Chapter 188. Fight!

POV: Mad Prince

I sat beside the newly built cage and looked at the upcoming fight.

All the surrounding Brutes were chanting 'Fight!' constantly like this wasn't a normal thing to them.

Those people are the Diamond Squad or apprentices who are about to join the squad, so all of them are battle maniacs who enjoy fighting more then anything, doesn't matter their status or race.

That is why the Diamond Squad is the most popular since they tend to have the most battles of all the other squads, making a prime attraction for crazy powerful people who are easy to control.

Of course, the leader has to be someone more powerful than them or they wouldn't follow your every order, just respect the royal blood.

Good thing that I was both.

In the middle of the circle were the fighters, my second-in-command who didn't want to tell me her name because she wasn't 'worthy' of being remembered, and the new toy that recently arrived.

I have to say, from the short meeting I had with him a few hours ago, I thought he would sneak up to save his friends, not approaching me like this.

He must know how much the Brutes love to fight so he challenged me to a duel.

A stupid choice if he was anyone else, since I'm the strongest warrior in the Nether, but from his last explosion he isn't the type to fight fairly.

So that means he has the plan to win or distract us in a way where the two monsters can escape on their own.

There could be another person with him, but the chances of that are pretty low, so that means the floating creature is supposed to do something since the potion I threw at the Enderman should keep him knocked out for a few days.

The two fighters stood face to face with their weapons out and ready for my signal.

I raised my hand and quickly waved it down.


Trader shot his weird arrow at my Second, and she decided to block it with her shield while getting closer to the enemy.

This seemed to be a mistake, as the arrow exploded killing the momentum of the charge.

Everyone yelled in excitement at the new weapon, but instead of taking the opportunity to attack the stunned woman, he started to build a tower under himself getting himself further from the battle.

This was the second time I've seen him doing this, and I still can't believe he can place blocks so fast.

If he wants he could build a cage around a person instantly, but why is he getting so high?

Does he plan on running away once again?

No, we still have his friends, and it would be stupid to run away now.

Once he was about 10 blocks high, he stopped and took out his crossbow to reload it.

How silly of him, my Second wouldn't fall for the same trick twice, especially at that distance.

Before he could shoot his explosive arrow, Second shot her arrow at his head.

In response, Teader moved his head slightly making the arrow bounce off like it was nothing.

His armor was truly interesting, and I suspect it's even stronger than the diamond which I never heard about.

The Overworld must be more dangerous than anticipated.

Trader finished loading his crossbow and shot towards Second, but as anticipated she dogged to the side.

What we didn't expect was a second crossbow already loaded shooting toward her next position.

But the tower was too big and in that distance, Second had enough time to doge once again with no damage taken from the explosion.

Then she was hit, but not by an arrow or any other weapon, but by a fishing hook?

Everyone was taken by surprise, and the next action he made shocked everyone.

Trader pulled the fishing road but instead of the string snapping, Second was lifted off the ground and was rising at great speeds.

Soon she was in front of Trader but not for long as she kept going up before slowing down and coming back down.

That was a dangerous fall.

Even with her enchanted boots, I don't think she'll be able to continue fighting if she hits the floor.

Unfortunately for Trader, it's not easy to be second in command, especially in a group of Brutes that only respect strength.

I could say that Second was the most powerful warrior in the Nether after me, and that was no easy task.

Second was confused at first so hight in the air, but after some quick thinking, she took out an Ender pearl and threw it at the ground.

Trader saw that but wasn't able to stop her Perl, instead he took out his sword, and righ as she passed by him he manged to land a hit before Second disaperead and landed in one piece of the ground.

The whole Squad started to cheer after such a show, this kind of fight was never seen before, it was so weak but so exciting, you never knew what to expect next, making this an entreining fight.

Second was shocked, she managed to avoid the fall but still took some damage, unfortunately she couldn't afford to take her eyes off the enemy becose he also threw a Perl at the ground.

Once he aperead she quickly rose her shield ready for any incoming attack, it was more defensive then usual but it was a safe choice.

Or so it seems.

Instead of attacking her with a weapon, he used his fishing road once again.

Second tried to get the hook off her, but the string seemed indestructible no matter what she tried.

Trader pulled the road and she was forced towards him once again, then he took another Perl and threw it at her which she quickly slashed by instinct.

That was a mistake, as soon as the the Perl was broken he aperead right in front of her with his sword ready to swing.

Second didn't have enough time to block or dodge, so she took the full attack head on.

It was heavy and the next second she was on the ground with a big wound.

But Trader didn't seem to fight gently with her, becose he used the road once again to get her closer to him before stabbing her in the stomach.

"Stop! Trader has won the fight."

Silence was all in the crowd as the duel came to an abrupt stop.

Then everyone cheered and ignored that the one who lost was supposed to be on their team, but that's the life of the Brutes.

The fight was very entreining from beginning to the end, and Trader has a dangerous fighting style.

It's a good thing that Second fought first, others I would've been taken by surprise with his choise of weapons.

Ignoring the cheering crownd on the side, I got closer to Second and lifted her in my arms to get her some healing.

"I'm sorry Boss, I failed the task given. I deserve death for this."

"Hush Second, your fight wasn't worthless, I got some entertaining out of it, now eat the golden apple and get well. I think Trader is about to pull something off."

I layed her on the bench and gave her the apple.

Then I turned towards Trader who was sitting down getting some rest.

As promised, I'll let him have as much rest as he needed since I wanted to have an interesting fight as well.

But first, let's check the prisoners once again.

The huge enderman was still asleep, and unless someone is going to feed him milk without chocking him to death, he would stay like that for a few days.

Next was the flaoting creature, every time I looked at its general direction I felt an unexplainable hatread towards it, like it was the worst enemy I ever had.

I had to consciously fight against this instinct so I don't accidentally kill it.

Maybe I should use the other potion on it so it wouldn't be able to do anything as well.

No, this potion is better used for Trader in case he is close to winning.

I know the chances are low, but with an enemy like Trader everything is possible.

I looked at the flaoting monster wondering how it would escape from the cage, in the end I couldn't figure out so I decided to put a leash on it once again and build sturdier walls instead of fences.

I looked at Treder to see any reaction, but because of his annoying helmet I couldn't see anything, so I decided to rest before my fight.

After half an hour, Trader seemed to had enough rest and was ready for our fight.

This made me smile with excitement as I took out my favorite axe.

Let's see how you'll win the fight this time Trader.

The other strated to chant their favorite word, and Second was the person the give the signal of the fight.


As soon as I heard that word, I sprinted towards him at full speed, but he chose to place an obsidian block down.

I quickly realized what he'll well do next and I rolled towards the block.

As expected, he placed the wierd item on top of the block and punched it while raising his shield.

This was the same attack that nearly killed me last time.

But while it was very dangerous I discovered a fatal flaw to it.

The explosion seems to spread only from the level of the item and above, so when I rolled towards the obsidian block, I took almost no damage.

This took Trader by surprise since his next weapon wasn't his sword instead it was the fishing road.

I didn't waste this opportunity and hit him with my axe.

The attack was heavy but his armor seemed to absorb most of my damage, making him only take a step back.

This is not enough.

I raised my shield and pushed myself against him, then I threw the shield at him before throwing a Perl towards my next location.

Behind him.

As soon as I teleported, I swung my axe at his head only to hit air.

It seems that the shield didn't work since he used a Perl as well to get out of the situation, what a tricky opponent.

Unfortunately that was the end of my constant attacks.

Now he was far away, and he took advance of that by quickly building another tower.

But this one not so tall as the last one.

Next was the fishing road, and he threw it at me, and landed a hit.

This took Trader by surprise since he didn't expect ill let him hit me so easily.

But I wanted to try something first, and when the hook got me, I grabbed the string and tried to pull Trader down.

It kind of worked, but not as much as I expected.

I didn't managed to pull him down, but I did managed to make him loose his ballance.

I should be able to work with this.

The hook was still on me, so suddenly I felt a force dragging me towards the tower, but it was weaker then what happened to Second.

Looks like my stunt has done more then make him loose his footing.

But playtime is over, I don't think I'll learn anything new from him anymore.

I took a Perl out and threw it towards him, but right as it was about to pass him and land on the ground, I shoot an arrow breaking the Perl right besides him.

I was now on top of the tower with him.

He was takeng by surprise by my sudden aparenace, so it was an easy task for me to swing my axe and bring him down to the ground.

Just as I was about to jump after him to deal a finishing blow, I started to noticed the Brutes getting more ruthless then normal.

I looked at the direction the commotion was about and to my shock the Endeman was awake and destroyed the cage.

Then he took the blue monster with him and teleported away.

How was thar possible?

Who woke him up, how did he brake the chains?

No, that wasn't important, what I needed now was to capture Trader before he'll disaperead as well.

As I looked down at the tower, I saw him laying on the ground not doing anything.

I couldn't see his face, but I could feel that he was grinning like a winner.

But he celebrated too early for this, so he didn't move fast enough when I threw a potion at him.

Just as the potion took effect, he suddenly disappeared.

Looks like we are back on the hunt.