Chapter 165. A way home

That sounds like it's human fault no matter how I look at it.

And this is from the perspective of humans!

I wonder how it's from the System perspective?

"Is this historic record made by you or another human?"

This was written by the historian James Holumns who made great waves in the history community, but is widely accepted as the truth by the organization.

So they had a few people who seemed to look at the situation without bias.

Now, the question is, how powerful can this System get, and can it help me with my final goal?

"How much of the ancient knowledge do you have in your storage?"

My storage system was designed to hold all the information the Organisation had.

"All of it?! Does that mean you have all the Crafting and Enchantments secrets from that time?"


This is it, this would make me the most powerful person in this world, no nation can compare with what I have here!

It's such a shame I can't put it in my inventory like a phone and carry it everywhere with me.

"Can you lift the curse of the Witches and the Piligers as well?"

Yes, I can lift the curse of the Witch but I don't have any data in my database about Piligers. The curse is only lifted as long as they stay in my domain.

I keep calling them Piligers so often that I forgot that their original name was Iligers, I'll change that later.

And it seems that the fake System is powerful enough to change what the real System did, only temporarily, but still good nonetheless.

"Can you also remove the Skills restriction?"


I'm sure Froggy and Bobby would be happy to hear that.

"How can I increase your range or power?"

To increase the range and power, I need more resources given to me by sacrificing items in the Sacrifice room.

So that's what that room was for?

"So you need inanimate objects, not living beings right?"


"Can you give me a list of the top items that would give you a lot of energy?"

Suddenly a black tab appeared in front of me with green text.

Loading list...

-Netherite block: 2 years

-Diamond block: 1 year

-Soulsand block: 1 year

-Lapis block: 10 months

-Gold block: 9 months

-Iron Block: 8 months

-Redstone block: 6 months

-Coper blocks: 4 months

Press for more>

Why is everything written in time instead of energy or distance, what is this?

I pressed the green button and saw a longer list with all kinds of items, but most of them gave a few days or weeks at most.

"Why is everything written in time instead of power?"

That is the energy used to constantly fight against the System's domain, once it's gone I'm also losing territory.

"Then how are you going to replace the System if you need a constant supply of finite resources? I don't think we can build a dome over the planet."

Building a dome would be a preferable outcome, as I could take energy from the sun, but that is not feasible in the near future. I was programmed to find the physical body of the System and take over its source of energy or over the System itself making me evolve.

Does the System have a physical place?

Where on earth would that be?

On the moon?

"Where is the location of the System?"

Insufficient power to give an answer.

So you're pretty much useless in that regard.

"Is there a way to help you find the location?"

With 2.000 years of power, I can scan the whole planet and deduce an answer.

That would be either 1.000 Netherite blocks or 2.000 Soulsand blocks, the answer is pretty clear in my mind.

"So if you have enough energy, can you make anything?"


"How about if you need to find a new dimension?"

I need to get a rough direction to start the research, such as energy, items or souls.

I think I can help with the last one.

"Cool, fake System do you have human intelligence or maybe something beyond? Do you feel emotions?"

I do not possess real intelligence, I was only programmed to calculate huge amounts of data and mimic human thinking, but not capable of replicating emotions.

So you're a computer from beginning to end, it shouldn't be able to betray me.

I hope so at least.

"Is there anyone alive with the same authority as me?"


"Can I request for my information to be locked so only I and you have access to it?"

You can.

"Good, I will take off my armor now and let you scan me. If you dare betray me now, I swear I'll come back from the dead and destroy you."

Research shows that there's no way to come back from the dead.

"I wouldn't count on that my friend. Now I'm commanding you to not betray me or any information about me to anyone. Understand!"

The command was implemented.

Good, this is more of a gamble on my part, but I can't find a way home without showing something for it to analyze.

So I took off my Netherite armor with the exception of my helmet.

Please remove your helmet to have a complete scan.

"Can you get all the data necessary to search for a new dimension by scanning my soul?"


"Then let's keep it like that for now."

A black tab appeared in front of me once again.




Using more energy so scan.


Scanning complete.

The error text scared me for a moment, but looks like everything turned out to be fine.

"Did you find anything System?"

I should call it by a different name or I'll get confused when I'll get out.


Your body seems to be constructed similarly to humans with a few exceptions. Your skills don't seem to be restricted and have an additional one, you have a larger inventory than the average human, you can place and break blocks three times faster. Your body seems to be created with void energy which was the result of the ERROR, but the process was similar to the one used by project 'New Life' just more complex.

Your soul does not belong to any dimension in my database, but I can track the coordinates if sufficient power is provided.

Did I hear this right?

I can go back home to my family and friends?!

"How much power do you need!"

200.000 years of power.

My soul was in the ninth cloud only to be grabbed by reality and throw into hell.

How I'm supposed to get 200.000 blocks of Soulsand?!

Even if I raid every bastion and tribe I don't think I'll be able to gather half of it!

There has to be another way.

"Is that the only way to get to that dimension?"

I am not capable of teleporting you to that dimension, only find its coordinates.

So all of that power would only show me where to go not how or if possible?

"But you can create a portal there, right? That's how the ancient people found out about Nether and The End."

Insufficient data, cannot give an answer.

Well, that's just awesome!

But it's the only clue I found to get back to my home world, so I can't toss it aside no matter how expensive it is.

"Is there another way of getting more power besides those blocks?"

Analyzing the data and generating other solutions...

The black tab appeared in front of me with its green text.

-Find unknown items that have high power. (Low chance)

-Reach Level MAX in Crafting and request a high-energy recipe. (Low chance)

-Reach Level MAX in Enchanting and request a power-generating enchant. (Medium chance)

Only 3 other options I see.

And all of them with various degrees of success.

"How many items do you have registered?"

Over 500 items have been registered throughout my creation.

I think there's more than that in the game, so maybe I should search for them.

"How much energy would an Undying Totem, Nether Star, and Bacon give you?"

I'm sorry, I do not have those items registered in my database so I cannot answer.

Well even if they do give a lot of energy, it's not a common item I can find, which leaves me with the last two options.

"Fake System, I'm going to call you Alexa from now, and you'll respond to that name."

Command registered.

"Good, Alexa, show me the fastest way to reach Level MAX in Enchanting."

Preparing instructions...

Then a black tab appeared once again.

-Level 6 Efficiency 3. tap for more info-

-Level 7 Vein Mine 4. tap for more info-

-Level 8 Unbreaking 5. tap for more info-

-Level 9 Magic Resistance 1*. tap for more info-

I tapped on each level and it gave me the pages that I had to write down.

It was an amazing treasure to find, feeling the power just by looking at their name!

Vein Mine and Magic Resistance are top priority!

"Alexa, do you have an Enchanting room where I can Level up?"


"Can you make me one?"

Not enough energy to grant such a request.

"That's a shame, looks like I'll have to leave you to get all the necessary materials to max my level."

I would like to make a request.

That took me by surprise since I didn't hear Alexa make any requests except to take off my helmet.

"I'm listening."

Take the Allay with you to be my eyes and my mouth to keep connection over long distance.

"If you can that, then it would be awesome! I'll come next time with a load stone to navigate through the Nether. I don't want to go missing for 2 months when I want to see you."

Opening a new folder studying the new way to the Nether. Have a safe trip, and gather as much precious material for my expansion.

"I'll do what I can buddy."

With that finally done, I got out of the Exam room and checked the other rooms.

Unfortunately I couldn't find anything of value that wasn't part of Alexa, and when I asked her about the empty chest in the Storage room, she told me it was used to create the liforms outside.

With everything done, I decided to get back to the surface and get to levelling and Mining some ores.

I'm going to be very busy in the near future.

I was back at the gate I broke a few hours ago, and saw that It was opened, with the exception of the obsidian blocks I used to get here.

Beyond the door was a wall of water that stood in place not trying to get inside like normal water would do.

Alexa also requested me to brake the obsidian blocks, since it was interfering with the door.

Unfortunately that meant that I had to place back the Netherite blocks, which quickly disappeared like the rest of the door.

I looked back at the Allay only to see that it changed. It was bigger, cuter and had a blue crown over its head.

I had to change the Allay so it could survive harsher environments.

It still looked cute so I didn't have a problem with the new changes.

I turned back towards the water and got in.

The door quickly closed behind me, leaving Night Vision to do it's job.

Since I didn't have the trident with me anymore I could only swim with my hands and legs, which was more tiring and took longer.

But after an hour I was back at the ship, with the sun passing half of the day.

The ship was surrounded by dead guardian's, and as I broke to the surface, water froze around me making me unable to move.

Before I could start to panick, I was picked up and teleported on the ship, feeling invisible arms embracing me.

Looks like Violet came to pick me up.

"Thank you for that, I really needed it. Also, thank you for helping with the fight, it couldn't be done without you."

The embrace got stronger so I decided to stay a few more minutes like this in silence.