Chapter 98

After the door was opened by the driver, the five kids got in a row, one after the other. They had the appearance of little penguins and had a really endearing disposition.

After everyone had gotten out, the driver was getting ready to shut the door when he saw something blocking it.

I couldn't help but crack a grin as I peered into the car.

The five little children's eyes brightened up like stars as they said, "It's mom!"






They yelled with joyous excitement.

I asked the driver and said, "Are you able to provide us a ride?"

"Of course."

Almost as soon as I got into the car, the children rushed up to me and leaped into my arms.

Bobby Matthews had no intention of falling behind and having to jump on top of me.

I was able to finally be with the children, and holding them brought me a sense of relief.

As soon as Sean Matthews got in the vehicle and answered the phone, he heard the familiar voice of Alice Clark saying, "Mr. Matthews..."