Chapter 90. Preparing for the hunt

I was once again in front of Elder Flora but this time I wasn't in her study room but something of a living room.

There were two big chairs with red cushions on top, which meant it was a custom item, but it made me wonder how they made it two blocks tall.

The chairs looked comfortable and faced a fireplace that was already lit. Unfortunately, I don't know what blocks were used as fuel since I didn't pass the big flames.

Around the room, I could see a few paintings with people that I didn't recognize even some interesting banners which made me wonder if it had any meaning behind them.

My observation of the room was interrupted by the Elder who was already sitting in one of the chairs quite comfortably with a drink in her hand.

"Trader, I heard you disappeared for a few days and got everyone worried."

"I'm sorry Elder Flora, I tend to forget about the notion of time when I'm working on a project. And I didn't realize that I was gone for that long."

"It's good that you're such a hard worker, but try to remember that our bodies need resting as well. From what I was told you were out for two whole days."

I didn't say anything since I was quite embarrassed already.

"Was there a reason for my calling Elder Flora? "

"Oh, I see you know how to be polite as well. The reason for my calling is that your group will be leaving in three days, do you think you can finish everything until then?"

Three days?

I think I can pull it off, the hardest part is already over, I only need to craft and enchant it right now.

"Yeah, I'll manage to do my part in time."

"Good, I spoke with Brutus and he agreed to let you use his enchanting table."

"That's great to hear, could I bother you with a request of mine as well?"

"I'm listening."

"Could I have a few empty books?"

The smile seems to freeze on her face for a few seconds before giving a sigh soon followed by the empty books that I requested.

Since each piece of equipment needed to be enchanted separately, I needed a lot of books. So this request if mine was pretty costly.

But what kind of Elder would she be if she wasn't willing to make a few small sacrifices for her Clan? So I got the books free of charge of course.

With that, I left her big fancy room and got back to work. I guess she wanted to hurry me with the project but didn't expect to pay a price for it as well.

Once I got home I spent the rest of the day writing enchantments since I needed to make over 25 of them and that would take some time.

I even considered using the printing method, but unfortunately, I couldn't make the wooden letters as good or as fast as the Fletcher did at the Sandstone Palace.

So I had to stick with the old-fashioned way of writing by hand.

How unfortunate.

Since everything I knew was level 1, that means that I'll only need to write one page per book, which is not bad.

Also, the number of books I got is sufficient for me to make more than one enchantment on some item's, so the armor will have Protection 1, while the swords will have Sharpness 1 maybe Unbreaking 1 if there are some books left.

The rest of the day passed and the pages were written, the first step was completed.

"Good thing that I put the ores to smelt, otherwise who knows how long it would've taken before I could start."

But the moon was already high in the sky, and I didn't want to spend another night working nonstop.

It's very bad for my mental health and I won't be ready to go on the mission if I'm tired.

So after one last check at the furnace room, I went to bed to get some well-deserved sleep.

The next day after a good breakfast I started directly on crafting.

Since I had all the items in my inventory, everything went smoothly and I finished all the crafting after two hours.

"Finally the annoying part is done. Now I only need to throw the books at the enchanting table and I'll be done."

I also made an anvil and put it in my home, since I didn't know if I get one at Brutus' residence.

With that over, I went to see Brutus and his enchanting room.

I had to ask a few Witches for directions since not everyone had big homes like Elder Flora.

Soon I was in front of a wooden house similar in style to the others, just a little bigger.

This surprised me since I expect all the Elders to live in huge houses.

I knocked on the door gently and got back waiting for a response.

No response came even after a few minutes, so I knocked once again but with a little more force this time.

Finally, the door was opened and a grumpy Brutus was there to greet me.

"Oh yeah, you're supposed to visit me soon. Come in and don't make a mess."

Without saying hi or how are you, he went back into the house where I followed him

I was ready to take out my shield and sword at a moment's notice if it was needed.

Inside everything was made of wood and gray carpet, there were no paintings on the walls, but I could see some potet flowers here and there so it didn't look too bad.

At the back of the house, there was a spiral staircase that went down, and Brutus was already on them.

"So he also has a big house."

We didn't go too deep, but it was enough for me to know it was under the swamp, so everything was lit by lanterns on the walls

There were two rooms in front of me, both of them locked behind iron doors, and unlike upstairs which was built with wood, here it was decorated with brick stone, it felt more like a dungeon than a cozy home.

Elder Brutus took out a lever from his inventory and placed it beside the right door, which was open with a loud noise.

He entered the room without looking at me, so I took a sneak peek at the door on the left, where I could see that it was a storage room without any signs on them.

Since I didn't plan to rob the poor old man I followed him in the enchanting room.

It was a lot smaller than I expected, and a lot less decorated than what I'm used to.

Everything was made with BrickStone and the wooden shelves were in the middle.

Of course, the most important block was placed in the middle of everything and gave a faint light before opening a floating book towards me.

"How did you get the Enchanting table?"

"I didn't, it was my predecessors. Now get to work and leave so I can continue on to my day."

Not one for small talk I see.

But if the old man wanted to live his life I wasn't there to bother him, so I went towards the enchanting table to feed it some lapiz as fuel.

Brutus seemed to watch my every move with great interest but didn't say anything.

I fed the enchanting table enough for what I needed so I started to throw books at it one after another.

Its magic was working once again after who knows how many years, and soon I got a glowing book back in my Inventory before another normal book took its formal place.

I looked at the floating letters that rushed towards the new book trying to decipher the high-grade language of the enchanting, but unfortunately, there was nothing there that I could understand.

Unbenonce to me Brute seemed to get more impressed with each book that I threw at the enchanting table that didn't fail.

That means that I knew what I was doing and wasn't just a beginner.

Soon the Protection books were over and the next ones were the Sharpness ones, and after the third book I saw something different, not all the letters were similar to the previous enchantment, so that means that the process of enchanting was not the same for every book.

But soon enough I was out of books, and my deal was only to enchant in this place, so I took everything that was mine with me and looked back at Brutus who still seems to be distracted by the Enchanting table, like he was hypnotized.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your Enchanting Table, Elder Brutus. I finished everything so I'll leave."

His attention was interrupted by my voice and looked back at me.

"Ah yes, you know the way out there's no need for me to guide you."

That was a bit rude, but I didn't say anything and just left the house, I knew when I wasn't wanted.

After Brutus made sure that I was out of the picture, he went to the back of the enchanting setup where there was a chest.

He opened it, still working perfectly even if not used in decades, and from within he took a normal book.

With a small fire in his eyes he went toworks the Enchanting Table that still had some fuel left.

He threw the book like Trader did dozens of times like it was nothing, but instead of floating like Trader's did, it just passed the enchanting table and hit the floor.

The small flame was once again extinguished like so many years before.

He was not an enchanter anymore, he was a lowly Witch.

Without saying anything he went back upstairs after closing the door. He needed a strong drink after this.


I was back at my house with all the ingredients ready only needing to be hammered together since that's how enchanting works.

I took an iron chest plate put it on the anvil slot together with a Protection 1 book and let the magic happen.

Sounds of a hammer hitting metal keep ringing in the air before suddenly stopping leaving only a glowing chest plate on top of the anvil.

I put it in the chest beside me and put the new pieces of equipment on the anvil, which was slightly broken after one use.

I kept going like that until the anvil broke with a loud sound leaving behind pieces of iron on the ground.

"Good thing that was the last sword. Let's give it to Elder Flora and get this over with, tomorrow were supposed to leave anyway."

Just because I could, I also made six armor stands and took them with me. I knocked on the door of the big house and the humble servant was the one to open the door.

"Hi there, I'm here to drop a delivery, if you could sign here that would be lovely."

I presented him with a piece of white paper on a book and he was too shocked to understand my joke.

But then I realized that there's no such thing in this world, but surprisingly the servant still wrote his name.

"I'm sorry Sir Trader but Elder Flora is not home, if It's something urgent you can leave the delivery with me."

"Sure, let me get it out."

I then walked inside the house not too far away from the door and put all the armor stands down before putting the set of iron armor on top of them.

It was much harder to do it than in the game since I had to manually put them on, the wooden hands was pretty flexible and had FINGERS to hold any tool or item.

It was interesting to see fingers in a world where everyone can hold stuff with their fists.

With my job done, I left the house saying bye to the servant who still seemed overwhelmed by the sudden delivery.

It's not every day when you see such an expensive package delivered.

It was still day outside and I didn't feel like going to sleep or working more so I went to see how Froggy's training was going.

Who knows, maybe he found a secret talent that he didn't know he had.