Chapter 217. Withers Fortress

The base looked a lot like the Wither himself.

There were 3 huge skeleton heads over the ground with the one in the middle having a huge golden crown on top.

The structure was surrounded by black flowers of different sizes, from one block tall to even five.

This was the first time I've ever seen something like this, and I think even my armor would have a hard time keeping up with the Wither domain in here.

I wonder if the interior is even worse than this.

And how can we even get inside without being noticed since the walls had constant guards on them, skeletons, Brutes, and even Piglings.

I wasn't the only one who seemed troubled by this, but the Mad Prince as well.

"I told you it's not a good idea to come here. This is the best Fortress I've ever seen, and only the ones blessed by the Wither can pass the gates unharmed."

The prisoner said with a smug face, completely forgetting the position he was in.

"Are there any structures underground?"

The Prince asked.

"Yes, that's the place where the special rooms are stationed and more that even I don't know about. The walls are made of obsidian, so don't bother breaking them without alerting the whole Bastion."

They put some real defense for this place, which was a rare sight.

I don't even want to think how much obsidian was used or how long it took.

Can they even make diamond pickaxes?

Sure the Wither can spawn armor with his soldiers, but that doesn't mean he can spawn tools as well....hopefully.

From the looks of it, everything seems to function as it should.

The Mad Prince thought for a moment before sending a squad to check out the base from underneath.

It didn't take too long for them to come back and give some grave news.

"Boss, the place is covered in lava and we can't see anything beyond that."

The Wither most likely made a huge hole with his deadly lasers and then built the base inside it.

Not only that but before they covered everything up, they placed buckets of lava beside the obsidian wall to stop any kind of attempts to get inside.

I had to say, this was an expensive but very effective way to build a Fortress.

"That doesn't sound good. What do you think, Trader? Do you have an idea how to tackle this?"

For me, it would be relatively easy to get inside.

I can drink a fire resistance potion, swim to the wall, and break the obsidian block in around 10 minutes.

And because I'll use my netherite equipment, it would also be silent so the inhabitants wouldn't know about me.

Once inside, I can think of a plan. Worst-case scenario, I can always teleport out.

But of course, they can't do the same thing as me, since it would take much longer and the risks would be much higher.

"Since they covered the lava, we can send someone to take the source block in a bucket and wait for the lava wall to fall off. Then we can go to the bottom, and mine from there since there are lower chances of someone being there."

"That's what I thought as well. Second, prepare someone with a fire resistance potion and a bucket. We're going to get this Fortress no matter what."

The second in command quickly got to work and prepared someone for the mission.

The other soldier began their preparations as well, fully trusting that the mission would be a success.

"Is it alright to start it now? Wouldn't it be better to gather some information before we attack the base?"

The Mad Prince turned his head towards me and smirked.

"Don't worry; I've never gone to war without a plan in mind. And it's not like we don't have any information about the enemy. It's qukte the opposite, we have too much, and I was just waiting for an opportunity to attack."

What was he talking about?

"You don't seem to believe me. But rest assured, I gathered enough information to roughly know what to expect from the Wither and what would work against him. If only I knew how he came to be, this job would've been much easier."

I, for sure was not going to tell him that I was the one who made him.

I already have enough problems because of this, I don't want to have a curios Price on my back as well.

While everyone got ready, I began to get nervous about their lack of fear.

I knew they were warriors who liked to battle nonstop, but I didn't feel any tension in the air.

This was like a regular tuesday for them.

What a fearsome civilization.

Not wanting to be part of this, I decided to infiltrate the base and see what was going on with my own two eyes.

Luckily, this was my specialty, and even the transformed soldiers didn't seem to be capable of seeing through my armor.

I had to be quick with my axe so the patrol wouldn't see the hole in the gate.

But once inside I was taken by surprise once again by the design of this place.

If I had to describe this place in one word, I would say DEATH.

Why would I say that?

Because it looked like I was inside a skeleton.

They didn't seem to bother decorating this place too much.

Everything was black except the ribs, which were used as a walking platform and were white as a bone.

Now that I looked at them more closely, I think those were bone blocks.

So the inside of the building was like the inside of the Withers in a way.

That was some narcissistic stuff.

But when your a being close to a god, I guess you can afford to be little like that.

The entrance was around his neck, so when I looked up, I saw a golden ceiling that probably led to a large room.

On my right and left were long hallways that most likely led to the other heads and maybe other rooms.

But in front of me was a huge hole that led deep into the underground.

In the chest area, there seems to be a smaller room made completely with netherite blocks, which was an amazing way to show wealth, even though it didn't look that good.

Beyond that floating room, I could see darkness like it a fog, most likely made with magic.

I had to carefully walk around since guards were constantly patrolling the place, and I didn't want to accidentally walk into someone and give up my cover, even though most of them were mindless flowing orders.

I decided to go towards the golden room that was above my head.

It wasn't hard to get there, I had to occasionally hang by the rails as the Brutes came down the stairs, but otherwise, everything was good.

Once I was on the golden floor, I saw that it was split into 4 rooms, each with an unique material.

One was made with golden blocks, the next one was made with glowstone, the third one was made with obsidian, and the last one was made of quartz.

This looked like a kid was playing in a creative world and was building a house with the most precious or flashy item's he could find.

The exterior of the base looked amazing and intimidating, but the interior looked like it was made by someone else entirely.

This made me wonder who designed all of this and if the Witner was involved at all.

I got closer to the golden room to inspect it's inside, and luckily for me, it seemed that they used iron doors so I could see through the small windows.

Through the small squares, I saw a small class of 10 people and one teacher on the other side of the wall.

The students paid close attention to the teacher who was saying.

Unfortunately, I couldn't hear the teacher since he was too far away, and I couldn't get inside either since I would make a lot of noise if I opened the door.

Should I break it instead?

No, I'll make a lot of noise when I place the door back down.

I looked around more carefully and saw a sign that had something written on it.

-Combat Class-

"So those were literal classrooms"

< It seems so sir.>

I jumped to the side when I heard the voice in my head.

"Alexa! When did you get here, and how did you become invisible?"

Well, that would free a few slots from my Ender Chest, and if I can teleport items with my magic square, why shouldn't the supercomputer do the same?

"Can you hear what they're saying inside by any chance?"

That was good enough for me, so I signaled the air to do that.

<-s why it's best to work in a larger group than alone. You have the permission to use the skeletons as you please by the, but please refrain from killing the fleshed ones unless it's necessary.>

So they were talking about combat, pretty on point with the theme of the class.

Everyone then took out something black from their inventory and began to eat it with an unpleasant expression, but not leaving anything behind.

Now that I was looking closer, it had the shape of the Nether Star, only the color being different.

I wonder what was the purpose of those.

As soon as they finished the Black Stars, they quickly began to attacked each other with practiced movements.

Where they grinding for experience right now?

I tried to look closer and see a pattern, but it was hard to do so since some of them used weapons while others fought with their fists.

Unfortunately I couldn't deduce to much from such a distance and neither could Alexa because of the door.

In the end we gave up and decided to look at the other rooms as well to see if we could figure something out.

The one made all with glowstone, was dedicated to -Shadow Class-, but nobody seemed to be inside.

So I moved to the next one which was made with obsidian.

But when I read the sign, I was a little suprirse.

"-Magic Class-? That seems like an powerful skill to have, one that I would also like to have."

I looked though the iron door and saw 3 students and one teacher who seemed to concentrate on something on the ground.

It was much darker then the other rooms, so I had to squint my eyes to finally see that it was a black skull.

Suddenly all of them raised their arms and a black smoke began to rise from the ground until it hit the ceiling.

As soon as it appeared, the black smoke was gone and inside was a black skeleton with enchanted iron armor.

They were summoning Wither skeletons!?

And with enchanted armor as well!

This skill looks like fun.

They were all happy with the results, but we're speaking to quietly for me or Alexa to hear what they were saying.

So that only left the last room, the one made from quartz.

Above the door was a sighn that said.

-Research Classroom-

This was more broad, but I could roughly guess what it was about, and it's most likely the most important room from this whole floor.

Just as I was about to look inside.




I heard explosions from downstairs.

"That mad man started the attack!"