held unto that.

It's called.... boldness and courage.

I've been living under his canopy for years now, there's no use of acting like a novice person when I know his true colours.

If I really want to earn my respect as his wife I must stand my ground first.

But don't you think it'd be risky or harmful? My husband can be dangerous but another second...sweet.

"Well," I cleared my throat when he leaned his back against the chair. Still trying to hold my ground. "That has nothing to do with you.....you left six months ago, you never called or text me, you left the kids and I all alone all these while without caring how we'd live by ourselves and now you came back from nowhere and demands an explanation from me who left for only one night. Excuse me? Did I question you on your whereabouts? So I think it'll be best if you back off from mine."


I think my wings has grown so well. Never have I thought of myself to lash out these very words at him. Though I stammered because I haven't challenged him like this before, I allow him suppress me and oppress me all the time he wants to. But I think I've had it up to my oesophagus.

Someone needs to stand up to him.

As I least expected, he didn't show too much approval. His just let out a little laugh which seem like a chuckle. A devilish smirk appeared at the side of his lips as he puts down his legs from the table, wore his slippers and stood up to walk towards where I was standing.

As he drew nearer, my heart continued to beat faster. Infact, it was pounding so fast like never before. My eyes shivered, I'm afraid they might fall off the sockets.

The first thing I should be expecting from him is a resounding slap and that was what I got instantly.

Just one slap and I ended up spilling into a circle before landing helplessly on the nearby chair behind me. My purse has left my hands since before the slap entered.

I swear I saw white twinkle little stars.

I covered my face.... especially the spot I just received the slap with my hands. A quick scream has escaped my mouth before now but no one would show up to my rescue.

Everyone in this mansion is used to the dramas that happens all the time whenever he's around. He beats me up and I scream my lungs out to the highest pitch of my voice. Not even the kids can come to my rescue. Because whenever things turns out like this, Nylah would quickly insert headsets on their ears to avoid the kids having suspicious mindset or wanting to break-in.

"How dare you speak to me in that manner, Triana?" He stated through gritted teeth. His murderous eyes fixed on my teary ones.

I swear am not ready for this drastic drama today. I never knew that my mouth would land me into thick trouble. Oh God, if I had knew. How do I get out of this now?

He won't stop not until he gives me the beaten of my life. Father in heaven, am doomed. Triana Jefferson, you're so fucked up right now.

I know how much it took me to get rid of the scars he gave to me before boarding away for six months. And now, am going to get another one for free.

Oh, what a promo.

I look into his eyes, shivering as I plead for mercy. He didn't give me a chance to say SORRY. And that day....I went to bed with bruises. Lord, he finished me from A to Z.

Leo and I never shared the same room. He has his and I have mine. Same with the kids too. Each of them has theirs as it is a massive mansion with so many rooms.

Just pick your choice but don't sit on his desk.

He forbids me to sleep in his room and that's how we've been living since we got married. The only time he comes over to mine is when he wants to fuck me and that hasn't happen for the past seven months since the day he realized that I had vagina infection.

He's been denying me of my wifey duty ever since then. And thank God am a woman who could keep herself. Though sometimes...I feel like bullshitting the crap of endurance and going to him because only him turns me on but I only end up getting beaten again for trespassing into his territory.

Two things he doesn't do to me. He never sleeps over in my room after sex and he never kisses me. Except the french kiss he gave to me on our wedding because the archbishop instructed him to.

I remember when we were having sex the last time, he told me something during our lovemaking session. He said I should not fall in love with him or else I'll end up regretting my feelings for him. He also said, the only reason he's touching me is because his family expects grandchildren from him. Perhaps, think that we're living a happy marriage life when we're precisely not.

According to him, we're not a match and can never be. I understand but I still won't give up on him. For he is my husband and the father of my kids.