Chapter 220. Here to save the day

I was in the black mist, feeling the armor strained trying to keep up the Withering effect.

But this is why Netherite was the strongest armor of them all, and soon I passed the mist, and could see the floor approaching me at great speeds.

But I couldn't study the floor too much since I saw that the Wither floating in the air with a light glowing off his chest.

Not having a lot of time to think about my next move, I took out my mace and charged the most powerful strike that I've ever done.


A black barrier appeared around the Wither, blocking my attack.

It didn't last for long as it broke, but all the momentum was now gone.

But the attack wasn't a waste as the shock waves managed to destroy one of his heads.

I was descending once again, but with quick movements, I grabbed the edges of my cape and landed safely on the ground.

This was going to be an annoying fight.

Now that I wasn't distracted with getting the perfect landing, I could see the fights around me.

The Shadow Lord seemed to be preoccupied with the Second in command, while the other Brutes were fighting some other Brutes that were dressed in black.

Now that I was looking closer at them, I could see some of them disappearing from time to time.

Did the Wither give them a teleportation skill?

No, that wouldn't make sense, plus there wasn't a classroom with a name like that.

Which meant that they were the Shadow squad.

What an annoying bunch.

There were some other Piglings with red coats franticly running from side to side looking at the ground and yelling at each other with papers in hand.

They had a horrified face, but not from the sudden attack, instead, they were afraid that something from the ground would be broken.

On closer inspection, I could see some red diagrams all over the room, and something was telling me that this wasn't red ink.

"What are they trying to do here?"

"I don't know, I'm still trying to decipher what is saying on those papers."

I jumped to the side, shocked by the sudden voice.

The one who spoke to me, was non other than the Mad Prince himself.

When did he get here?

Is this how it feels to be on the other side of the coin?

I don't like it that much.

"Why didn't you ask the men in the red coats?"

"I prefer to know some information beforehand, so I can ask them what I don't know, instead of letting them waste my time explaining things that aren't relevant."

I guess that could be useful.

So you've come again mortal, and you got company.

A deep voice interrupted the battlefield.

The Wither was awake, and he looked very pissed about the damage that I did to him.

But the damage didn't last for long, as black smoke covered the skull and returned it to normal.

Awesome! he had super regeneration as well.

This fight is going to take a while.

You are harder to kill than me Trader. How did you survive the bomb? I'm sure it was powerful enough to destroy the whole city.

Did the System manage to stop it?

That brought some unpleasant memories.

"Bold of you to assume that I would die only from that!"

Then I took out my crossbow and shot a few fireworks at him, all blocked by his annoying shield or missed him entirely.

When did he get that?

Then you should've enjoyed your last days in the Overworld.

A black beam formed around the main head and quickly shot it at me.

The last time I was hit by it, I died and needed a Totem to be saved.

But this time, it was different.

I raised the mace, and the beam was absorbed, leaving nothing behind but silence.

I've never had so much energy in the storage, showcasing the danger of the attack.

"Looks like the odds of us surviving have increased. Are you sure you don't have a spare one that I could borrow?"

The Mad Prince shamelessly asked.

"Sorry, this is not for ren-"

Another black beam was shot towards me but was absorbed by the mace once again.

How are you able to do that?

What kind of weapon is that?

"One that would bring your end!"

I hit the ground with the mace, launching myself into the air.

Before I could even start going down, I hit the air block, launching myself towards the Wither at great speeds.

Then I charged my mace with the power of 2 beans and hit the black shield that protected the Wither.

The shield didn't stand a chance, as it quickly broke, and the rest of the shockwaves hit the Wither right in the chest.

Unfortunately, since the hit wasn't directly from the mace, the only thing that it did was crack his bones all over his body.

He quickly flew up covered in black smoke, while I was slowly gliding by holding my cape.

"We need to bring him down somehow. Otherwise, he would keep flying away to heal."

I suddenly felt hit onto the side, which made me take a couple of steps.

I looked down at what hit me and saw a black arrow that was losing its form.

That dammed skeleton couldn't let me fight in peace!

I didn't even hear the arrow.

I see, so that weapon of yours absorbed my attack.

Not only that, but it seems to have the ability to return the attack concentrated on one point.

If I didn't have my barrier to kill the momentum, I would've died.

But let's see how much you can absorb.

Then, out of the black mist, a giant sword appeared, all made with Netherite blocks.

How was I supposed to block that?!

And how is he able to control the Netherite blocks?

I thought those belonged to the special category.

Learning my lesson from the lava slime, I dodged the sword to the side so I wouldn't be crushed by the weight of a dozen blocks.


The shockwave hit me but was quickly absorbed by my armor.

This was going to tank the durability of my armor soon.

A golden arrow was shot towards the black mist, and another one quickly after.

As it entered the mist, I heard the cracking sounds of the barrier and then I could see a golden outline of the Wither.

"Specter arrows?"

That was one way to see him in the black mist.

"Yes, and it seems that his barrier can block one attack, no matter how powerful or weak it is. So don't go full force on the first swing, it's going to be wasted."

The Mad Prince calmly pointed out.

This was good to know, but I still couldn't do anything as long as he was in the air.

"Keep him distracted, and I'll bring him down here."

The Mad Prince said before throwing a Perl.

Easier said than done.

The giant sword split itself into normal cubes before forming the sword once again, ready to strike.

My next course of action would be stupid, but if it worked, it would give me a lot of energy to work with.

While the sword was heavy and dangerous, the edge of the blade was still one block thick.

So I made one step to the side but left the mace on the ground.

Now this was the dangerous part.

To absorb the energy of the giant sword, I needed to have contact with my mace.

So if things turned badly I would die here.

Luckily, my gamble seemed to pay off as the momentum of the sword was taken by my weapon, leaving only a few tons of blocks on my poor mace.

But my weapon was too powerful to be destroyed by this, and on the plus side, it seemed that I was getting a constant flow of energy.

You always manage to surprise me mortal.

I'll have to study your brain afterwards to see who you truly are.

It seems like my sword won't be sufficient, how about a hammer then?

The sword changed the shape into one of a hammer, but with how big it was, you could say that the ceiling was falling.

If this hit me, I was going to die for sure.

And with how big it was, I wasn't going to be the only one.

Just as I was about to build a few pillars of obsidian, the hammer stopped in the air, and something big fell besides it.


The Wither hit the ground hard.

Then the Mad Prince teleported with a Perl beside me.

"I threw a potion on him that stops his ability to fly for an hour. But I don't know I'd it would last that long. So I suggest to hit with everything you got now or never."

The Wither was in a peculiar situation now.

His anatomy worked on the basis that he could fly and grab things with telekinesis, so now he was like a fish out of the water flopping on the ground confused.

The Mad Prince shot an arrow to disarm his shield, then got closer to throw a blue potion at the Wither.

As soon as the bottle broke, blue fire engulfed the Wither.


The Wither screamed in pain.

"That flame is 10 times hotter than lava. Not even fire resistance can save you from that, you need to have fire immunity."

The Wither continued to scream in pain and was shot at it with fireworks from the Price crossbow.

I was getting closer to the Wither and raised my mace above my head to give the final blow.

When suddenly, I saw a black ball forming, and I knew that something bad was about to happen.

So I stopped my attack and raised it as a shield.

It was a good thing that I did that since the next thing I heard was a loud howl.


A mini black hole was formed and was now sucking me in.

If I didn't do anything soon, I would be crushed like a sardine!

So I raised my mace once again and hit the air with all my might and energy.

Of course, while doing that, I also activated Wind Burst, which was powerful enough to knock me back and away from the black hole.

That was close, my mace can only absorb stuff, and since a black hole absorbs matter, it wouldn't work on it.

The Wither seemed unefected by the attack, on the contrary, he seemed better.

The flames were sucked away by the black ball and now he could fly again.

How dare you humiliate me like that!

I acknowledge your strength mortals, so I'll be going all out from now on!

Then he opened all 3 of his mouths and black mist began to surround us.

The black mist was thick, and I was beginning to take some damage from it.

But that didn't last for long as the mist gather in a few points and took the form of 9 more Withers.

In total, there were 10 identical Withers with an angry look on their skulls.

The Mad Prince didn't even hesitate and threw a Perl to get away.

Just as he did that, the 10 Withers shot black beams at me.

It was to late for me to teleport away, so I raised the mace and began to spin absorbing all the attacks in one go.

That was dangerous, I thought I was going to die for a moment.

As always, that weapon is there to save you.

But how would you survive this?

8 of the Withers summoned the black holes while slowly getting closer to me, and the rest were preparing some big lasers to attack.

What was I suppose in this situation?

I couldn't teleport, since my Perl would get sucked by the black holes, and I don't think I can lunch myself upwards since the lasers would hit me.

This was checkmate.

I only hoped that one Totem was enough to get me out of this situation.

Just as I was prepared for the upcoming pain, all of the Withers froze on the spot.


The Wither asked confused.

And a familiar rusty voice responded.