Chapter 243. The last skill

Ugh, that discussion with the Mad Prince wasn't pleasant. Why was he so smart and powerful.

If I didn't need his help in the upcoming war, I would've preferred to stay as far away from him.

"What do you think, Alexa? Would he be a good ally, or stab us in the back?"

"Please do that. That's one less worry for me, but I still have a mountain to deal with. It's good to have a friend who rules over the whole dimension. So many problems can be solved!"

I was so happy that I couldn't stop from humming to myself. But I had to stop, since a felt a hateful gaze on me, making me shiver.

"Hey Alexa, now that the System is gone, do you plan on taking over the Overworld? Can you even do that?"

While I was glad that Alexa was on my side, and I could still order it around, I was still worried that it would become a control freak to keep humanity 'safe'.

The lack of emotions makes it a good strategist, but the reason the Old System got in conflict with the humans was because it didn't understand human emotions enough to realize that it was resented.

And Alexa is way worse than the System when it comes to that.

So it wasn't a problem now, then I shouldn't worry about it!

Instead, I should focus on myself and the others with gaining strength.

And speaking of getting stronger, it was weird that I still had my Trading skills while everyone else didn't.

This made me wonder if mine was special and if I would get a reward if I maxed it.

That sounded like a good goal to strive for.

I didn't know how I could get stronger in a short amount of time, so getting one of the overpowered rewards sounded like a good idea.

With the plan made, I quickly went to action and visited the Stone Castle to have as many trades as possible.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of emeralds with me, and even worse, at my level of trading, the best thing I could do was to trade items for emeralds, not the other way around.

This is why I had to sell my gold to a Cleric and my iron to an Armourer and a Toolsmith.

But after a few painful trades, I was now level 5!

And could use the second trades on the second row.

It was an improvement, but not too much.

I mostly traded with the Clerics for Lapis, and the Farmers for food.

At this point, the people in the castle heard about my weirdness and whispered behind my back.

I was confused at first about why they would do that since I knew the Viligers loved to trade for easy emeralds, until Bobby was kind enough to explain what was happening.

"Is this why I kept hearing about you roaming the castle? Oh System, how can you be so good at making friends but so bad at reading social queues. Listen here, the reason they look at you with those eyes..."

He then proceeded to explain to me why what I was doing was insulting.

For the people in the city, it wasn't a problem when I asked what job they had, since they would gladly make more emeralds on the side.

But the people who worked at the castle, didn't have that mentality, they didn't work here becouse it paid well.

Instead, they did it for the prestige and the chance to climb on the social ladder.

So here, certain jobs are seen as inferior to others, like the Fletcher, Farmer, Butchers, and others.

Those servants didn't want to be known for their jobs, but for their status as servants in the royal family.

But the ones with 'higher' jobs, such as the Librarians and Clerics, were more than happy to talk about their jobs.

Not because they wanted to get more trades, but because they wanted to let you know that they were the chosen one.

Once I realized that, I decided to trade with the Librarians and Clerics so I wouldn't make the situation awkward for the other servants.

But my perspective changed whenever I traded with those people.

Just like that, I managed to get my Trading Skills to level 6!

The good news, was that I got better discounts on the trades.

The bad news, was that it didn't help me that much.

Since most of my trades were done with the Clerics and Librarians, instead of getting 2 pieces of lapis for 1 emerald, I was getting 3 pieces of lapis for the same price.

Sure, I could use the first rows to take advantage of the discount, but I was here for the levels and not for the materials.

So for the next few days, I concentrated on leveling up my Skill.

I woke up in the morning, ate a few golden carrots, and began to trade with the people in the castle.

Once I was done with them, I would summon my horse and blitz to the city where I would do even more trading.

That was the place where I used my discount to its full capacity to make an unlimited amount of emeralds without going out to chop some wood.

Slowly but surely, I was leveling up my skill.

And with that, I was getting access to better and better trades, which benefitted everyone.

Bobby was especially happy about the enchanted diamond armor.

My reputation in the castle was getting weirder, but the one in the city was getting more wilder.

I was known as the rich ghost that made emeralds appear with a single touch.

Whenever you were able to see me, you knew you hit the jackpot.

As days passed, the skill grew until suddenly, I felt my guts being pulled, and everything went black.


When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in Bobby's office or in one of my safe houses.

Instead, I was on a floating island with blocks that I hadn't seen and 2 obsidian towers that held in chains of a huge monster.

This monster was 10 blocks tall, with a huge eye in his chest while his real eyes were sealed shut.

He looked similar to Violet but more intimidating and scary.

Speaking of Violet, was she with me this time as well?

We finally meet my avatar, I've wanted to see your face for quite a while.

The being spoke with a powerful voice, the same voice that gods used to speak with the mortals.

I've had the chance to meet and hear all the Gods in this universe, except for one.

"Are you...The Father by any chance?"


The being laughed out loud, which made my soul tremble while also making me feel embarrassed.

Was I not supposed to address him like that?

The other option was "Him", and I think it would've got the same result.

Looks like my daughter told you about me. While you could say that I'm your Father, I would prefer if you called me Noah.

Was that his human name?

Yes, it was, before I was thrown into the Void by the System and had to become this.

He said that while pointing at his chained body.

"You can read my mind?!"

I said in panic while checking my helmet.

It was still there.

Yes, I was the one who brought you into this world after all.

I felt my whole body freeze when I heard that.

I already knew about this, since the System told me and had plenty of clues. But it felt different when the person himself told me about it.

He was the reason I couldn't see my family, he was the reason that I had to fight for my life countless times and even die, and he was the reason the Overworld was cursed like this in the first place!

You have quite the resentment towards me, I wonder why?

Aren't you happy with the life you built here? Are you saying that Bobby, Froggy, and the others mean nothing to you?

"Don't you dare spout those names out of your mouth! I don't regret the friendships I made in this world, I just hate you for taking my right to choose how to live my life!"

I quickly snapped back.

I knew I was going to meet with him someday, and even made a little speech about it.

But now, it was off its rails since the emotions got the better of me.

Why did he summon me?

How many actions of mine did he control?

And what was his final goal for me!

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, so I wouldn't take out my mace to kill him.

Your thoughts are a mess, and I can feel your resentment toward me growing.

But answer me this human, do you really want to get back to your old world?

I wanted to yell YES but stopped myself for some reason.

Did I really want to get back home?

Couldn't I live a fulfilling life in this world?

Looks like you're still thinking for an answer.

In the meantime, why don't you listen to my reason of why I brought you into this world.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes but didn't say anything.

I'll have to be honest, the first time I brought you to this world, it was just an amusing test to see what my powers were capable of.

Once you appeared into this universe and the Overworld without getting killed, I began my preparations to send a body of my own.

It was a long process that needed a lot of trial and error.

There was a limit on how powerful the body could be, and I had to be careful not to catch the attention of the System.

As time passed, the Void took an interest in my project and created the Monster Lords.

The System felt the change as well and took a copy of you and pasted it on the other heroes, not knowing that by doing so, it opened a way for the Monster Lords to invade the world.

I was beginning to get pissed at this guy but also shocked at the new information I was learning.

The System brought the Monster Lords becouse it was lazy?

So, if we didn't have the heroes, we wouldn't have this mess begin with?

Merry is not going to like this, when she hears it.

The hero was not prepared for that kind of enemy, and if it wasn't for you, the Stone Kindome would've suffered a lot more before bringing down the Zombie Lord. Only for him to respawn and terrorise another nation.

That was the moment when I realized that you were more important then the heroes, and you had the potential to surpass even what I could do in that world with a new body.

So I watched you struggle, overcome and triumph in your new life like no one ever could.

I was so shocked when you found the Fake System without my input.

Truly you are something else, something that could change this world for the better.

You managed to unite all kindomes willingly, you are empathic enough to understand the struggle of the Witches, vengeful at the crimes of the Iligers, and the most important aspect of them all.

You accepted a monster as your friend.

Now tell me human, would you help me make this world a better place?

A world were monsters and humans coexist?