Chapter 66. Lord of monsters

POV: Zombie Lord

In the beginning, there was Nothing, but for the existence of Nothing there has to be something to exist, it felt in its very nature.

But Nothing was selfish and didn't want to share anything with a creation that defied it.

It tried to fight against its very nature but in the end, decided to give in. But not without cheating the system, Nothing created the Void.

It was just an extension of it, so it's nature was satisfied while it's domain remained only to it.

Unknown to it, the Void got smarter and stronger until it created life on its own.

Nothingness started to panic but it was too late, like a self-fulfilling prophecy everything was in balance and a universe was created.

But this universe wasn't satisfied with what it had, the Void wanted to consume more, so it invaded other dimensions.


My eyes were open, the void was running through my veins, and power unimaginable to any creature was at my fingertips.

I was better than any of my lower siblings. I was blessed by the void, to do what no other being could.

Destroy this cursed world.

Suddenly a voice in my head started to speak, I could feel the power through every fiber of my being.

Servant, I brought you here to destroy this damned world. Don't disappoint me!

"Of course oh great goddesses! I shall bring the glory of the void in this reached place!"

Good, go my servant, my patience is running low.

With that last word, I felt the pressure leaving my body, finally letting me observe the surrounding area.

I was in a cave, filled with darkness. It gave a comfortable feeling, very similar to the void, and I could see everything without a problem.

I got up, my head almost reaching the ceiling of the small tunnel. I looked around and saw that I was around five blocks tall, and this space could bearly hold me.

Suddenly a fellow brother appeared right beside me, he had green skin tattered clothes, some flesh missing from here and there, and looked with curiosity at me.

"Fellow brother, guide me to the exit of this cave, and let's conquer the world together!"

He still looked at me for a few good minutes, before giving me a painful growl while looking lost at the walls of the cave.

"Not the smart kind I see. No worries brother, the void will use you as well to spread its power, be thankful for such an opportunity to achieve something greater than you!"

My brother didn't seem to be too interested in what I said, but he did look at the source of the noise.

Suddenly another two appeared beside him.

That was weird, this is not a normal process of my brother's apearing, it's too fast and too close to each other.

I looked around to see what was the possible source for this, until a block caught my attention.

It was more like a cage, with the model of a zombie head drawn on top of it. Inside was a floating dark flame that gave an ominous aura.

But I'd didn't scare me, it actually drew me closer to it, I could feel the void everywhere around it, so I came closer and touched it.

Immediately I felt a connection coming together, I knew what it was and what it could do. I knew this was my life and without it, I would cease to exist. I also knew that it could created more followers for me to use for my mission.

My hands were together in a praying position, and with a loud voice yelled at the void.

"Thank you for such blessings oh great goddess, nothing will be wasted!"

I then went back to the caged block and sent some power to it, it took from me like a desert absorbed the cursed sun, endlessly.

The more power I put in, the more followers came to my aid, soon I had one hundred only around me.

"Search for the exit, and when you find it come back to me, otherwise I don't want to see you here."

They all moved along the tunnels with a clear goal in mind.

The Spawner, as I understood through the bond, told me about my powers. I could jump high, I had great regeneration and strength, in my presence the sun had no power and I could control zombies.

It also told me about my brothers as well, they were dumb but could follow simple commands, I could control the ones that spawned naturally but I didn't have the same control as the ones made by me. My range was pretty big, so my plan was to make an army and march against the world.

With the power of the void, nothing could stand in my way.

One fellow brother came back, which means the exit was found.

I lifted my hand from the Spawner, already feeling like something was missing from me, but I had a sacred mission that couldn't be delayed.

"Bring me to the surface fellow brother."

With a low growl, he slowly led me through a few twisted tunnels before we finally arrived at an opening that showed something truly terrific.

The rays of the sun push the comfortable darkness towards the deeper parts of the cave.

"What a cursed phenomenon indeed. Can't wait for the great goddess to get rid of it once well take over."

I made a few steps forward and let the uncomfortable feeling wash over me. I didn't feel the weekend, only a little weird, but that shows the blessing is working.

"Join me, brother."

The zombie gets beside me soon, while he growls more often, he's otherwise fine.

With this confirmed, I got back to the caves, where my precious Spawner waited for me.

I made more followers, but as time passed, the place started to get crowded so I had to order them to go to the surface. Since they still followed my command they wouldn't burn under the sun.

My body didn't need rest, food, or water, so time passed by me but all blended together. I wasn't an inferior being like the living.

I'm a champion of the void, I AM UNDEAD!

Finally, after an unknown time, the only thing I could hear was the constant growling of my brother and sisters.

"Silence! It Is time to take over the world, prepare to march!"

Like a machine, everyone left with me at the front.

The sun was high in the sky, annoying me and my fellow followers, but it wouldn't be for too long before it would lose its powers.


Days passed and nothing stood in our path, unfortunately, we hadn't found any settlements to destroy, the only thing that I saw was green trees and running rivers.

Suddenly a baby zombie came to me at great speed.

"Did you find anything, fellow brother?"

I only heard a growl instead.

The decision to send my fastest followers as Scots was a genius idea.

It's been a few days since I last sent the group, but the results are starting to show.

"My dear followers, we have found sentient life, time to brink it in our own ranks!"

A collective growl was heard from the whole army, and it marched towards the way the baby came from. Leaving only the skeletons of dead animals.

My power does help my fellow followers walk under the sun, but it drains a lot from me. Until I found out that if they feast on living flesh they can resist longer without my guidance.

So whenever we passed some lowly animals, I ordered them to eat everything, which made me use less of my power to protect them.

Another day passed and in the middle of the night, a light dared disturb its presence.

We finally arrived at a settlement, it was a small one surrounded by some wooden fence. Beyond that, I could see a few small houses but no activity was seen.

"The weak flesh of the living can't handle life without getting constant sleep. Such lower beings. But fear not, for soon you shall join us. March my army, spread the Void!"

Everyone started to move towards the buildings but suddenly stopped once they reached the fence.

"What are you doing? Jump that stupid thing!"

They all tried to jump one way or another but nothing seemed to work.

Noise started to appear from the settlement, a few people with big noses came from their houses to see what the commotion was all about.

But once they saw our greatness they screamed in terror and fear

Some of them started to run while others barricaded themselves in the house.

I walked towards the fance to see what was the problem and saw the world working against us.

Sure it was only a block tall but an invisible force seemed to stop my army from passing.

"This won't be enough to stop our glory!"

I easily stepped over the annoying barrier, too weak to fight against me.

And I punched one of the wooden poles with my immense strength.

Cracks started to appear on the pole, and after one more punch, it was completely gone.

The wall was breached, and my followers started to pour in, slowly but eager to feast on the flesh.

I broke a few more places in the fance so it would speed up the process.

Not too long after, the place was filled with the undead.

Terrified screams were heard across the village, screams of pain and begging quickly followed.

But it was no use, they either became one of us or got eaten too quickly to transform. It was a brutal process but a necessary one.

All the houses had their doors broken, but some of them had bloks blocking the newly made entrance.

For those I needed to personally come and break the blocks, so my followers could finish the mission.

Suddenly I heard a scream and then my followers started to catch on fire.

I looked to see who dared to fight back, only to see a person in a ring of fire, with a Flint and steel in one hand while the other held an iron sword.

While under my protection the zombies didn't burn under the sun, that doesn't mean they're immune to fire, so the fire circle was quite effective.

My followers walked towards the warrior, catching them on fire, and when that happened, their instincts took over and looked for a place to cover, which resulted in spreading the fire towards the others.

I had to intervene, otherwise well take embarrassing losses.

"You destroyed my village, I'll take you down with me even in my death!"

The man kept putting up more fires if some of them died out, and whenever someone ran towards him, he used his sword.

But he froze when he finally saw me.

"W-what are you!?"

"I am your salvation, rejoice you'll soon join us!"

I stepped over the ring of fire, it tried to burn my undead flesh but my regeneration was too powerful to overcome. The fire was extinguished under my step.

I was three blocks taller than the man who looked in horror at me.

My hand was almost touching him when by instinct he slashed it with the iron sword leaving a decent cut.

But it didn't last for too long before it healed like it was never there.


He tried to run but I already caught him, and under my immense strength he couldn't move anywhere.

I didn't need to scratch or bite him for the blessing to spread. I just send the power of the void through my hand and into him.

He fell on the floor trembling nonstop. His mouth screamed in pain as his skin fell off and a new healthy green appeared instead.

It was a quick process, but a painful one.

Now he was one of us, he got up and looked at me.

But his look was different from the others, his look was filled with hateread and resentment.

He had a light of intelligence in his eyes.

"Well this is interesting, can you speak?"


It was a short answer combined with a growl, but he was already better than everyone here except for me.

This was an unexpected development, but a welcomed one.

"Tell me fellow brother, where are we?"

"We are at the edge of the Stone Kingdome."

He said every word with hate.

"Good, do you know where the next settlement is?"

I could see him trying to fight back the answer, but my power was greater than his willpower.


I smile at our new find guide. And with authority in my voice, I gave the next command.

"Lead us to it."

His face fell into horror, he tried to fight against his new master, but the void itself blessed me. A mare zombie couldn't do anything against it.

With a forced steps, he walked towards the wilderness.

The undead army soon followed him.