

Start this off with a thank you to QuantumSt1ck for the Magic Castle~!

Really appreciate that~!

Another day had come and gone, and I had achieved around 50 to 100xp more per Daily Quest than yesterday, and dusk had only just set.

The trainings with Anput and Leone were more streamlined, as Anput and I sparred and continued to improve various aspects of our close combat skills before switching to me tutoring her on her magic, before I switched with Jahi and partnered with Leone.

The Vampire had also wanted to go over the basics of swordplay again, before we sat down and Dual Cultivated together, exchanging mana and using the others to temper our own.

As for my training with Jahi, that took on the form of her desiring more two on ones, with Anput and I attempting to best the Demoness with only our blades and bodies.

Without the use of magic, I wasn't as agile or powerful, but I still managed to provide her a decent challenge, especially with Anput complimenting my weakness' by hitting harder or taking my distractions and turning them into sneak attacks.

Overall, the training was rough, sometimes tedious, but extremely helpful.

We weren't going to see a large leap in our skills just yet, but this time spent together allowed us to discover where we needed to improve and come up with strategies to hone ourselves further.

When the sun had started to go down, we made our way inside and I started preparing dinner.

Jahi lounged on the couch, Anput snuggling up beside her while Leone stood by my side, helping me with the more basic ingredients and dishes.

While I was cooking, Jahi started to speak, her voice lazy even as she delivered some large news to the two girls.

"Last night, Kat and I had a… talk. She has, again, made it clear that she wishes to remain unseen behind us, supporting us where she can. To that extent, even though I personally don't want to, Kat and I will be going out every other night to walk around the city, so that she can attempt to learn how to better blend in with crowds and move quietly.

As such, just us two will be going out, and we'll be gone for an hour or two before returning. You both will remain inside, and if I catch you…"

Her voice trailed off, but after glancing at Leone beside me, who was staring at Jahi, I saw that she was shivering slightly, her crimson eyes wide as she was likely transfixed by one of Jahi's 'You will do as I say' glares.

Continuing to slice the carrot in front of me, I felt Anput and Leone glance at me, before Anput asked "Kat, why..?"

Remaining silent for a moment, I finished my even cuts before I spoke, keeping my voice level.

"I'll tell you exactly what I told Jahi last night. I don't want to be seen by others; knowing that you three see and know me is more than enough. The amount of people attempting to recruit me due to my Ice Magic alone will be large, but if I displayed talent on the same level as you three?

The amount of requests to House Asmodia to buy me would be innumerable, even with the Soul Bond I have. Besides, unlike all of you, I don't care for displaying my skill to the world; all I want is to keep this happy peace around us alive and well. That's all I will ever want. So I will remain just a 'mere maid' until the Marquess eventually raises my Mother and I to Baroness'.

When that happens, I will go ahead and become 'just' Jahi's wife; not a fighter, not a magician, not an enchantress… just a wife. Everyone who matters will know that isn't the case, but I don't want the world to know. Not if I can help it. I want each of you to have the attention you deserve without needing to worry about me.

That's why I want to just support each of you behind closed doors. Be it with training, meals, or sex, I want to help each of you be the best that you can be. Each of you has a goal you wish to reach; mine is just to see your dreams come true."

Leone frowned beside me, while I heard Anput stand up.

Peering over my shoulder, I saw the Jackalkin glaring at me, her fur bristling as she snarled "So what, we're supposed to just accept people walking over you? People making light of you? Each of us is just supposed to stand around and listen to people wondering why the woman we love is 'just some maid'? What the hells is-"

Cutting her off, I turned to stare at her fully, briefly glancing at Jahi, who was silent, her eyes closed.

"If peoples words bother you that much Anput, then silence them yourself. I've said it time and time again, but I don't give a damn what others think of me. I know what I am. You know what I am. That's enough. Besides, it's entirely within your right to be upset about people belittling me, so if you wish to defend my 'honor', feel free to do so. After all, they won't be belittling only me; there will be words about you, Leone, and Jahi as well. If you don't like it, show them why they should shut up."

Her sneer grew, and she turned away, clicking her tongue.

Leone's frown only deepened, but after seeing Jahi continue to remain silent, the Vampire sighed and sat at the table, staring at the wooden surface with a complicated gaze.

"What about in the future then, hmm? When you have one of our children? Are we just supposed to endure listening to the masses speculate on whether or not you're worthy of that? Whether or not our child will even have the right to claim our blood?"

Sighing again, I turned back to the counter, returning to preparing dinner.

"Anput, you speak of something that won't happen until a decade or so from now; maybe even later. By then, if each of you continues to grow at the rate that you have now, those whispers that you hear won't matter, because they simply won't happen. Do people talk down on the Empress for any of her lovers? Does the Sultanate have a problem of its citizens belittling the Sera Pack?"

The Jackalkin snarled again, her voice filling the room as she spat "That's nowhere near the same thing! Mother is more than capable of handling herself, and everyone back home knows that's a damn fact! She's no mere ornament to the Sultana! As for the Empress, each of her wives are amongst some of the most powerful people alive today. No one would ever speak of them because they KNOW their strengths! But you? With this… plan of yours?! No one will know! No one will know just how incredible you are!"

When she finished, I listened to her panting slightly, her anger still boiling under her skin.

"So? Do you think people would talk if three strong women all protect one 'weakling'? The normal citizenry speculates daily about stupid things, while the Nobility won't let out a peep for fear of political ramifications. Besides, I will continue to say it, even if it's something that you hate to hear."

Turning, I stared into her silver eyes, meeting her harsh gaze head on.

"I don't care if the masses have no idea just how 'incredible' I am. That isn't my goal. My goal is for the masses to know how incredibly talented each of you are. I want each of you to shine; it's not only your birthright, but also your own desires. That desire does not take root in me like it does you. My desire is to see you smile at the end of each day, happy with the life you are living. That's all."

Anput continued to stare at me, her lip trembling as she sneered, before she let out a guttural growl and stormed away, over towards her room.

As for Leone, she pursed her lips as she peered over at me, before sighing and following behind Anput.

With only Jahi remaining, I turned back to the counter and continued on, sighing when Jahi muttered "I could have told you she wouldn't take it well."

"You didn't need to; I knew she wouldn't."

Sliding the sliced carrots into the pan, I added in the cuts of steaks and let them soak in the thin layer of stock and vegetables, cooking them slowly.

"You know that because all three of us share the same desire, Kat. It's the same as yours, but instead of only being us three, it's all four of us. Together. Side by side. That's what each of us wants. Instead, you wish to position yourself behind us, away from us. That's what is pissing Anput off. She wants the woman she claimed as her mate to be strong and proud, and yet-"

"I am proud, damnit! But my pride lies not in myself, but in each of you! I've made that clear many times…"

Hearing my hiss, Jahi sighed as she stood up, walking over to wrap her arms around my waist.

Resting her chin on my head, she whispered "We know that. We're grateful for it too, but that's what angers us all as well; we want you to take pride in yourself, not just us. You're worth that, Kat. Worthy of being someone proud of; someone proud of herself."

Gritting my teeth, I leaned against the counter, staring at nothing in particular.

Even with the heated argument that I just had with Anput, I continued to make dinner like nothing happened, boiling my hand made noodles and piling them onto each plate, before drizzling a red wine sauce over them.

Laying the steak on top, I poured out more of the red wine sauce over that before garnishing the top with a small bit of basil.

When everything was finished, I grabbed the wine bottle and poured Jahi and I a drink, instantly downing my glass before pouring another.

Sighing, I placed the bottle in the center and sat down to eat, picking at the food in front of me; like most cooks, my joy came not from eating my own cuisine, but watching others enjoy my dishes, the widening of their eyes and happy moans as their tastebuds were assaulted with flavor being my own sustenance.

And yet, two plates remained untouched, spoiling any appetite I could have.

Jahi noticed that, sighing slightly before she stabbed her fork over into my steak, grinning at me as she stole the rest.

Giving her a dry look, I rolled my eyes as I spiraled some of the noodles around my own fork, the rich, yet bitter sauce tasting wonderful on my tongue.

Paired with the actual red wine in my glass, I felt more like I had just three or four years prior; alone with decent food and some wine, but-

"Kat, please stop this self pitying of yours; it doesn't suit you."

Hearing Jahi, I glanced up at the frowning Demoness, her head tilted as she stared intently at my face.

Raising a brow, I remained silent as I took another sip, watching as she sighed, her amethyst eyes filled with slight worry as she reached across the table, her large blue hand enveloping mine.

Squeezing it gently, she started rubbing the back of the ring I wore, her smile gentle as she whispered "They'll get over it eventually, Kat… they'll have too, since you're so damn stubborn. Besides that, you should know that they both love you so much…"

I nodded, the warmth from her hand easing my aching heart slightly.

"Yes… I know… It's just…"

She nodded, and her smile made me smile in turn.

The rest of the meal was finished in silence, which spoke more than a thousand words ever could.

All we needed was the warmth of one another's hands as we ate, the occasional squeeze or rub making the other smile.

When the meal was over, I stacked the dishes in the sink before making my way to our room, where I changed from my maid dress to my leather armor, which made me frown.


Had no other clothes.

Blinking a few times as I looked around, I sighed before grabbing my coin purse, the gold coins jingling around inside the pouch as I tied it to my belt.

Doing the same with my dagger, I nodded as I double checked myself, making sure I had everything.

Walking back out, I saw Jahi look me over before asking "Do you not have-?"

Shaking my head, I was about to follow her out of the cottage before I turned back around, moving towards Anput's room.

Not hearing anything inside, I frowned as I knocked.

When I didn't get a reply, I sighed, wondering if this was how parents felt with a rebellious teen.

"Anput, Leone… foods on the table; Jahi and I are going out now…"

Waiting another moment, I sighed again when I heard nothing.

Making my way over to the exit, I followed behind Jahi as she led me out of the gated area of the cottage and down towards the bustling city.

As we walked down towards the crowded streets, Jahi asked "How do you plan on training your stealth here?"

Looking around, I took in the difference of the city now compared to the mornings, everyone laughing and walking around from store to store, merrily grinning at one another.

"Mainly just working on making my movements quiet for now. That, and to use you as a visual distraction, so that no one focuses on me."

She gave me a side glance, her amethyst eyes unamused at her new role, only to sigh as we entered the sea of people.

Making sure she was always in view, as well as responding to the tug on the bond between us, we made our way through the city slowly, walking around and taking in the sights.

Some of our classmates were in the crowd, and whenever they saw Jahi they would either give her a wide berth or try to talk to her, which would give me a good opportunity to 'hide'.

Since my skill was currently low, I wasn't truly able to do the sneaky fantasies of those who've ever played Creed of Assassins or other stealth games, but you had to start somewhere.

So we waded through the large crowd of people until we reached one of many squares inside the city, with numerous shops lining the edge and stalls filling the middle.

People sat on rolled out blankets peddling their wares, while others stood behind simple stalls laden with goods, calling out to the passerby's in an attempt to sell their goods.

As for the shops on the edges, people filtered in and out of each store, items in their hands as they talked to family, friends, or lovers.

Standing beside Jahi, we glanced around the congested square, before I saw a clothing store.


Getting her attention, I gestured to the sign that had a shirt painted onto it, runes etched into the wood.

Shrugging, she grabbed my hand and said "Since it's so crowded, just stick together for now… you can keep your 'training' going when we get back onto the roads…"

I nodded, walking beside her as we cut through the crowd, people stepping aside as the large Demoness strode confidently forwards.

When we reached the store, we walked inside to see dozens of people wandering around, sifting through the folded clothing and holding it up to themselves, seeing if it would fit or looked good on them.

Leading me around the store, Jahi started holding outfits up to me, her lips pursed as she slowly went through shirt after shirt, dress after dress.

Seeing her dedication to attempting to create me an outfit was warming, and I had to hold in chuckles as she selected odd combinations; a pink long sleeved shirt with a knee length grey skirt for one, and a floral yellow dress.

Gently reminding her to try and match color to my features, which was mainly reds, browns and oranges, she frowned before returning to the shelves, her puckered lips and concentrated features appearing cute to me, but…

Well, the store wasn't as full as it had been when we entered…

Holding in another chuckle, I stared at the three things in her arms; a simple red dress, a black knee length skirt, and a black shirt that had dark red roses embroidered onto the back.

The shopkeep was staring at us with mixed emotions; she was annoyed that we had driven most of her customers away, but she was also afraid of this obviously powerful and important person.

There was also confusion in her eyes as she saw Jahi fawning over me, who, while beautiful, wasn't as impressive or imposing looking as the Demoness.

While Jahi continued looking around, I selected clothes of my own, going for a dark gray pair of pants and a shirt, both of which were able to be adjusted to fit my figure more.

This would be the outfit that I traveled out with, since black was actually not that useful of a color to sneak around with; if you weren't in pitch darkness, the darker the color you wore the easier it would be to notice that something was off.

You would be a dark shadow moving around in a dim area; something that those with any training would be able to spot.

That was why camouflage was something most militaries used instead of pure black clothing; the mixture of colors helped make you apart of the landscape or buildings, instead of a shadow.

And, this city was made primarily of dark gray stone, black stone, or reds; it was also well lit, but…

Well, the gray worked well enough.

Along with that, I looked around at the shoes section, which was a small corner.

Checking each, I sighed as I didn't find what I was looking for, deciding to just adjust my own soles; it would be cheaper that way as well.

When we had finished picking out the clothes, we approached the shopkeeper and laid everything out, the woman sorting through them before telling us our total, which was 3 Gold 74 Silver.

Handing her the coins, I folded everything and held it in my arms, following Jahi back out into the square.

"That was more of a date than the first…"

Hearing me mutter something, she glanced down at me and frowned, her head tilted to the side as she asked "Really?"

Giving her a dry look, I walked beside her as we made our way through the streets, walking towards the house; neither of us wanted to leave the others alone for long…

"Yes, really… a date is supposed to be something fun and enjoyable… going out to eat, shopping together, walking together…"

Pursing her lips, she tilted her head the other way as she muttered "That sounds… boring."

My dry look returned, and I sighed as I said "Not everything needs to be about sex, Jahi…"

"Why not?"

Sighing again, we slowed down slightly as I tried to instill a sense of normalcy into the Demoness, our talk eating away at time as we eventually reached home.

Stealth will be a gradual, slow increase for now; more so just her learning how to do each part before putting them all together.