Chapter 239. Great progress

POV: Bobby

"And with this, we shall end the first Great Meeting against the upcoming disasters."

I said with a tired voice, more than glad that it was finally over.

And while I didn't like what I was about to do, I still had to ask.

"Are there any last questions before we leave?"

I looked at everyone at the table, who had an equally tired expression as me.

Especially the Sandstone Kingdom.

Aisha was about to say something, but luckily, Merry was fast enough to stop her before she could start another 3-hour debate.

"Since everyone is tired and busy, I think we shall end this for today. See you all next week for the second meeting."

Everyone nodded their head, began drawing the enchanted square, and teleported away.

The only ones left were the people from the Nether, who stayed silent most of the time in the meeting, which was quite unnerving.

"Well, shall we go as well?"

"Sure, I guess it's time for us to leave. Please draw the Enchanted square, sir Bobby."

His voice didn't sound tired or any different from 2 days ago when the meeting started.

This made me wonder if that armor also gave a stamina boost since I couldn't comprehend how else he survived 2 days of nonstop arguing.

The Mad Prince is a mysterious person that, unfortunately, I didn't know too well.

I also didn't know his real name since I don't think any mother would name their child the "Mad Prince", but no matter how much I asked, I didn't get a direct response, and we didn't interact too often due to our busy schedules.

"I'm sorry if we seemed a little unorganized in this meeting, even if we are all great leaders, but this was the first time we met like this, and everyone tried to leave an impression."

I tried to make some small talk while I was drawing on the table.

"It's not that bad. Honestly, it's quite refreshing to see how honest you people are about your greed. The people In my dimension have a little more experience with this, which also results in days of pointless arguments."

I could only laugh nervously as a response.

I didn't know if I should take this as a compliment or as an insult.

"While we may lack in experience, we compensate with good intentions to save the world."

My lovely wife came to save our reputation.

"I don't deny the intentions, but results are the only things that matter, especially with stakes so high, and I'm honestly quite disappointed about the quality of this world warriors."

The tension began to rise in the room just as I finished the enchanted square.

"I don't quite understand the reasoning for this, Mad Prince."

Elizabeth snapped back with a polite but tense tone.

It was clear that she was tired since she didn't tend to respond like this so easily.

"It was a dream, and still is for my people to get back in our home world, but we were always afraid that the people in this world would not accept us, or maybe even make us slaves."

I would've retorted if I could, but if they were to come into this world before the collapse of the System, I'm sure they would be hunted and enslaved.

The downfall of the System was the best thing that could happen to them.

Or us, since I don't think we had the strength to fight them back.

"But now that I've seen the best warriors of this world. I realized that our worries were for nothing since you are no match for us if we intended to invade your world."

"Don't underestimate our strength, Mad Prince. We still have some hidden weapons that could take you out, we did defeat the Monster Lords after all."

I quickly snapped back.

"You don't have wepons, your hero's have them. And from what I know, they're not from this world to begin with, so their knowledge does not belong to you."

That hurts quite a bit, but I couldn't retort back.

"Are you planning on invading us as well Mad Prince?"

"I wouldn't dare so. The weapon Daniel made alone is enough for me to hesitate, and I don't want to get on Trader's bad side, what I'm implying is that we, the Nether, should be in charge of this operation since we have more experience in those kinds of politics and large scale battles."

So what I'm hearing is, 'Since we can't take you by force, we'll take you with achievements and political power'.

No wonder he stayed silent every time there was an argument and only spoke when it came to strategizing, they wanted to leave an impression that they were reliable and not interested in petty conflicts.

I was starting to get angry, and I'm sure my wife was as well, but I didn't want to start a fight with our ally, even if they were a potential enemy.

In the end, I let out a loud sigh since I knew I was too tired to make a good decision.

"The Enchanted Square is finished, please place your Pearls inside."

We all did in silence and teleported back to the Stone Castle.

There, I appointed a servant to guide them to the portal and left towards our bedroom.

I knew I had a lot of paperwork waiting for me, but I was going to get some sleep no matter what.

The kingdom didn't burn itself in the 2 days I was gone, It could survive another night.

When we arrived in the bedroom, Elizabeth spoke for the first time since we teleported back.

"What do you think, Bobby? Was it a good idea to gather everyone?"

My bed was so close!

But my wife needed comfort, and I would've been a bad husband if I ignored her.

"I don't know, the other kingdoms were quite interested in the alliance, and the fact that the heroes have quite the power themselves puts me at ease. The Witches and the Brutes were the wild cards, but Froggy was on our side from the beginning leaving only the Nether Kingdom as a mystery. I don't know if we made the right decision, but I know I won't regret later the fact that we tried everything we could."

By the end, even I was surprised with what I said.

Since when was I so wise?

"That's true, let's get some sleep then. I want to see Ariel as soon as possible."

I couldn't agree more, so we quickly went to bed.


A few days have passed since the first Big Meeting, and quite the development has happened.

Steve and Alex met and created a special plaque that would let us communicate anywhere in the world, even across dimensions!

It was called 'Chat' and was quite revolutionary in my opinion.

Not only did it send a message to anyone who had those those items, but I could also send private messages without fearing that they could be leaked.

At least that's how it was advertised.

Unfortunately, we couldn't mass produce them yet, since they were made from diamonds and personalized enchantments that only Alex and Steve could do.

But the important people had the items which was good enough.

With them, organizing was easier, and we already saw results from the last meeting.

Daniel told us, that creepers were afraid of cats for some reason, so we decided to build a giant cat in every town and village to deter the Creeper Lord.

Surprisingly, it worked, and all the towns that had the cat statue were spared while the others fell victim to the monster.

The Phantom Lady was still a mystery, but it was decided in the end that the Mad Prince would deal with it, which was good for us.

Now, the only thing left was to find the spawners of those monsters, and that was what Alex and Steve concentrated on at the moment.

I hoped they would find the solution as soon as possible, since we already managed to gather enough resources to equip the army.

I think this was the first time in our Kingdom we had such a powerful army, and I still couldn't shake of the feeling that this wasn't enough for what was about to come.

Suddenly, the public chat moved as a new message appeared.

We finally figured out the location of the spawners. We sent hero Merry to deal with the Shadow Lord, and the rest of the details would be told at the next meeting.

"Well, that's good news."

"Did something interesting appear on Chat?"

My wife asked without lifting her eyes from the papers.

"Yes, it seems that the spawner's problem has been solved, and we only need to concentrate on growing our forces."

"That's good to hear. Any news from the Nether?"

"Not really, we gave them a Chat as well, but they didn't write anything yet. I hope they'll keep their end of the deal and get rid of thw Phantom Lady. She's too much of a wild card to be left unchecked."

"I hope that as well, otherwise we can only hope that Trader would get back and deal with it. Now stop lazing around and get back to work."

Uff, looks like I caught.

So I went back to my papers, hoping that Trader would get back as soon as possible.

POV: Merry Paper

I in the middle of a jungle, deep into the monster's territory.

I went alone on this expedition since I knew that an army would only slow me down.

It seems that Alex and Steve have more perks than we expected.

When they are together, they can access a small part of the lost System which is way beyond what we could achieve in terms of science.

That's how we created the "Chat" tablet so fast. Otherwise, it would've taken years of research to get only a fraction of what we have now.

Because of that, we decided that the 2 of them should stay together instead of separated, and I took the opportunity to teach Steve some proper manners.

Luckily, Daniel wasn't too interested in keeping the poor boy, so it was easy to get Steve as long as he kept in touch through the Chat.

Once the 2 of them were in the same room, their productivity went through the roof and even got some abilities, such as finding the spawners and even the original body of the System.

It seems that the spanwers were in the monsters body with the exception of the Shadow Lord who hid it in a jungle, which was the reason I was here.

As for the original body of the System, it would be a long process that consumes a lot of energy and would attract the attention of the Monster Lords.

That's why, we were going to use them as baits to lure the monsters and kill them once and for all.

I suddenly stopped and looked at the compass in my hand that was pointing towards a certain direction.

When I raised my gaze, I saw a temple covered in vines and leaves.

"I think this is the right place."

But why did he choose to hide the spawner in a man-made structure?

I carefully entered the abandoned temple, when all of the sudden I heard a dispenser being triggered.

I quickly raised my shield and blocked the upcoming arrow.

"That's why he chose this place, it's filled with traps!"

Unfortunately for him, those arrows were too weak to do any damage to me, and as long as I didn't fall into a TNT cannon, I should be fine.

After an hour of careful stepping and triggering a few trapps, I finally managed to see the spawner in a dark corner of the room.

"Let's get this over with, I want to get back as soon as posibile."

With that said, I took out my diamond pickaxes and hit the spawner.


A laud screen came which made my ears numb.

I had to destroy this before something else would happen.

Black smoke came from the spawner and I continued to hit it with force.

I didn't know what was happening, but I didn't plan on leaving this place without accomplishing my goal.

Finally after one more hit, the spawner broke but not before a huge shadow quickly passed me and leaving the temple.

"That dosen't look good, I don't think we're finished with the Shadow Lord."

Letting out a sigh, I took out my tablet and told the others about what happened.