The F*ck Are You Doing Here?

"Fox man!"

"Fluffy, fluffy!"

"So soft..."

Though he did not understand how he had ended up in this predicament, Taira said nothing as a cacophony of small children treated his body like a jungle gym and crawled all over him.

At least seven of them were pulling on his tails or rubbing their faces in them, some were trying to peer inside of his ears and get a better look at it's contents.

Oddly enough, the first child who had bit him was still sitting beside him- chewing on his wrist like it was about to go out of style.

'I don't have to allow this, I don't have to allow this, I don't have to allow-'

One of the children ran up to Taira and lifted up his arm before sitting next to him. The child pulled up the back flap of his kimono and draped it over himself so that all that could be seen were his red eyes glowing within a dark pocket.

'...I will allow this.' Taira relented.