Chapter 233. New heroes, new enemies

POV: Unknown Lord

I was surrounded by the warmth of the Void when, all of a sudden, I heard the painful cries of my master.

My conciseness was pulled together from all over the Void, I was molded with immense power and suddenly thrust into another world.

I didn't hear a voice, but I knew my mission with my whole being.

Stop the pain of the Void.

"What's the point of doing that? It's not like we know the reason for the Masters pain."

A voice spoke on my left side, but it also felt like it was in my head.

"What do you mean by that? The almighty Void chose us to help her in times of need. We need to do everything necessary, even if we'll blow this whole world up!"

I felt something ignite in me and I opened my eyes.

Knowledge poured into my head, making me understand the surroundings.

It was the middle of the night, with the moon high in the sky.

I was in a forest with small trees, or perhaps I was too big for this forest.

After all, I was 7 blocks tall.

I looked closer at myself and saw that I had 4 thick green legs with a large body that supported 2 long necks.

Something was wrong, I shouldn't have 2 necks since that would mean I had 2 heads.

But when I looked to my left, I saw a head that looked back at me.

It was a green face, with 2 black horns, black eyes, and an upside-down smile that made me depressed if I looked at it too much.

Why was he sad, he should be happy like me.

I felt that he was a part of me, but also different.

I felt that he was my brother but also me at the same time.

"Why are you so sad?"

"Because there is no point to life, it's all meaningless if we are not part of the Void. We're so finite in here, so weak, so....mortals."

Just as he said, it was much more comfortable in the embrace of the Void, but it was an honor to be chosen by the almighty Void to help.

"That doesn't matter! We're here, and it's time for work."

"But I don't want toooo!"

The head hid between the leaves of the trees to my shame.

I narrowed my black eyes and lifted one leg.


An explosion erupted and the nearby trees were all gone, leaving my partner without a place to hide.

"This world is so unfair!"

The depressed head complained.

What an annoying partner I ended up with.

"Let's get to work, we'll destroy a few towns and gather more information on what to do next."

"Did you 2 finally calmed down?"

Both of us turned our heads in surprise but didn't see anyone speak.

When suddenly, space began to tremble, and like a phantom, a huge creature came out.

The name of the monster quickly came into my mind as I looked at it.

"Lady Phantom!"

I exclaimed with excitement, while my partner was annoyed by the sudden guest.

The Lady was 10 blocks long, with an exposed spine, no head but floating eyes of blue fire.

Her wings were blue like the night sky, and if you looked closer you could see smaller phantoms hiding underneath them.

She was a majestic being, worthy of being servant of the Void.

"Yes Lady Phantom, we just finished our discussion. Did you find a town already?"

"Yes of course. While you 2 were arguing here, I scouted the area and found a huge town not too far from here. I think it's called a city."

Well, somebody is being productive, unlike someone I recently met.

Suddenly I felt that I was grabbed by some invisible claws and lifted into the air.

The forest grew smaller the higher we got, and I was deeply impressed by the strength Lady Phantom showed.

Not long after we rose, I could see small lights appear on the horizon.

The closer we got, the more I could see.

There were tall structures that seemed to hold people, and the lines between the structures seemed to hold animals.

What a weird way to live life, it was so confined, so limited, and so....ugly.

"I'll drop you in the middle of the city. Your job is to kill everyone that comes near you. I don't care how, I only want them dead."

Suddenly, the invisible claws were gone, making us freefall into the weird structure.

The blocks held us firmly, but the gap between the structures was too narrow for our comfort.

"I don't like narrow spaces."

Then the eyes of my partner began to get darker, and suddenly, all the buildings beside us disappeared into thin air, leaving behind only the humans and the animals that were now falling to their deaths.

At the end, we were in the middle of the crater my partner had just made, and I felt like I could finally breathe.

Tight spaces are indeed very uncomfortable.

Chaos erupted throughout the city, as people saw the disappearance of their shelter and the deaths of their brethren.

Some tried to get higher, while others ran through the narrow spaces between the structures to get further away from us.

I thought of using my power to stop them, but it seemed that it wasn't necessary as the moon was covered by the figure of the Lady Phantom, and from her wings, smaller phantoms came like a swarm, surrounding the city and pushing the humans towards us.

What an ingenious way to hunt humans, I should learn from her a thing or two.

Suddenly I felt that something stung me, so I looked at the cause.

At the edge of the crater stood a frightened human with a bow in his hands.

How foolish of him to think that this would be enough to hurt me.

I stamped on the ground and he was engulfed by an explosion.


To my surprise, he didn't die from the explosion, probably because of his armor.

But after another explosion he died.

Looks like that armor only prolonged his pain.

More and more people came in waves of panic towards us, and I killed most of them with my explosions.

But as the number of people dwindled, only the lucky or prepared ones survived.

And those who had hunting equipment stood out of my explosion range and shot arrows at me.

Not only that but the ones who had a swords were now fighting back against the phantoms.

"Why do you bother fighting back? You're all going to die anyway."

My partner asked a reasonable question.

Even though Lady Phantom wasn't going to join the fight herself, this would only prolong their death.

I tried to get closer to the people, but I was met with a rain of arrows, and while one or two were nothing when over 100 struck me, it started to get annoying.

"This is taking too long, deal with them already."


A loud explosion was heard as one of the tall structures suddenly disappeared, but it wasn't made by my partner or me.

It seems that the humans did that for some reason.

"No...they can't be!"

The explosion killed a few humans but, at the same time, killed enough phantoms to make a way to escape.

This wasn't good, at this rate, they would escape and warn the other humans.

I don't want to hunt for them in the forest.

We jumped out of the crater and I used my ability to create a wall around the newly made hole in the phantom army.

I could see hope leaving their eyes, and despair replaced it.

"I told them to accept their fate, it would be less painful."

My partner talked to no one in particular.

The rest of the fight was pretty easy, and everyone in the city died.

Now it's time to meet our senior to plan out the next move.

I think the humans called him the Shadow Lord.

I wonder why?

The sun was now high in the sky, making our destruction visible to anyone for hundreds of blocks.

Lady Phantom took us with her invisible claws and flew to our next destination.

POV: Daniel

"What I'm saying is the truth! The Oak City is gone!"

The villager yelled at the guards who looked very displeased to hear this.

It wasn't because of what happened to the city but because they were working overtime to calm the other Villagers down with their newfound freedom.

Trader was right to worry about the villagers, but not for the reason I think he initially thought.

Of course, when everyone felt their soul being ripped apart, they began to panic, and the fact that the tabs disappeared didn't help.

But it only took people a week to realize that this was a blessing in disguise.

And funnily enough, with this newfound freedom, they began to act more like players.

All order was thrown almost overnight.

Everyone wanted to know about every recipe possible since now they could do it themselves.

Some Viligers began to just steal and go crazy, while others decided to live a peaceful life outside the city.

Everyone decided that this was an opportunity to be free and used it in their own way.

It was so bad, that the big companies put a stop to their war and collectively decided to bring back order.

Of course, I helped whenever I could by giving suggestions or even taking action, but it wasn't all in good faith.

Since the System was now gone, the title of the Hero was now more of a curse than a blessing since people saw the System as an oppressor and me its messenger.

But I was kept safe because of my knowledge.

I tried to push Steve to other people since I didn't want to babysit him, a part of the System or not.

But now I was contemplating if that decision was good.

Yesterday I felt the conection with the Shadow Lord return, which wasn't a good sign.

Not only the System wasn't here to bail me if something truly bad happened, but I think I won't get any rewards even If I defeated him.

I felt that connection since yesterday, but apparently the city was destroyed 2 days ago and from the description of the survivor, it was done by other unknown Monster Lords.

What did I do to deserve such bad news one after another?

The System died, the world would end in a year, everyone is going crazy and I have to babysit on top of that.

This was supposed to be an easy world with little to no dangers!

How did it turn to this?

I think it's Traders fault, this wouldn't have happened if he didn't summon that stupid Wither.


I'll probably have to get in contact with him soon, but I don't know how.

The Villger finished his sob story, and was led to another room to calm down.

Meanwhile they send some people to check if his claims were true.

We were short staffed already, but if what he said was true, then we couldn't ignore the new dangers.

One Monster Lord was enough to terrorised the Stone Kingdom.

I don't want to imagine what kind of nightmare 3 of them are capable off.

"Sir David, Steve wants to talk with you."

"Tell him I'm busy."


"You can tell me yourself if your that busy. Where have you been in the past few days? Your harder to meet then the President!"

Stave came into the room like he owned the place.

I don't know if he is cooky becouse he is the former System or becouse of me, but it began to get annoying lately.

That's why I've been trying to leave him to others.

"Why are you here Steve, you know we're very busy right now."

"I know, and that's why I came here. I think I can feel the Monster Lords."

I could feel that this was going to be a headache.