42| I miss you, Miranda.


It's apparently two weeks now since Triana and Dexter went for their pre-honeymoon in Denmark. They used the opportunity to meet with Dexter's parents whereas, the kids are still having a good time living with their uncle, Dave and their maternal family here.

On the other hand, Alyssa has been battling with all the several blind dates she's been trying lately. None compared to the one she had last two nights could match up any either. It's all worse, worse, worse and worse.

First, they'll like her, talk with her, love the flow and keep it going, attend few dates, few chats and then..... chapter close. She won't hear from them again. If she messaged them, they would read her text but still no response. She's getting fed up of doing this blind dating thing. She got so pissed to the extent, she vowed never to go on dates with anyone. After all, she already had a son. Aren't kids the main reasons why people do marry? To multiple the world?

For her, she has played her own part and now, she seeks freedom. She doesn't give her damn to relationship and she don't want to love anymore. All men to her are like disgusting element and she has drawn the line already. After drinking herself to stupor in the city's clubhouse last night, she returned home drunk and smelling of alcohol.

Her mother, Mrs. O'Brien already phoned the father of her son this morning about her behavior lately.

"Where is she?" Dave asked the moment he stepped in.

Disappointed, Mrs. O'Brien blandly answered, "She's upstairs in her room. I think she's sleeping because she won't answer anybody nor talk to anyone either."

Without wasting one more seconds, Dave hurried up the stairs. After taking several deep breaths like he was getting prepared for the witness stand in court, he pushed the door open, softly.

The feminine figure lying lazily on the big mattress cause his heart to melt. She was looking so helpless in that red spaghetti strap dress. Her hair was so messy, covering her beautiful face. She was still soundly asleep, facing the ceiling. Dave carefully let go of the door, causing it to make a little screeching sound behind him as he approached the bed.

He sat at the side of the bed, gently pushing the strands of hair off her face with the back of his hand. Unknowing to him, Mrs. O'Brien was standing by the door watching. Even Mrs. O'Brien was so disappointed in her daughter. It's been a long time since she last saw this side of her daughter. Doing late night parties, drinking, clubbing and all of that. The last thing she expects from her daughter when she wakes up is to request a packet of cigarette with lighter.

The moment Alyssa felt soft hands touching her face, she parted her eyelids a bit but when she realized who it was, she jolted from the bed immediately.

"What are you doing here? And in my room?" Her eyes as sharp as hawk. Before Dave could defend himself in a stammer, she stormed again. "Get out! Get out this minute or I'll call the police."

"Go on and do it!" Mrs. O'Brien chimed in rudely with disgust. "I have your phone." She waved the Android device in the air. "See?"

"Mom! You have no right to touch my things!" Her teeth gritted in anger. And then her eyes diverted to the man sitting on the bed, "And you, do you want me to break your head or something before you leave? Go! Just go, dumbass!"

"Alyssa...." He reached for her arm but she retrieved it so fast. "Why are you damaging yourself? Huh? You left the house last night without telling anyone where you're going and you came back home looking tipsy—"

"And how is that supposed to be your business? Hmm?" She asked, pushing open the locker beside the bed as she took out a pack of cigarette. When Dave almost snatch it from her, she slapped his hands off and lighted it with the lighter.

He helplessly shook his head in disappointment. "You're going to teach our son bad attitudes if you do this, Alyssa."

"Like I care?" She scoffed, blowing out the thick smokes in the air. "You see something, Dave. I don't give a fuck who copy's me or wanna be like me. The worst mistake I ever made was having a son for you. If only I never had a child with you, I don't think my life would have been stuck up in a trap like this."

"Am not depriving you of your freedom, Alyssa." His voice was so soft and tender. It doesn't show the real Dave to Mrs. O'Brien. "Am just trying to say—"

"Say what, Dave?" She snapped before he could complete his sentence. "How you left me seventeen years ago to take care of something we both did together? Or are you trying to explain how you dumped me and went on with your life with another woman?"

Tears was indeed rolling down her eyes but she never cared to show concern so they don't think she's emotional.

She tapped off the bottom of the cigarette and scoffed wickedly before taking a long smoke. "You know one thing, Dave. Am not trying to break your ten years relationship with your...." Quoting with her fingers, "Grand duchess. And I believe you don't want me to either, right? So it'll be best you let me live my life the way I want. For goodness sake, I never asked for her sympathy." She bursted again. "You came showing care after you found out that Christian was your son. I know you're doing this for him not for what we had in the past."

Dave didn't say a word in return. He stood up after holding eyes with her for what seems like minutes.

"Yeah, go away." She mocked him. "Such a shameless man, I regret the day I spread my legs for you. Why didn't I abort Christian when I had him? All this crazy connection wouldn't have come." She murmured.

That word took Dave off guard. He paused on his tracks and turned around, "Repeat that word again and I'll make you regret it in front of your mom."

She laughed nastily. "Ah, you think am scared of you, huh? You think....wait for me." She messed her hair with her fingers before taking out the black pistol in the cupboard beside the bed.

Mrs. O'Brien gasped loudly in shock, running out of the room in fear. To her, her daughter has completely gone psycho. When the doctor told them few months ago that she might start having mental issues because of the incident, they never believed until now.

A wicked laugh left her mouth as she pointed it directly at Dave's forehead, still smoking her guts out.

"Go on. Do it." He moved closer to the bed. "If this is what would bring joy in your heart then pull the trigger and end me now."

Her hand was wobbling and shaking. She shut her eyes but failed. She took the gun up to the ceiling and fired a shot so he knows there's a bullet in it and probably not a fake one too.

The loud scream of Mrs. O'Brien was clearly heard from downstairs.

Alyssa tossed the gun on the bed, turning away from him, "Get out." Her words breaking as tears flow down her cheeks. "Get out!" She shouted when he didn't move an inch. "Just leave and don't ever come back here again you hear me? I don't want to ever see you show your face here again, leave!"

Dave shook his head like an obedient child and politely walked out like a servant.

He met Mrs. O'Brien crying her eyes out bitterly when he got downstairs. His heart broke in pieces seeing the innocent poor woman in pain for what her daughter is going through. He wished there's something he could do to help. But Alyssa has turned into something else. A notorious psychopath. He left without saying anything to her either.

At 11:53pm, he was still fighting hard to get a sleep even if it's just for five minutes. He's been rolling on the bed, yet nothing could cause him to sleep. He tried listening to some ambient music, it didn't work out on him. His face directly staring at the ceiling for hours now. He's been thinking about the chaos that happened earlier today.

Was that really his ex performing today? Was that the Alyssa he knew seventeen years ago? Was that the same woman he once fell in love with? Why has she become so different all of a sudden?

Why these thoughts kept popping into his head, his younger version and Alyssa's back then in highschool replayed in his head. What a lovely memory to get over with. He couldn't believe he was tearing up already until his phone chimed in, breaking him out of his deep daze.

He looked at the caller ID. "Hey, honey, have you arrived? Okay, am coming to pick you."

That hour of the night, he drove to pick her up.

While they were inside the car, returning home, he forced a smile on his sad face, taking the back of her hand to his mouth as he kissed it. "Your flight arrived late, why?"

She blushed by the tickle of his lips on her hand, "I had a meeting with my EXCOs the very minutes am supposed to book my flight." She sighed, clingy on his arm, "The important thing is that am here now, right?"

He pecked her lips and focused on the driveway, "You have no idea how much I miss you, Miranda."

"I know," She chuckled, flicking her hair behind, proudly. "I'm here now, and I assure you, we'll have all the time in the universe to ourselves."

He looked at her, a sweet smile crest on his lips as they intertwined fingers.


The following day.....

"Christian, hurry. The promo would be over if we get there late." Alyssa waited for her son outside the duplex. They're heading for shopping in a thrift store.

In no time, Christian walked out looking all stunning like the world's next eligible bachelor. He grinned from ear to ear when Alyssa rolled her eyes. "How do I look, mama?"

"Oh please, don't let me spank you." Christian followed her behind like guard. "Did you bring my credit card for the movies later?" She asked, eyeing both side of the road for a taxi.

"Sure, I did."

"Hope I didn't forget my phone?"

While she was rummaging her handbag, two people on cops uniform approached them. "Good day, ma'am." One of them showed Alyssa an ID when she lifted her head to them. "We're from the state command."

"Okay, how may I help you, officers?" She questioned, still looking confused. Why would some officers approach her this morning? Hope she's safe?

"Ma'am, you're under arrest for threatening individuals of this vicinity with harmful weapons." Before Alyssa could pronounce the word 'What?' another officer standing behind the DPO brought out an handcuff. "You have to remain silent, ma'am."

As told and instructed, Alyssa zipped her lips and preferred to remain quiet, but Christian wasn't. "What the hell? Get off my mom, now. She hasn't done anything to hurt anyone, you guys are holding the wrong person for ransom!"

"It's alright, Chris. This situation doesn't concerns you. I'll be back later, I promise." She stated, hopefully as the officers gesture her into the car.

Still not liking the false hopes, Christian nodded vigorously. "No, mom, this is not right. This people can't just arrest anyone they bump into. It's not fair." Before he could state his last sentence, the car has already headed for the road. Christian quickly took out his phone from his pocket and began to dial some numbers.


Three hours later...

"You're bailed now." The police officer unlocked the gate, gesturing Alyssa out.

It's just three hours she's been in there but it felt like decades. She's never been to prison, or jail, or even a cell before. But that didn't matter at the moment. She understood what the officer said earlier. She was arrested for threats. And that must be Dave coming to arrest her.

She remembered threatening him with a pistol yesterday morning but would he have been the one to arrest her? Dave would never do such a thing no matter what but yet, it still seem to her that he had the nerve to call the police on her.

The officer took off the handcuffs from her wrist and handed her, her wristwatch. "Your family are outside waiting for you." He informed her rudely before walking away. Even while he was retreating, Alyssa heard him mutter the word 'Such a disgrace'

She brushed it off as she head for the exit door. Getting outside, she saw her son, Christian, his father, Dave leaning against his black range rover and a slender white woman standing beside Dave. That must be his girlfriend.

A light smirk appeared at the side of her lips as she approaches them.

"Mom," Christian sighed in relief the moment he saw her. "I don't need you to tell me how horrible it was in there." He hugged her tightly. "I missed you."

Glancing over his shoulder, Alyssa saw how Dave was busy staring at her in disgust. Arms crossed on his chest as he gives her an annoying glare.

Now, something tells her that it was Dave who reported her arrest.

Christian pulled out of the embrace, "I called dad immediately they took you away." Alyssa nodded with a weak smile, tapping his chin.

Both Dave and the woman beside him approached them. Alyssa couldn't take her eyes off the two couples' intertwined fingers as they came forth. They both look like married couples and she hated the sight of the other woman standing next to him.

"Well done, Alyssa." He took off his dark sunglasses. The woman wrapping her arms around his arm as she lean on him like a pillar. "How many more times do you wish to spoil my name to the world, huh?"

Alyssa's brows curved quizzically. "Sorry, I don't understand. I didn't do anything, I was—"

"You never do anything," He scoffed. "Of course you didn't. But am going to warn you for the first and last time." He pointed a warning finger at her. His eyes dark in anger. "The next time you get yourself involved in something stupid, please don't bring me or my son into it. I don't want you to ruin my reputation and the reputation of our son."


"Let's go." He wrapped his arm on the woman's shoulders. I witnessed the woman turning back at me with deadly glares as they walk towards the car.

"Come on, mom. Let's go." Christian took my hand, gesturing me to Dave's car.

Though, I didn't want to tag along especially in his car. The anger still boils in me and I might lose it. How could he put unnecessary blames on her? Wasn't he the one who called the police on her for no good reasons?

Yes, she admit it to be her fault but it was also his too. Invading someone's privacy, what does he expects?