16| Legendary of handsomeness

Am not too good at rating men's appearance or complimenting how gorgeous God created them, but I can tell that Dexter Martinson is a Greek god on his own. He is Leo's cousin and he is the legendary of handsomeness.

Though, I barely see him around. He is same age as Leo. According to Georgina, he is her elder sister's son and the youngest of all the male children she had. And both him and Leo barely gets along. Infact, they see each other's as strangers, except they come across each other on the way and just a 'HI, MAN.' thing, that's all. If you look closely, you'll see that it's Leo who's with the proud shoulders.

FYI, I adore Dexter Martinson as the world's richest footballer that he is. Um, he's quite richer than his cousin, Leonardo, maybe that is why Leo is gloating. But I haven't seen Dexter with a woman once. Even when he attended my wedding twelve years ago, you'll only see him with male friends, so, I began to wonder if he was a GAY...? I continued to wonder not until the day Georgina told me he never had time for women but his athletic sport. The guy never had strong eye contact with women since I knew him as my PARTIAL INLAW. Except the direct eye contacts he's giving me today. Making me realize how alluring his well-built body could be.


Hehehe..... I don't want to reverse back into bad memories.

How could it be possible that he ran down to this place immediately after he got the SAD information?

But the bad news is....he doesn't live here in New York but in my dream country, Switzerland.

When he called my name for the third time, I daze out of my deep thoughts, blinking twice. "Sorry, you were saying? Oh hi, nice to meet you again after a long time. How's Switzerland?"

He apparently bullshit my gesture. "He did this to you, huh?" He's talking bout my face. Then, my smile turned off into a neutral face, telling him the YES. "I heard what happened." He started. I sighed. "I'm so sorry on his behalf."

On his behalf?

Dude, you're too precious and gorgeous to be sorry for that bastard's handiwork. He is a monster. And with all the stories and things I've heard about you..... you're nothing just like him. Infact, you're so much better than him.

"You don't have to be." I told him, trying to keep my expression neutral.

"I know I don't have a girlfriend but if a man can do this to a woman...?" He shook his head and lower his tone. "Then, he's not worthy to be called a human being but a beast." I agreed. "Why didn't you walk away? I mean, why didn't you leave? That you have to stay with him to this extent? Living with a man that hits a woman, brutally?" Before I could answer any of his questions, he topped it with something else that froze me. "Anyway, he has succeeded in selling the only mansion he has here in NY. When Aunt told me about the issues on ground, I had to suspend everything and fly down here."

"I'm glad you did." I sniffed my nose. "He does things without telling me. I mean...." I shrugged, chuckling and wiping one side of my eyes. "What is there to tell a nonliving punching bag, right?"

"Hey," He came closer, taking my face in his palms as he wipes my both eyes with his thumb fingers. Our eyes locked for a moment which seem long enough. I used that moment to study his every captivating facial features. Especially, his JetBlue eyes. "Believe it or not, you're an angel."

Oh please, save it with the compliment.

You think?


"Slaves are no angels—"

"And I said you are." He interjected, using an assuring tone.

Okay. Thanks for the little hope.

"Oh, I guess these are the former people in the mansion." The woman faced the man, "Right, baby?"

The man nodded his head.

I took my chances of retorting, breaking the eye contact with Dexter. "Excuse me, you'd believe that this mansion belongs to the father of my kids and you came to buy it."

I felt Dexter hand holding my arm as he tries to soothe me.

The woman narrowed her grey eyes at me, "Pardon me, Mrs. I don't know you and I assume you don't too. Your husband—" She stopped when her husband nudged her too.

"This mansion has been sold to us, Mrs. That's all, so I'll like you pack up your things and leave our new mansion for us." The man stated in an irritated tone.

"Hey, be very careful with your speech." Dexter warned him.

The man mouthed FUCK YOU.

Dexter ignored him after giving him the middle finger of the real FUCK YOU TOO.

"Nylah? Ortega?" I wanted to know if any of them where ready for this unexpected news.

"I already paid them and the other staffs off." Dexter informed me. "So officially, they're not working here anymore."

My mouth parted in shock, yet nothing could come out. So this is it? My kids and I are actually gonna...leave here to where?

My mom won't let me live with her and as I still remember, we're currently not in good terms because of what happened the last time I was at her place.

"I....my.....I can't leave this mansion, this is the only place I call shelter, if I leave with my kids, where would we go? I mean, I just can't let this people take the only place Leo left for us, it doesn't make sense." I try to speak my mind out. That's the truth. I can't just act like I'm okay with what they said.

Dexter tried to calm me down but he forgot that it's never right to tell a woman to CALM DOWN. "I'm taking you and the kids to my place? You guys can live there as long as you want."

I stood... tongue-tied.


Is this a dream?

Mr. Gorgeous asking I and my kids to come live with him at his resident? "But....you don't live here in NY—"

"We're flying in my private jet to Switzerland right now. So get inside, pack up anything your strength can take you, while I take the kids to the car."

"You still don't understand me, do you?" I sighed, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Okay, if you don't want to live with me, I can fix a place for you and the kids here—"


Who spits sugar outta his mouth?

No one, right? I believe everyone likes good thing.

"No," I shook my head vigorously. "I wanted to say, I can't leave my family here while I stay miles away, but since—"

"Is that what you want?"

I bit my lower lip, nodding like a kid with candy. Despite the issues between I and mom....I think we'd sort that out when we get together. Still, I don't want to leave any of them behind. What if Leo comes back and didn't find I and his kids? Won't he go to my family and make their lives a living hell? Despite the debt has been paid?

"Fine. Consider it done."

Geez, is this guy this caring? Why didn't fate bring us together rather than that monster? Why wasn't I forced to marry this guy than his dubious cousin?

I squealed, hugging him so tightly without even knowing. This is actually the first time I've been happy and super excited in twelve years. First thing first, I'm calling grandma Sabrina. They should pack up their luggages too.


Author's Note

Hi guys, one love from WINONA AURORA alias OCEANSIDE614. Just a quick notice to notify you guys that I'll be updating new chapters for twice in a week. The schedule for new week update plans are now MONDAYS and FRIDAYS. Based on too many chores and activities these days, I gat to schedule. That is one chapter per each schedule day. equals to Two chapters a week. Thank you for the comments, votes, add-to-library and power stones. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Muah, xoxo. I love you all. God bless.