Chapter 212. We meet again Shadow Lord

I have to come clean with something.

I had too much fun with my new weapon, so I kind of accidently terraformed a few chanks of the Nether.

It's a good thing it was far away from any settlements, otherwise they would've thought a group of Ghast decided to go wild on nature.

But in the end, I got all the valuable data that I wanted, and I couldn't be more satisfied than this.

Some of the Enchantments were modified so I could manually activate them, and I was glad that I had the foresight to do that.

Wind Burst was supposed to knock me back whenever I landed a hit, and that would be more annoying to use in a fight than it was worth it.

But If I could activate it at will, I could get out of any dangerous situation by literally blowing myself away.

Air Jumping was also useful.

Originally, it was made for boots so you could do a double jump in the air by comprising it.

But now that I put it on my mace, I unlocked the ability to fight in the air as well.

It's such a shame that I don't have an elytra, but I guess my cape should suffice for now.

"I was thinking the same thing, but I think it's better if we take it more slowly this time since I almost emptied my reserves."

From what I understand of this mace, someone has to hold the item to get the energy from the attack.

So I couldn't leave it overnight being hit by a dispenser with arrows, since the only thing it would end up doing is just damaging the weapon.

I could try and use a golem to hold the mace but I don't know how it would react to constantly being attacked, even if the momentum of the arrows is supposed to be absorbed upon impact.

Wait a minute, isn't the punch of a golem several times stronger than a normal arrow?

Would the mace take energy if the owner is the one hitting it?

If so, putting a golem to punch the weapon nonstop would be the best method to farm energy without using resources.

A golem is a machine and can't get tired, so it could go endlessly until the mace brakes, and that's not an easy thing to do.

That would be a good experiment for me to do later.

For now, I needed to find an underground tunnel so I could get to the Withers territory fast.

"Alexa, do you know where we are by any chance? I don't recognize anything around us."

Well, that was the best course of action we could take for now.

We wondered for a while and killed a few more monsters to repair my items since the Netherite armor was working overtime to absorb all those shock waves that I keep throwing around.

And finally, we were at a place Alexa recognized.

"We found one already? Looks like luck is on our side today. Let's hope it would keep it like that."

I dug down and arrived at a tunnel as instructed.

Once I checked each side to see if it was safe, I drew the enchanted square and summoned my mighty horse.

Once it appeared, he looked confused while munching on red mushrooms.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone had a good time in the Tribe. Don't get too spoiled now."

I then gave him the mandatory golden carrots and got on top of him.

Now that I was looking closer, I realized that he had a few extra decorations on him.

On top of his head was a crown made with blue vines, the hair had some leaves here and there, and he smelled pretty good.

What did those people do to my horse?

He's already hard to afford with all the food that he eats, now they want to make him even more spoiled with massages and perfumes?

How am I even supposed to compete with that?

I don't have that kind of time.

Maybe I should leave him in the Tribe, they seem to do a better job than me anyway.

After he ate the carrots, I placed Alexa in front of me and began running at full speed.

With no obstacles in the way, we should arrive at the destination in no time.

"You can't find a horse this fast in the wild, I made him."

If only it was that easy.

"Unfortunately, it's not because of the the Crystal, instead I used the old fashioned way of selective breeding."

Alexa went silent for a while, and the horse suddenly shook his head like he was trying to get some bugs off.

So I wasn't the first one who tried to do this.

But I guess the reaction is to be expected since the only way you can get this kind of horse is through potions.

"I used a little secret of mine, I'll probably tell you later if you promise to be a good supercomputer."

It rarely happened, but it felt good to be better at something than the mighty Alexa.

You act with YOUR interest in mind!

It's not like I'm a saint either since I was the one to summon the Wither in the first place.

But at least I'm trying to fix my mistake, and not make another one.

The only reason you are interested in this Wither is because you couldn't make one of your own!

In the end, I decided to remain silent and enjoy the ride at high speeds.

The road was long and simple, I could say it was even better than the Overworld since we didn't have to worry about trees or enemies.

I don't know how they did it, but there weren't any monsters in the tunnels.

We stopped from time to time for the horse to eat, when suddenly I came to a realization.

"I didn't give you a name."

The horse raised his head while munching wheat from the hay block, before getting back to get some more.

I'm not that good with names, I think I got this from my mom who named me after her favorite anime.

I don't even remember what it was about.

I only know that the main character is a child who wears a green vest and has spiky hair.

Violet is the primal example of my naming sense.

I just combined her tendency to be violent and the colors of her eyes.

Don't ask how I know that.

So by that logic, I can name my horse with something that would describe him.

"That's it! Your name is now Speedy!"

I was thinking Flash at the beginning, but then remembered that he was still a kid.

Even Alexa was happy with my idea.

Speedy didn't seem too interested tho, he just continued to eat the hay.

"Alexa, how far are we from the Withers main territory?"


That was way faster than expected.

I'll have to thank Speedy for that.

Speaking of this, I should sent him home as well.

While he was eating, I drew the enchanted square on the ground with the coordinates to my house.

After that was done, I took out a Perl, recorded it to Speedy, then put it in the middle of the Enchanted square.

After I activated it, Speedy suddenly disappeared leaving behind a half-eaten block of hay.

"Now let's get to work."

I splashed Alexa with an invisibility potion and took out my pickaxe to get out.

On the surface, I was greeted with soulsand everywhere.

Not only that but this place was overruned with Wither skeletons and black flowers.

This was the passing ability of the Wither.

If he stayed enough in one place, black flowers would spawn all over the place, resulting in more skeletons for his army.

Not only that, but it also gave you debuffs if you stayed around them for too long, or god forbid, touch them with your hand.

But there was a trick you could use to get around that.

The classic way, which the Brute army was using, was to chop everything in their path and incinerate it to dust.

The best way, which I was the only one capable of doing it, was to get the magic resistance enchantment.

Once the armor was full of that, I could walk on the black fields like it was normal grass.

I also found out that the passing effect of the field gave a weak but constant supply of energy for my mace.

The deeper I went into the soul valley, the more bones and skeletons I saw.

Suddenly, I heard a battle in the distance.

From the sounds of it, it was a big one with explosions and a lot of yelling.

This caught my interest since the only ones who would dare fight in those kinds of places would be the Brutes and the Mad Prince.

I quickly went towards the noise and saw a group of Brutes in diamond armor fight against another group of skeletons.

But there was something different about this group of monsters.

There was a larger one in the back shooting powerful arrows at the Brutes, and making quite a mess in their ranks.

If things continued like this, the Brutes would lose and most likely die or join the ranks of the enemy.

Unfortunately, I didn't like either party, but the Brutes seemed to be the lesser evil between the two.

So with calm steps, I got closer to the Shadow Lord, who was shooting the Brutes from a distance with green arrows.

I raised my mace and prepared the energy of 10 fireworks in one attack.

Just as I was about to hit him, he suddenly disappeared and reapered a few blocks away looking around confused.

My attack was wasted, and when it hit the ground, a huge explosion erupted catching the attention of everyone on the field.

"It's you...."

I didn't expect the instincts of the skeleton to be this sharp.

And here I thought I was going to finish him in one hit and not worry about it anymore.

"Shadow Lord, what are you doing here in the Nether? And why are you fighting with the Withers army? I thought you hated that guy."

The monster Lord looked at me, before pointing his bonny finger.

Suddenly the whole army of skeletons were running towards me.


Well I didn't expect this outcome, but I guess I'll take it as a learning opportunity for my new fighting style.

I gathered energy and hit the ground activating the Wind Burst enchantment, bringing me high in the air.

Just as I was about to fall, I activated the second enchantment and stopped in mid air while a wave of energy was daciamting the ground and the army unlucky enough to be in its path.

Then, I spread my cape to glide while shooting with my multi-shoot crossbow at the rest of the army.

In just one jump, I destroyed 80% of the monsters.

The Shadow Lord didn't try to fight me or the others, instead he looked at me with narrow eyes.

"Well shall meet again, cursed human."

And he telported away.