Chapter 127. I can help you

I looked at the three people who had a defeat look in their eyes and couldn't help but try to help them.

"You don't have to give up yet, we can build another compound somewhere else, we can recuperate our strength and get revenge on them."

"How can we do that, when we can't even craft iron tools to protect ourselves? And even if we did manage to find another safe space, it would take too long and we would lose our minds from lack of brewing!"

Elder Flora yelled which took me by surprise.

This is the first time I've seen her lose her cool, and she seems to realize this as well as her expression quickly changed to one of shame.

"Flora, Trader is right, maybe we can buy some brewing stands from the city, actually we don't even need to do that, we can contact the Royal Family to get their help for this."

Flora only looked more tired after this and gave another sigh.

"And then what? We just changed our owners to the Royal Family instead of the Piligers. I don't think they'll be charitable enough to help us without some strings attached, especially after the stunt we pulled. But maybe you're right, we can send some witches there to buy us some brewing stands for us to use. Otherwise, I don't think we can easily buy some in the underground market."

It was a lost cause no matter how we twisted it.

They had to find a new place to build their homes, one without the protection of the mist, and even if they did manage to do that, they would live a very primitive life for a while since they couldn't craft useful items, and that's not touching the fact that a witch has to brew a portion every few weeks or they will go mad.

But someone had a different look on their face, Froggy was looking at me with big eyes hoping that I had a solution to this problem, and I could only give a big sigh.

I have a solution for them, I can easily bring them back to their former glory, and even the enchanted wall can be rebuilt if I take enough time, but that was a lot of investment on my part.

While they weren't exactly my friends, I grew fond of them, and I can't leave my friend Froggy in depression after he lost so many of his people.

So I was going to help them, I was going to open up my secret base.

"I can help you."

Suddenly Froggy's face was full of hope, while the two Elders looked at me with confusion.

"Trader I know you have an astounding ability to break blocks faster, and a high level in the Crafting Skill, but even with all this, it would take you a long time to gather materials for over twenty people."

Anastasia tried to rationalize what I just said.

"There's no need for me to gather any materials, I already have more than enough to take care of more the a hundred people."

This seem to take everyone by surprise, including Froggy who didn't expect this answer.

"I don't know why you have a base filled with so many resources, but I'm sure it's very far and dangerous to get to. Are you sure that's feasible?"

"It's not that far, actually it's right here in the Clan."

The two Elders seem to be confused, but Froggy seems to have an idea of what I was talking about.

"I know you've been mining for a few days, but the Piligers must've taken everything, so I don't think you have too much to share unless you have a secret stash."

Elder Flora resounded confused, and I could only smile at that since I had more than a simple stash.

"Follow me, but I'll tell you this from the beginning, I made this without any malicious intent towards the Clan! So don't jump to any conclusions when you see it."

Everyone seemed to be confused by my statement but nodded their heads and followed me.

Once I arrived at the water we all stopped.

"Oh yeah, since we are so many, I should make a bridge there and I'll also have to change the entrance, wait here."

Before they could ask more questions, I took out some dirt blocks I picked along the way and made a bridge toward my secret entrance.

Once I arrived there, I stopped and made an isolated area that would lead to my hidden door and replaced the water with dirt blocks before breaking it, leaving only air behind.

The entrance was finally visible, so I yelled at the others to come, and when they arrived a look of surprise was across their faces.

"Why is a door underwater, and how long has it been there?"

Anastasia asked a very valid question, that I didn't plan on answering.

"Ok let's get down, and don't forget your promises!"

We went down the deep ladder until we arrived at my secret base, and everyone was shocked to see it.

Froggy was the first one to check on the chests and was getting more and more excited with each chest opened.

"Elders, with this we can start a whole city!"

Soon the two ladies joined him and looked through all those chests and couldn't believe their eyes.

Soon all eyes were on me waiting for an explanation.

"Those are too many items that we don't even have, so you couldn't have stolen from us, how did you get them?"

Elder Anastasia quickly accused me, which I did not like.

"That's a very rude assumption, I didn't steal anything from the Clan, I only found a ruin while I mined and took everything from there."

"And you didn't think of informing us about it?!"

"I'm sorry Anastasia, but I don't remember having an agreement on sharing what I find or craft with you, and the ruin was way off the Clan's territory."

"All of those resources could've helped us fight against the Piligers!"

Anastasia shouted back, which made me angry, and I could see that my friend Froggy tried to calm her down, which made me a little glad that he didn't blame me for this as well.

"From what I was told, the problem wasn't the Piligers, but the Elders that betrayed you by letting them in. Even if I did give you what I found, it wouldn't have helped you, it would actually be worse since then you wouldn't have anything to bounce out of."

This made her shut her mouth and clench her teeth.

She knew she was in the wrong, she knew I didn't need to help them, but now she was in grief and her emotions were a mess.

That was the only saving grace for her, otherwise, I would've taken everything with me and left through the Nether.

Flora didn't seem to judge me as she looked around my base with some awe, and I could see a light of hope coming back to her eyes.

"So this is where you kept disappearing those days, no wonder I couldn't get anything on you. With all of those riches in here, you can retire for generations and still be hidden from the world."

She looked through some of the other rooms, such as my farming room, and Violets room, but stopped at the Portal room.

"Is... Is that a portal to the Nether?"

"You know about it? I'm honestly surprised."

"I've never seen one, but my predecessor did tell me the source of the nether warts. I'm surprised to see it with my own eyes. You are getting more mysterious Trader, who are you?"

I should've closed the portal before they got here, I don't want anyone to be tempted to explore this part of the Nether at that moment.

It's too hot with activity.

"Wait, what is she talking about Trader? Why does it sound like those red blocks are more special than it seems?"

Froggy quickly butted in confused and Anastasia was focusing on the portal as well.

This made me realize that I didn't introduce Froggy to the Nether, but at the same time, a lot of stuff happened in a short amount of time that I forgot.

"Those aren't some simple blocks Froggy, actually the obsidian frame is an illusion. No matter how much you move, you don't see the walls in the other room. Elder Flora, what is this Nether?"

Flora only gave an awkward laugh.

"I don't know too much either, the only thing I remember, is that it's another dimension and that a lot of brewing ingredients come from there."

"A new dimension?! Just under our Clan, do you realize how much danger you put us in Trader? What if someone were to invade us through this? Also, how did you break the obsidian block, I thought it was unbreakable."

Anastasia didn't know what to feel anymore, amazement, fear, anger, curiosity. And Froggy wasn't too far behind her.

"Do you know what dangers the Nether have?"

"N-no, but from the looks of it, I don't think it's that peaceful."

The Elder stumbled in her words.

"You are very correct on that note, but there's no need to worry, the portal is well hidden, and there's no one in this world who knows more about the Nether then me, only its inhabitants know more and that's not by a large margin."

"Is this how you escaped death?"

Froggy asked confused, which made the others look at me in shock.

"No, those two are separate. Although this dimension has the nickname of Hell. But enough of this! It doesn't matter what I did, or how long this has been going for, what's important is that I can save the Clan with the materials that I have here, and I'm willing to help."

This made everyone silent as they accepted the truth.

"I'm sorry Trader, you're right, you don't have to help us, but you choose to share your resources, which we are more than grateful for. I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

Elder Anastasia gave a sincere apology and bowed down, which made me feel better to be seen as a helper instead of a criminal.

"Sure thing, I can't leave the people of my friend going extinct, plus it's not like you can take too much from here anyway."

The materials they need most where the iron tools, and the materials that I use are mostly unrelated to them so it's not like we have problems with resources.

Plus, they would also need my help with crafting since they won't be able to do it on their own, especially the brewing stands.

Those are the true life-saving items.

"Now that we have one problem solved, we have to decide on what to do next, do we rebuild this place or search somewhere else?"

Everyone got serious as we talked about the logistics of everything.

I pitched my ideas, and some of them were taken better than others.

They weren't found if building a sky base, or a floating island, it would be too time-consuming and dangerous.

They were also surprised by the fact, that I could repair the wall if given enough time, but we scraped that idea as well because it all depended on me once again.

"No matter where we would build our Clan, we would have the same fundamental problems of looking out when the next attack would come. I propose we take the underground base option, gather our forces, and attack the Piligers so they know not to mess with us anymore."

Elder Anastasia said in the end, and it seems to resonate with Flora and Froggy.

And this decision was probably for the best, they didn't want to leave this place, and the sky would be too dangerous to build on, or the walls would take too long to be repaired.

But underground, I don't have to do a lot of trips towards my base, and I don't have to work alone in this, since everyone can mine and it would be less dangerous than dangling dozens of blocks in the air trying not to fall off.

This project would take a few weeks, even with my help, but we were all determined to finish it, and then get our revenge.

"Ok everything is sorted out, let's get the others now."

Flora spoke at the end of the meeting and we all nodded our heads.

It was time to get back to the surface."