Chapter 83

"Hot water bags are still available this season?"I asked curiously.

"What can’t you buy with money?"

I think about it, speechless.

The atmosphere was silent and the air flowed awkwardly.

"I’m leaving. You have a good rest."Aaron Matthews walked away.

Then I found a dressing room and lay down.

Unexpectedly, the pain intensified.

The door is open. It’s him.

"Hmm..." I leaned weakly against Sean Matthews’ chest, showing a pale face, with fine beads of sweat on my forehead. I was suffering from physical discomfort.

Sean Matthews was slightly stunned, picked me up from the waist, turned and left.

The bodyguard immediately followed.

I noticed that I was held in my arms by Sean Matthews and quickly struggled, "you... You put me down, this is thecompany..."

What will others think when they see me?

Although my colleagues thought I had someone back me up, they just guessed.

Now, I’m held in my arms by the person in power of the top group. Everyone knows that it’s not simple!