The Sect Leaders

Abbott Tang slowly opened his eyes and let out a groan that came from deep within his old bones.

Before he could even sit up on his own, he had a flurry of concerned sect members all hovering over his head and trying to help him up.

"T-Take it easy, Abbott!"

"You may have a knot on your head, sir…"

"Where's our medic??!"


Abbott Tang lashed out with his cane and struck the three disciples closest to him on their heads.

"Hmph! I'm not some bumbling old man who needs the coddling of whippersnappers like you lot! Make room!"

The disciples begrudgingly cleared the way for their grandmaster as he shakily got to his feet. Everyone merely pretended that they did not see him wobbling.

Except for one man that is.

"HA! I see the last hundred years haven't been kind to you, Tang-Boy!"

If the Abbot thought his day couldn't get any worse, he was about to learn he was sorely mistaken.