Chapter 241. The Monsters war part 2

POV: Creeper Lord

"Another town with the beast inside. How could they sleep with such a dangerous creature in their homes?"

"What's the point of us killing them if the beast is going to finish the job?"

My other half spoke with a bored voice.

I wanted to snap back, but I couldn't since it made sense, which was unusual for him.

I think the frustration and boredom was getting to me since I hadn't blown up for a few weeks!

Since when were so many huge beasts?

"What are we supposed to do then? Visit the other kingdoms?"

"I don't want to deal with Phantom Lady or Shadow Lord."

"Yeah, I'd rather die than embarrass myself by not eradicating every human in the desert."

Our job was to destroy all the humans in this world. But with how slow we were moving, they would die of old age before we could get them.

Luckily, I wasn't completely useless since the humans couldn't trade in fear of my presence, making them isolated.

But we did see large groups of humans well armored leaving the desert.

I tried to attack them, but they were stronger than expected, so I had to retreat.

Ever since then, I saw bigger and bigger groups leaving into remote parts of the desert that I wasn't interested to explore.

"We could ask Lady Phantom to switch with us since she can fly over the beasts."

I didn't know if my other half was really trying to be helpful, or wanted to embarrass us by yelling loudly that we couldn't do our job.

He is still depressed all the time, but now he hides it better through a monotone voice or sarcastic remarks.

It's such a shame I couldn't get rid of him. I tried to, believe me, but his head kept growing back.

We were walking on the hot sand when all of a sudden I heard a crack in my head, and then I felt a huge wave of power in the remote area of the desert.

"Can you feel that!"

"Yes, it's so pure, it's so delicious...I want it!"

That was the first time I heard him saying that he wanted something.

But I could understand why he reacted like that.

The power was sweet like the Void, and I'm sure if I absorbed it, the almighty Void would be pleased with me.

And that's not taking into account that I would be much stronger!

If I consume that power, I could grow strong enough to ignore those pesky beasts.

We jumped from dune to dune and saw quite some monsters gathering towards the same place.

Looks like we weren't the only ones who wanted to grow.

Though, I doubt they were smart enough to realize what it was.

Not wanting to lose this opportunity to the minions, I jumped more recklessly until I arrived at the source, and it wasn't what I expected.

In front of me was a huge maze made with obsidian blocks and in the center was a huge template beautifully decorated with iron blocks and other precious, but resistant materials.

Above the temple was a beam of light that was glowing brighter and brighter.

"How foolish of them. Why make those huge walls when we can just jump over them."

Even my other half was amused by this situation as we jumped over the 10-block obsidian wall with ease.


I was suddenly hit by an arrow, a firework, and a fireball.

This wasn't a pleasant feeling, but it was not the worst that I had.

The fire died down, and I looked at the walls that were supposed to be behind me.

"How did they hit us? I didn't see any humans on the walls."

"I don't know, but the walls are too strong for me to destroy them."

And I couldn't use explosives to destroy them either.

Just to be sure that it wasn't a fluke, I tried to jump again only to be met with the same fate.

"I don't want to use the stupid maze! Can you absorb the attacks while we jump?"

"I could try, but you'll have to concentrate on the legs."

"Let's do this then."

I jumped once again, but this time my other half was able to absorb the attacks, and I wasn't pushed back anymore."

"Yes! We did it, those stu-"

Suddenly I was stabbed by a huge arrow followed by 2 explosives.



I was now back In the sand with my head missing but slowly regenerating.

Once It regenerated, I couldn't hide my frustration.

"How did they make such powerful arrows?!"

"They also tied small explosives to it."

"I don't think they have too many of them. Otherwise, they would've been used earlier. But I also don't want to risk our lives like this, those arrows could damage our spawner."

"So the maze it is."

To my frustration, I had to walk into the human trap.

Monsters began to appear as well, some had helmets, while others were husks, able to survive under the sun.

I watched some of them go deeper into the maze, when all of a sudden, a TNT fell on top of a Creeper, exploding and killing him instantly.

"Looks like they put traps in the maze as well. It's annoying that I can't see what activates the traps."

If we could see the traps, my other half could easily destroyed them.

We could also used his specialty and destroy everything in a certain radius. But that uses a lot of energy, and I prefer to use it at the end, where the humans would fight for sure.

"We don't need to be the first ones to get to the other side."

"What are you talking abo- Ohhh, I see!"

My other half was quite smart sometimes.

My spawner didn't only produce a lot of energy but could also create mini creepers.

I didn't use this ability until now, since I didn't see a reason to do so.

But now it was the perfect chance.

I created a few creepers and sent them ahead of me, triggering traps that would've annoyed me.

The path was suddenly split, and I had to make a decision on which way to continue.

My minions were loyal to me, but not smart enough to report back if the path they chose was good.

So my only option, was to send a group on one side and the other on the opposite side while I waited in place.

My instructions were clear, keep going until you can't anymore, and try not to stay in a group.

After I sent them, I heard a few traps going off and then silence.

Another 10 minutes passed and nobody came back, probably because they died.

Both of us let out a sigh and decided to take the right path while I spawned more creepers to take on the traps.

We continued like that until we arrived at a pool of lava, which most likely killed the previous minions.

Unfortunately, the minions that I just spawned were going to be abandoned, since I didn't want to bother carrying them on the other side.

After a light jump, the 5-block lava pool was behind me, and I spawned new minions to deactivate the rest of the traps.

The traps began to get more complicated.

There was once a wall of lava coming dawn, and I had to hurry to get on the other side.

Another time a TNT dropped, followed by another 2. When the first exploded, it sent the other 2 flying towards my group of minions, killing quite a few.

There were traps like those all over the place, making my progress slow as a turtle.

Even I wasn't safe while they were dealing with the traps.

From time to time, the humans were shooting at me with their explosive arrows, which forced me to stay close to the walls so I wouldn't be seen.

The beam of light was getting brighter and brighter, and so was the power.

I felt that something would soon happen, and if I didn't take the power now, I would lose it forever.

I was preparing to jump once again when an unexpected voice stopped me.

"Stop! Don't do something stupid like that when your this close to the end. You'll be killed in an instant if you jump."

The voice came from the ground, or more exactly from my shadow.

"Shadow Lord, is that you?"

"Yes, now move to the left, there's an incoming arrow at your head."

Unconsciously, I listened to him, and an arrow passed by me and exploded in the ground.

"How did you know it was coming? It would've blown my head if you didn't warn me."

"I heard the wind being cut. But that doesn't matter now, follow my instructions to get out of this cursed maze."

"You know the right path?"

Asked my other half in surprise.

"Yes, I've already checked this whole place, and it's traps. But the beam of light is too well guarded, and I can't bypass it by myself."

"So you want to team up and share the power?"

"Yes, but I only need enough for me to get my body back. You can have the rest."

It seems a little suspicious, but at the rate I was progressing, I would lose the opportunity to absorb the power.

"Deal, but less do this quick then."

"That depends on how fast you can run."

With short but simple orders, I could ignore the traps that were not a danger to me and move through the maze at unbelievable speeds.

I knew I was on the right path when more arrows came at me at a rapid state.

Suddenly, I wasn't surrounded by tall walls. Instead, I was in the open with a lot of panicked people who were running up and down from some tall towers.

"Finally, I can see the temple and the light. The power is so sweet."

"The fight is not over yet! Quickly, destroy those towers so you won't get shot by the explosive arrows."

Not wanting to deal with them anymore, my partner made them disappear in the blink of an eye.

Just to be spiteful, I almost threw a few explosives at the people in panic.

It wasn't enough to kill them since they all had good armor, but they still got burned and injured.

Suddenly my path was blocked by tall humans made of iron.

I felt that those guys were stronger than normal and didn't want to deal with them.

So, I decided to jump over the problem.

My final goal was the power in the temple after all, not them.

But as expected, it wasn't that easy to get what I want.

From the back of the huge iron soldiers, jumped a human covered in black armor.

I swear I haven't seen her, and from my partners reaction he was equally surprised.

But the real shock, was when the human punched us and I could feel pain running through my whole body as I was blown away to the ground.

My flesh and bones were regenerating, and I could bearly keep my consciousness.

How can a human have so much strength?

"Yeah baby! That's what I'm talking about! Take that, stupid Creeper! Permanent strength buff and illegal drugs. I won't be moving my body for a full day, but I have more then enough time to deal with you."

She suddenly disaperead, and the reapered in front of me ready to punch my partner head off.

But right as she was about to hit him, she stopped and jumped back, as a spike of darkness aperead in her previous place.

"Creeper Lord, focus, she's not the only enemy in here. Try to stay close to the soldiers so she can't do any big movements. I'll help you with what I can."

How humiliating, I was being shot constantly with arrows that did little to no damage, and I had to hide with the weak humans since I would be hurt by the bigger ones.

I jumped, threw explosions while my partner made holes in space to kill as many humans as posibile.

Slowly, the soldiers were getting more confused and disorganised as the battle continued.

I was avoiding the human with super strength, and the Shadow Lord was dealing with her if she got too close.

Unfortunately I couldn't keep up with this, since the beam of light was almost at its peak.

If I didn't do anything soon, I would lose my chance.

Deciding to risk it once and for all, I jumped towards the temple.

But just as I passed the blue line on the ground, the Shadow Lord screamed at me.

"Creeper don't-"


Everything went black, and I felt that my spawner was damaged, almost broken.

Is this how I died?

"Don't die on me Creeper Lord, the fight is not over!"

Then I heard the space crack.