Chapter 146. Piliger POV

POV:Unknown Piliger

The moon was high among the clouds, the animals were sleeping comfortably in their barns and the humans did the same in their warm beds.

But the only ones still awake were guards around the castle tired from all the training they did in all day, they were so tired that they couldn't see how floating particles passed beside them like the wind.

We walked along the tall hallways with silent steps soon arriving at our target.

Two guards with enchanted diamond armor stood at a wall of iron with stoic expressions ready to defend the Royal Vault with their lives.

We didn't pass the corner since they were trained to see any abnormalities on sight, and while we outnumbered them with ease, we weren't strong enough to defeat them without alerting the whole palace.

But there was a solution for this problem, one that no guard would expect to see.

"Time to start the plan, summon the demons."

I spoke in a low voice, but everyone could hear me.

Right as I said that, one of the Evokers that was with us started to chant something in a language that I couldn't understand, it was a short chant and I could feel my skin trembling as a ghostly form came into being.

It was one of The Mad Scientist pets that was lent to us, I could feel

Its malice in its dark eyes, ready to take a life, and the invisible potion didn't seem to work on it.

It was a Vex.

So I took out two dark potions from my inventory and handed them to the Vex.

"Order it to go through the walls and splash them on the guards."

I couldn't see or hear when the Evoker did the command, but I saw how the little demon walked through the walls like they weren't even there.

A few seconds later I heard glass breaking and the two guards fell down.

Before we could arrive at the sleeping guards, the Vex took an iron sword out of nowhere and decapitated the two sleeping men.

This wasn't part of the plan, but I wasn't against it since nobody was alerted.

I ordered the Evoker to send the demon away otherwise it would alert the whole castle about our presence.

He did as I asked and I looked over the two guards inventory.

There I saw some powerful weapons, and potions that increased their focus while they worked.

There I also saw a lever that I recognized to be the key to the Vault, so I quickly took everything and started to place and move the lever until finally something managed to click and the iron wall slowly disappeared, revealing the rows of chests filled with riches beyond our imagination.

Blood ran through my veins as I was so close to fulfilling our goal, so with a smile on my face we started to take what was more valuable in here.

Armors, tools, items and much more were disappearing in our inventory and I could feel the excitement of everyone around me.

Soon our inventories were full of the items requested for this mission and much more.

I took some Redstone dust and placed it on the ground making a huge line that was getting away from the vault, the others broke the window and threw an ender pearls as far as they could quickly disappearing.

I placed the key of the vault at the end of the red line, threw my pearl, and flicked the lever that ignited the blocks of TNT left in the vault.

Right as the Vault was about to explode, I felt my stomach being pulled and then I was in another location.


Explosions were heard throughout the Castle waking everyone up.

We didn't wait to see how the chaos ensued as we quickly left to get as far away from here until our pearls would be broken, bringing us back to the main camp.

POV: Unknown Piliger

We were in the middle of the desert, the moon was high in the sky, and the lack of warm light made for the perfect ground for monsters to spawn.

We, the people abandoned by the System were not targeted by them unless we started the fight, so our only obstacle was the four blocks in the middle of the desert.

Those four blocks were made with sandstone that could easily be overlooked in the dunes of sand around us, and we were a few hundred blocks away from the capital of the Sandstone Kingdom.

From what our spies told us, here was their Royal Vault.

Hidden far away but we'll be guarded, and we want to rob it blind and destroy everything that's left.

I called the two Evokers towards me and asked them to summon the little demons, and soon the two gray beings were here, ready to cause some chaos.

I gave them some potions, and soon they disappeared into the ground.

Thirty seconds later they came back with bloodied swords and a satisfied smile.

While it wasn't what I expected, it was still a signal that the guards at the entrance were dealt with, so we took our tools and broke down the secret entrance until we arrived at an obsidian corridor.

We all stopped, drank our invisibility potions, and went deeper into the vault, ignoring the three guards who lay dead on the floor.

The corridor split into three ways, but we continued to run forward like we've been here thousands of times.

One block at the time it went deeper into the ground until we had to stop since we arrived at the entrance of the Vault and two guards with enchanted diamond armor stood there.

We stayed at a reasonable distance and sent the two Vexes to use another batch of potion for them, but just as those little devils were about to knock them out, one of them rolled out of the way while the other tried to fight against the potion effects.

"Quickly, drink some milk! Who's there, who dares attack the Sultan's Vault?"

Both of them were running towards us ready for attack.

This was not a plesent outcome, but we took our loaded crossbows and shot rows of fireworks towards the two soldiers like the intruder did to us a few months ago.

Firework after Firework blew them further away from us, almost killing them on the spot.

But right as they were about to get up, two small figures came out of nowhere and killed them before they could realize what just happened.

"Brutal, as were the rumors, quickly let's take what we need and leave this place before the others would come and check the noise."

We quickly got to the golden door and started to break the blocks with our enchanted pickaxes, and a few minutes later we were In a golden room, surrounded by chests that were placed on the walls easy to see.

"Our time is running out, take what we need and leave the explosives behind."

Everyone ran to take Redstone equipment, rare blocks, and a few riches before placing blocks of TNT all over the vault.

"Now let's leave."

Everyone quickly left except for me, as I made a long line with Redstone dust and placed four repeaters dield all the way back and turned it on before running away like never before.

But just as I was about to pass the splitting point of the long corridor, I saw a soldier with enchanted diamond armor looming over three soldiers dead on the floor.

"Oh, someone else stayed here, I'll keep you alive as prisoner."

Like the wind, she ran towards me, grabbed me by the neck, and lifted me like I was nothing.

Her hand was like iron and no matter how much I kicked her she didn't seem to feel anything.

"How many of you were sent, where is your camp, who told you about this location?"

But before I could say anything, a huge explosion was heard deep into the vault which made her freeze.


The I felt something stabbing me from behind and slowly my life was slipping away.

The last thing I heard was more yelling from the armored woman.

"Those little demons, they killed my pris-"

POV: Ronny the General

The sun was high In the sky bringing warmth to everyone who stayed in its mighty rays, everyone in the Stone kingdom where shaken by what happened last night and lived in fear of when will the invisible enemies attack next.

I left the safety of our temporary cave an looked at the sun high in the sky and yelled back.

"Brake the pearls of our silders and bring them back with their spoils spoils!"

The man who followed me turned around and ran to fulfill my command, bringing 16 soldiers back from their successful mission.

"Why are there only 6 of you? And where is your officer?"

"Sir! We report that we were caught as we were leaving the vault and only we escaped Sir!"

This mission wasn't a complete success, I intended on robbing their vault and blaming it on the Coral Kingdom so more chaos would spread throughout the land, but it wasn't a total failure as now we have all the necessary materials for our next plan.

"I'm sad to hear that, we shall take a day to mourn our losses and tomorrow we shall celebrate our victory!"

Everyone cheered while others were saddened by the loss of their friends.

We spent the rest of the day thinking about all the soldiers we lost along the way and the next day we celebrated all the victories we had because of them.

On the third day, we put our plan into action, and built 10 staircases 200 blocks into the air, on top of them we built a huge platform where everyone could stay comfortably and there and underneath we built a complicated mechanism that would move the platform in the air with the help of pistons, slimes, and honey.

After 10 days of trial and error, we managed to recreate one of our ancestors projects which brought a yell of victory among the soldiers as the platform started to move through the air.

The flying platform was slow but consistent on its way, because of its size, we left a huge shadow on the surface and sometimes monsters managed to spawn underneath it.

Days passed and slowly the other Nations realized what we did, but didn't know why we did this, as our flying platform wasn't going towards a big city or it's capital, instead we were slowly flying along the borders of both nations not doing anything.

But after a month of no other attack they finally realized that we were heading towards the Coral Kingdom, and to my surprise they didn't seem to know about our arrival as we passed their borders without being stopped.

This was good news as we soon arrived at a village.

"Everyone, I know you're getting bored after spending so much time in the air but no more, since today we shall let our frustration loose. Look at the village below us, I don't want to see it anymore."

The soldiers looked with confusion at me before smiling realising what I ordered.

I stopped the flying platform, and everyone moved on the edge where they placed blocks of TNT before lighting them up.

Soon the village was was blown up and nothing remaind there, only a huge crater where the village stood previously.

The soldiers cheeread at their victory and let out their frustrations that accumulated over the past few months.

After everyone was done, we continued our journey through the air and destroyed every village that had the misfortune to aper on our way, but after two weeks, we had to stop and get off our platform since we could see the army of the Coral Kingdom waiting for us.

They made a huge platform in the air with canons pointing at us, ready to take us down.

But with the help of our spyglass, we managed to see the disaster before it could hit us.

So with the help of water, we all safely landed on the ground and moved preparing for the next step of my plan.

The Coral Kingdom will soon be under my hand.