Chapter 208. Feeling the fresh air

When I opened my eyes I was back at the portal In the Overworld.

"Well I'm back and alive, so I'll take this as a plus. Now let's get the new item."

What I chose was too costly for the System to create, that's why I had to give up the rewards from the other 2 skills.

But it was very worth it, even though it was expensive to make.

Funnily enough, I had to use all Skills to complete this item, but luckily for me, they already existed in this world, so my wish wasn't wasted.

First I need to make a conduit, and for that, I need to heart of the sea which is an item found only in a treasure chest in the game.

But since I'm at the pinnacle of the Crafting skill, I can craft one on my own.

I already have a catalog with all the unique items Alexa has in its storage, and from what I remembered, I needed 4 blocks of diamonds, 4 blocks of lapis, and one seashell in the middle.

I went into my chest room to get the necessary materials, only to see a sign in the middle of the room.


Dear Trader.

I needed a few materials to level up my Crafting skills, sorry for the sudden announcement, I promise I'll pay you back later.

From: Merry Paper


"What do you mean you took a few items to level up?!"

I ran towards the chests and checked their inventory, and to my horror, everything was gone!

Or at least everything of value was gone.

Diamonds, iron, gold, lapis, potion ingredients, and much more were all gone from my precious chests.

"Who could've done this?!"

The sign said that it was Merry, but I didn't believe a word of it.

First of all, Merry knew my location all this time, if she needed some items she could've asked for them directly from me.

Not only that, she doesn't even need my help with sponsoring her with materials, since she has good connections with the royal family in the Stone Kingdom and the Pope.

And last but not least, the materials that are missing are the precious items and rare ones.

Merry already knows I have Alexa and the shortest way to max out any skill.

But the items that are missing, showed that the person who did this would try to brute force itself all the way to the end.

That's just a waste of resources.

And there was only one person who knew me and Merry, and the location of my base.


That thief!

I'm sure Merry didn't tell him the location of my base, but it's not hard to find if you know where players tend to hide their secret stashes.

It didn't help that I made it so huge, so if you dug down enough, there's a high chance you'll find it.

And sure, he died one time because of my mistake, but this is too much.

And he's trying to frame Merry for it as well!

What a devious man. I have to make him pay for this, after all, he did say he'll pay me back.

But I'm now broke no matter how you spin this tale, and with how many items are missing, means he's been back here a couple of times.

What should I do?

I still need a few precious items that I don't have, and I don't feel like going on a mining expedition just for them to be stolen again.

Just in case he'll be back for whatever reason, I'll put a sign of my own to warn him of the dangers of robbing me.

Let's say I don't mind him being on equal hearts as me.

But I still need a lot of items for my craft.

Luckily I had an emergency stash in my Ender Chest, but I'll only be able to do one part of the Crafting recipe.

When I made the request, I already knew in my mind how to make the item, which made this very convenient and scary to think about.

It was a big gamble on my part to meet the System so defenseless.

I had an emergency plan, but I didn't know if it would work in the first place, so I'm glad it didn't get to use it.

I placed the Ender Chest down and took out a few diamond and lapis blocks.

From the other chests, I took some redstone, wood, and a sea shell.

The recipe for the heart of the sea was simple but expensive.

- 4 Blocks of diamond, one in each corner

- 1 seashell in the middle

- 4 blocks of lapis in the rest of the squares

The second item I could make was the Storage block.

This was one of the most essential items for Alexa, and it had the role of storing the energy from all the blocks absorbed.

The recipe is:

- 1 Redstone Block in the middle

- 4 Chests in each corner

- 4 Diamond blocks in the rest of the squares

A black block with blue lines all over the place aperead in front of me.

This bad boy could store up to 1.000 blocks of soulsand worth of energy.

And the best part about this is, I can make it even better by Enchaning it.

But for what I wanted, I only needed one enchantment, and that was 'Absorption'.

This enchantment is supposed to make the Energy Storage block, easier to draw power from.

For the next item, I needed to speak with Solomon to make his famous 'absorption' potion as well.

It would take a while to get all the necessary items, but it was a good thing since I also had to go on a shopping trip.

I haven't seen the sun for a few months after all.

I dearly miss the grass touching my feet, and a cool bath sounds amazing as well.

I took everything for granted until I didn't have access to them.

But now I learned my lesson, and I'll enjoy this dimension some more.

"You know what, I've been constantly training and suffering for the past few months, I should do something more fun, not stressing about getting revenge on Daniel or rushing to finish this item."

I wanted to visit a few places, relax some more, and have some fun in the Overworld.

That's what I promised myself after all!

With the new plans in mind, I loosened my shoulders and went towards the surface.

The water elevator was nice and relaxing, and even stayed for a while before drying my clothes.

Once I was out of the castle, I didn't have my armor on since there wasn't any need to hide from the System.

And I wore it too much in the Nether to get the cooling effect.

I tried making an enchanted bracelet with Solomon and Blue, but it was hard to make something that's resists the rough life of a Pigling, and be cheap.

That's why that project was paused until we found a better solution.

As soon as my armor was off, I could feel the fresh air and warm sun on my exposed skin.

"This feels so nice...I think I'm just going to lay down on the grass and maybe take a nap."

Of course, this action would be reckless if I didn't do it in the garden.

After all, I could oversleep and be attacked by monsters at night.

That would be a stupid way to die.

But in the compounds of my walls, there wasn't any place where a monster could spawn from.

Even the Spiders, didn't have a chance at scaling my walls.

After all, it was defended by some trusty showmens, that would throw off any unwanted guests.

It's a shame that it doesn't attack thieving players since I would've enjoyed the thought of Daniel getting hit in the face with a snowball.

I choose a lovely spot in my garden and fell asleep in just 10 minutes.

Once unconscious, I dream about flying through the world, seeing new biomes, abandoned ruins, and different kinds of villages.

After 2 hours, I woke up feeling sore all over my body but with a refreshed mind.

That dream, put fuel in my adventurous heart, making me think of exploring the destroyed continents, just to see what it has.

I had to slap my face to get out of that trans.

This wasn't the time for me to get distracted!

Now I had to concentrate on preparing for the final battle!

But everything would be too slow if I was going at this pace. But this dream gave me an idea of how I could solve this and get a new adventure.

For that, I needed 2 horses.

The sun was still up in the sky, so I had ample time to look around the base and see if there were any animals.

Just as I was about the leave, I suddenly felt that my soul was getting hit by something, and I quickly recognized what it was.

"That cursed System! It didn't take the curse off me at all! I still can't stay in the Overworld."

I was beginning to take more damage, making me panic.

Since the effects begun to hit, that means I have to run towards the Nether portal.

Even if I put my, armor or bracelet on, I would still take damage since I was marked.

Without hesitation, I run back towards my secret base, losing more hearts on the way.

This was the first time I was annoyed that the bubble elevator wasn't fast enough.

By sprinting all the time, I arrived in the Nether with half a heart left.

As soon as I felt that I was safe, I ate a golden carrot after another.

"Phew, that was way scarier then anticipated. I think this is the System's way of getting revenge on me."

While I did say that it needed me to defeat the Wither, the problem was in the Nether dimension, so I don't 'need' a reason to stay in the Overworld.

What an annoying System.

Isn't it supposed to be a machine?

Why does it have the concept of grudge?

Now I had to choose between wearing armor or a bracelet!

The Anti-System bracelet is so powerful that it filles the slot for the chest plate, but at the cost of making me defenseless most of the time.

At least it had similar function as the Netherite armor, since it doesn't only hide me from the System, but from everyone as well.

You could say it does a better job then the armor, since even if your looking for me specifically I won't be found.

We had to make a neckles so it would make this effect weaker for Bobbys wedding.

In the end I chose to wear the armor, since I preferred it that way.

While I was down here, I also made a few speed potion, saddle and took some wheat.

I drank one potion and went back to the surface to look for horses.

And I was lucky to find a group an hour away from my base.

"Jackpot! There's 4 horses."

With 4 horses I could breed another 2 generations right as the newborns are grown.

I got closer to them without my armor, which still made them cation, but when I showed the wheat in my hand, they became friendly very quick.

I feed one each and tried to stay on their back.

Some of the let me while others were very against it.

I didn't know if I tamed them, since no hearts came out like in the game, and when I tried to put a saddle on then they didn't like it.

I tried to lure them to my base with the wheat, but they didn't seem to interested in doing that, being happy with what I gave them.

"Looks like I'll have to bring out my secret weapon."

Then I took out a golden carrot which quickly got their attention.

They started to followed me like they were hypnotised all the way to my base.

I build a bigger bridge over my trap ditch, and lead them inside.

Once I put the golden carrot back in my inventory, they looked around confused at the new environment.

"Now, let's make the fastest horse that ever lived."