20| Medieval fantasies


Hello my amiable readers and sweethearts. How's your day going?

I'll be going for a week trip which would be taking my time and attention for a bit. Remember that your votes and comments is my motivation for releasing hot chapters and your time spent reading my book is my number one priority to keep you entertained and fully loaded so, in that case, I wanna chill you guys up for a bit before I return.

I'll be leaving you guys with heartwarming and mind-blowing chapters that will keep you company for the now while am off and when I return, be expecting new double longer chapters to be released every Saturdays starting from next week Saturday which is April 1st.

I love you all and please don't stop following, voting and commenting my books because they're my motivational vibes that boost my spirit to do more.

Kisses for you all. Muah!


I was in my room, busy watching some comedy skits on TikTok when I heard a knock on the door. "Yes? Come in." I answered without taking my eyes off the funny videos.

Remember, laughter is the best medicine. I'm only just trying to get rid of the fact that Dexter's friends made jest of me downstairs.

Speaking of him, he just walked in. He would last long, don't you think so?

As soon as our eyes met, I adjusted my position on the bed, sitting upright as I keep my phone beside me. "Hi," I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, fighting hard to keep the weak smile.

"Hi," He smiled and I knew it's genuine. "May I?" He asked if he could sit on the bed with me. I shook my head. Why not? There are no couches except for two chairs which are far from us.

After taking his seat, he stare deeply at me, causing adrenaline to run through my veins and blood through my spine in a rush.

Why am I having this feeling? I've never felt this way in my life before. Not even once. It seems like my heartbeat is rating same race as my body too. My heart is pounding so fast like I did something wrong.

Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? These part of me kicking out makes me weird.

"Back there downstairs, I understand how my friends spoke to you and all the naughty shit they said, but am so sorry on their behalf." His voice...so deep and sexy. "They're just being childish sometimes. I already told them few stuffs about you and they too wanna apologize."

"It's alright." My chin turning light pink as I cup them into a smile. "I'm not mad." Ah, Triana, you're such a great liar. Infact, the founder of lies. "And besides, everyone's personalities are different. I left because am.....an introvert."

He slowly shook his head. Ah.....is it?

I continued. "You should know by now, I barely hang around with people, spend too much time together in social gatherings, and I enjoy solitudes. The only person I find interesting whenever am with her is my best friend, Alyssa O'Brien and am sure you'll be delight to meet her."

He didn't gave approval to what I just said. Just a shrug and little smile on his lips, then I realized he's not interested in meeting women.

"Oh no, not what you think, I mean don't get me wrong." I chuckled sarcastically and he gave me a weird look. "Alyssa is already engaged."

He exhaled, still not showing approval as he stood up, tuckling his hands into his front pockets. "Do you mind joining me at my private natatorium?"

What is that and where is he inviting me to?

I've not heard of that before and I'd like to ask but same time, I don't want to sound like a novice person. I proudly lifted my chin, smiling as I followed him.


As we approach the place, the hallway I assume leading to the so-called place is so quiet. But as we go further, I began to hear voices. Someone having a conversation.

But that wasn't what took my attention away. I've never been to this part of the loft yet. It beautiful and sophisticated. The large glass wall surrounded the hallway from beginning to end. I can also see some empty rooms from here and a good view of the backyard and garden.

"Guys, she's here—"

"Ah! Take me away from here. Take me away from this place right now, this minute!" I screamed, keeping my eyes tightly shut.

I felt strong hands holding my arms in panic. "Triana, are you alright?" It's Dexter's voice. "Look at me and tell me. What's the problem—?"

"I said take me away from here," I kept on yelling and screaming not until I felt my feet leaving the ground. He carried me in his arms and took me away from the room in a hurry.

I heard his friends murmuring something in panic as they ran after us.

I was already shaking like I got a cold when he sat me on the couch in the living room. A thick silver-white towel covered my body. It was still a bad moment for me to recall how my body language were when our bodies met during the time he carried me in his arms.

"Okay, please open your eyes."

When I did, ten eyes where already locked in mine. Dexter squatted down right in front of me and I saw the worries in his eyes.

"Why did you scream like that? Was it because of my friends again?"

"Dex, she's not in the mood of answering questions now." Maverick said. "I think we should give her sometime to process things."

"I'm sorry if I startled you guys. If I had knew I was going to see your swimming pool, I wouldn't have come."

"What's with my swimming pool?" Dexter frowned, still misunderstanding.

I looked down, not ready for the eye contact when the words finally comes blurting out. "I have aquaphobia and thalassophobia."

Their brows rose, especially Dexter who was super surprised than them. "Am so sorry I—"

I cut him off, "No, it's not your fault. I have no clue what's a natatorium's called and I never bothered to ask if not...I would have knew it has to do with water bodies."

I've been having this phobics since I was a little child. Large water bodies scared me, especially the seas and oceans. I can't stand the view too long. Most especially if it's a swimming pool and I have to see the bottom so close to the top. I feel I could dip my feet inside to experience the depth.

When I stood before the water, everything I felt, felt like my last days here on planet earth. Racing heart, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, lightheadedness, sweats all over my body, dizziness, I even felt nausea in my oesophagus, running upwards from my stomach, and sense of imminent doom.

Please, tell me how to overcome this fear. It's a trauma to me and I want to get over it before it happens a second time. Who knows? I might be on an adventure and asked to cross a bridge with water below.

Hehehe, I don't think I'll ever make it alive. I'll my end up falling into the water and drowning to death. Maybe in the process of falling, my soul might just leave my body because of anxiety.

"So now that we know little of what you're allergic, can we go play some games?" When my brows knitted in confusion, the red hair woman added, "Something fun and has nothing to do with aqua H2O."


I don't like involving myself in games, mostly truth and dares.

"I quit." I stood up, only me when I was dared to kiss Dexter. Deep down inside me, my heart knows I want to feel the softness of his lips on mine but I don't want to look like the pervert who started it first. I assume he's not ready for this too.

"Dexter?" The ombre blue hair woman called him when he began to scroll his phone. When he tilts his head towards her, she exhaled, "You're to kiss her since she refused."

"And why should I force myself kissing a woman when I don't want to, Charlotte?" Ah, so her name is Charlotte, then what's the other one's name?

"Because you don't have a GF." The red hair woman answered, resting her head on Cyrus's shoulder.

"Somehow," He pointed his phone at her. "You sounded like my mother speaking, Scarlett."

Scarlett raised her brows, resting both hands on her hips, "You know I can never be her Royal highness."

"Royal highness?" I interfered, taking my empty space on the floor.

"Oh, you don't know?" Maverick turned his gaze towards Dexter, frowning at him. "Dude, I thought you said—"

"Yes she's been living with me for only 18 hours now and she knows no shit about it." Dexter's interjected through gritted teeth.

Knows....is there something am supposed to know and its hiding from me? I knew I was right when I suspected something strange about all these royal titles.

When Cyrus and Maverick began to pick on him, he gave up. "Fine, fine, fine, I'll tell her." A deep breath heaved out of his nostrils, then, he looked at me, causing me to melt in his eye contact. His lips pressed as he says the words. "I'm... I'm um..... I'm a duke."

A duke? What the fuck?! I adjusted on my butt, eyes open enormously in shock.

"Hey, hey, there's no need to be scared, okay? I know it's not written on my forehead or crest on my chest like a tattoo. But I always prefer to keep it private and personal." After pausing for a while, he revealed. "I am the Duke of Skakoan, Denmark. My father, the king of kings, his royal highness Empire Zeltron of Denmark and my mother, the Empress of Selkath, Denmark. Isn't it Obvious there are still Medieval fantasies in our modern world?"

My mouth opened and nothing could come out for a long time.

His laughter seized, then, he went further to say, "Sorry you're just finding out about it."

"Why are you still sorry?" My tone sound so low like a whisper, then I cleared my throat. "It's surprising to me." My eyes went to the others, "Are you guys relations of the royal family or you're just the monarch yourselves and don't want to talk about it?"

"I'm Charlotte of mythic plains."

"I'm Fitzroy Cyrus of king Alfred, Pantoran." Cyrus introduced.

"I'm Scarlett of firelight sea." Really, Scarlett?

"I am Maverick Keith sharp pelt. Warrior of starlight harbour."

I'm going to die the next second if I remain in the midst of these people.

Like seriously?


I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm worse than being tongue-tied and confused.

Where are these coming from? Who are these people and why are they still existing with the normal human beings of this world? They're supposed to have their separate world, planet, country and places where people like them do honor their nobilities and respect their titles. Where they'd fight for justice, rights and wars.

No wonder Dexter disguised himself into sport. And why can't I see anything relating to royalty in this loft? Not even a palace guard or security man or even swords, bucklers, shields, bows and arrows hung on the wall.

I can't help it. My head will explode if I process too much. Am just an ordinary stranger in their midst.
