Chapter 26. RUN

The group of skeletons came at us at great speeds. They had iron armor and some of them were even enchanted.

"Why are they so powerful? This was supposed to be an unclaimed fortress."

I was frustrated at the situation, but I couldn't do anything except run.

Fortunately we were faster than the skeletons, so we didn't get cornered. We managed to get out of the center area onto the huge bridges.

But as we kept running away from the initial group I started to notice another thing that I did not like to see.

On to the other bridges, the normal withered skeletons started to come towards us as well. Whoever controlled them really wanted to trap us for good.

I told my companions what I saw, and their faces paled at the new information.

The first room we passed, we quickly entered and blocked the entrance with blocks, then started to grasp for air.

"We should be safe for now. We can think of a plan to get out."

"Can't you mine through the walls and make another path that won't have enemies on it?"

Blue suggested that to me.

That sounds like a good start, so I started to break one block from each wall beside the entrance.

What we found was not to our liking, two of the walls led to a free fall in the lava while the last one led to another bridge that was starting to get filled with skeletons at the moment, of course, I closed that as quickly as I opened it.

"This is not good, we can't mine a tunnel out of this and we don't have any striders' milk to just jump in the lava lake. Any other ideas?"

"We could-"


A noise interrupted Blue from continuing his idea. The noise was something that run shivers through our spines, it was the sounds of blocks breaking.

We looked at the source of the noise, and to our horror, there was a cracked pixel on the barricaded block at the entrance.

"How is a monster able to brake blocks!? T-this fortress is wrong in every way possible, does anyone have any ideas how we can get out of here?"

We looked at each other for a moment, and I looked quickly through my inventory In hope to find something that could help us.

"I got something. Everyone still got the invisible potion right?"

Both of them nodded in affirmation.

"We can drink them and try to walk through the confused crowd. But that would be too risky since at one wrong move we could just get a debuff and give out our position."

"So what's the plan then?"

"Well climb onto the roof of this room, we'll have to be careful not to be shot by an archer. You two will drink the invisibility potion and while I distract them you two will run out of this place. Once your far enough I'll drink mine and try to meet with you outside the fortress."

"What do you mean you'll distract them? Are you trying to get yourself killed, you won't even survive long enough for us to leave this place in the first place. It's a stupid idea!"

Bobby turned down my idea quickly.

"I'll normally agree with you on that, but I have something that can help me be invincible for a few minutes."

As I said that I took an item from my inventory and showed it to them.

"A golden Apple? I know that they are very rare and can give you powerful buffs. But I don't think they are enough to make you invincible."

Bobby looked impressed and confused I'm the same time at the apple.

"This is not a normal golden apple, this is an enchanted golden apple or a God apple. I found it in one of my expeditions in an ancient desert temple. Long story short once I ate this thing I'll have regeneration, absorption, resistance, and fire resistance. And as if this wasn't enough I'll also get another 16 HP besides the base starts."

Both of them looked at me with an open mouths in shock.

"How does such an item even exist?"

"No wonder is called a God apple."

"Yes, it's a very rare item that even I'm shocked that I managed to find it. But back to our original plan. I'll eat the apple and start running in the opposite direction of when you two would run, once I think you two went far enough, I'll jump into the lava, where the fire resistance will protect me, and I'll drink the invisible potion to get out of the lava unseen. Just to be safe we should meet at the last place we camped."

Once they understood that it wasn't a completely suicidal mission, they accepted the plan.

I built a staircase to the ceiling that I just broke and told them to drink the potion.

They did so and I also prepared to eat the apple, but not before telling them one last thing.

"Oh yeah, if I don't return in one hour that means I'm dead and you should just retreat home."

"" What!""

I couldn't see their expression since there was nothing to see, but I could hear the shock in their voice. And before they started to respond to my statement I ate the apple and jumped into the swarm of deadly skeletons.

Only after a few bites, I could feel the buffs taking effect, I felt stronger, faster, and more resistant than ever in my life. I felt like I could take on the world and win.

The skeletons seemed taken back by my sudden arrival, but not for long before they started to swing at me.

I raised my shield and stopped what I could but I was literally surrounded so I was still hit.

"Let's hope I'll still have armor by the end of this."

Even though I took damage, I could also feel the super regeneration keeping my in full health.

But even with that, I couldn't stand there and just take it, so I pushed what I could with the shield and ran in the opposite way of the exit. It just so happens that it would get me more deeply into the forest and less likely to be able to jump in the lava which was not a good sign.

The skeletons were right behind me ready to take my life. Fortunately or unfortunately all the monsters were sent after us, so while I did walk into the heart of the structure, there weren't any enemies in my way, only behind me.

Different rooms were running past me, I saw some gold blocks, armor stands with diamond armor, and even an enchanting room. But I couldn't go in any of those while being chased much less to loot them.

While I felt invincible after I ate the apple, I started to get tired really quickly from all this running, and all of the sudden the hallway came to an end. And at the end of a hallway was a room, but a different room than the others that I saw, the walls were made of iron blocks instead of the usual nether bricks, it looked like the most important room in this whole place, and I was rapidly approaching it.

"Well, it's now or never."

I entered the iron room, turned, and blocked the entrance with two rows of brick blocks.

"That should take them a while to break in."

"Yes indeed, it would take some time."

In horror, I quickly turned to see who spoke.

The room was not too big but was fully made of iron, in the center was an empty frame portal, and beside the portal were 5 wither skeletons.

And not any ordinary skeletons, every monster was equipped with diamond armor, some had diamond swords, others had crossbows but the fifth one was the most unique one.

The skeleton was taller than me, which didn't say much since every wither skeleton was already taller than me. But this one was even taller than them, the skeleton was four blocks tall, with a black crown on top of its head, and his eyes were purple instead of the emptiness like the others. And of course, it had a diamond armor, but it had to be different from the others, it had to be fully enchanted.

"I have to say that I'm surprised mortal. I did not expect to be attacked from this dimension. I thought I'll be visited by my friends through this portal."

He said while pointing at the empty portal.

"I don't think it's healthy for your bones to stay in constant stress of when the portal it's going to open and pour out enemies."


The skeleton king started to laugh at my joke which made me more uncomfortable than relieved.

"I must've been isolated for far too long that I even laugh at bad jokes like those. For making me laugh I'll make your death painless. Get him, my minions."

As he said that, the arches started to fire their arrows at me without hesitation.

I didn't just sit and took them, I blocked them with my shield which started to wear down from the constant stress.

After they finished the first row, the diamond warriors were next to attack me. I did not want to test my sword skills with them, so I kept running in circles around the room and used my crossbow to shoot the armored skeletons.

They didn't even bother to dodge or block the arrows, they just let their powerful armor tank them like it was nothing.

This was not a good sign for me, I was starting to get tired and the archers didn't sit there and just watched, but kept shooting arrows at me.

I needed a plan and a fast one.

"Hey, there king! How about we fight just the two of us, I'm sure that your bones grew moss from all the time you've spend here. If I win, I get to live, if I lose I'll let you kill me."

I said that while blocking a sword incoming. I then rolled and swung my sword at its legs, which didn't do anything because of the diamond armor.

"Hmm, while what you said is true, I don't see a reason to take a risk and kill you myself, when I could just wait for a few more minutes for you to get tired and let my minions finish the job."

That didn't give me too much hope. I had one last offer before I was out of ideas.

"What if I'll open the portal for you, if you win."

I raised my shield again for another attack. But this time it didn't come, actually, nothing came my way. I look around in confusion only to see that every skeleton just froze in its place.

The skeleton king moved from his place for the first time. I could feel the pressure rising with every step he took.

He kept coming closer and closer until he was just one block away from me.

"Do you speak the truth mortal? If this is a lie, I'll make you wish you were dead"

He said that with a heavy voice that rung through the whole room.

"Y-yes of course. I always keep my promises, and you still haven't defeated me yet."

"Ha! I admire your guts mortal, I'll remember you once I'll take over the world with my armies."

He then positioned himself into an attack stance.

"Ready when you are mortal."

"I'm rea-"

But before I could finish my sentence he threw an ender pearl at me.

I quickly ducked as the pearl flew over my head, then turned to face my enemy only to be greeted by a diamond sword that went through my armor.

The diamond sword was too sharp, and my armor was not enough to stop it. I felt the burn through my abdomen, I took heavy damage, and I could feel the withering debuff starting to affect me.

I quickly jumped back and covered my fresh wound.

"Huh, you're more lively than I expect from such a heavy hit. I did see some particles around you that I didn't recognize, those must've been more powerful than I expected. But how long can you keep up with this?"

He said that while running towards me. I quickly took my crossbow out and shot at him.

He then stopped in shock, what came towards him was not a normal arrow, this one made noise and had smoke at its tail. But before he could dodge or block the firework hit him in the chest.

He flew backward from the knockback and hit the ground hard.

"Yes! Take that you bone monster."

But I didn't get to enjoy the moment for too long before another ender pearl flew from the particle bomb.


Even though I rolled in the opposite direction from the pearl, he seemed to anticipated that, and stabbed my leg.

"I have to say mortal, you did surprise me with that weapon, it's the first time I've ever seen one like this in my hundreds of years of life. Not even in the great war I saw something like this. But it's your loss, keep the end of your deal and I won't torture you."

He said while pointing the sword at me. I could feel the regeneration fight the withering effect, and it could keep up, but not for long, I could feel that the effects of the apple will soon end, and the withering was not too keen on leaving me anytime soon.

"O-ok, I'm a man of my word."

I then used my sword to get up and support myself while walking toward the portal.

The skeleton king looked closely at my every move. I took the flint and steel from my inventory and lit the portal up.

The process of the portal opening started, and the skeletons got on their guard for any danger. Once it was open I could see what was on the other side.

It was an identical room to the one we were in with the exception of looking like it was blown by a few blocks of TNT, I then quickly went to the other side.

"HaHa! I can't believe it, you've actually done it, after hundreds of years, I can take my ravage over the world! As a reward, I'll take your life without feeling pain."

He said that while slowly walking towards me with the sword in his hand.

I didn't give up yet, I took the last firework from my inventory and started to load it into the crossbow.

The skeleton stopped in the obsidian frame and started to inspect the room with curiosity until he saw my actions.

"There's no need to struggle anymore mortal, while your weapon is powerful, it's not something that can kill me, do you know how much that arrow damaged me? Just two hearts, and those already healed! Just give up and embrace your death mortal, I'll make a fine soldier out of your corpse."

I finally finished loading my crossbow and looked at him.

"Who said that I wanted to hit you?"

And then fired the crossbow.

The king looked in confusion and then horror when he saw where the explosive went. He tried to move but it was too late, the firework hit the corner of the portal.

For the next moment I saw how reality started to bent unnaturally , and then the portal closed with the king screaming in pain.

He was cut in half by the portal, the diamond armor didn't stand a chance, his head looked at me with hatred and while his purple eyes started to fade he spoke one last time:

"C-curse you mortal."

Then the eye sockets went black.

I started to grasp for air, I was too tired, and the adrenaline started to fade, I just sat down to rest, the lights started to fade, and my head started to get dizzy.

I fell asleep on the floor from exhaustion.