Chapter 149

Finding employment should be a top priority. This time I'm searching in both online and offline sources, but neither one has much of an impact. I'm perplexed as I make my way through the mob here on the street. For the time being, I do not have a destination planned out. As I look around, I can't tell which way to go.

I was feeling a little down and confused at the same time. I was unaware that I had entered a street reserved for pedestrians until it was too late.

The businesses on both sides of the street seem to be thriving and drawing a lot of customers. There are recruitment notices posted at some doors. I go back and have a look at each one, and I have gone in for consultations, but they are not suitable... until a huge recruiting notice emblazoned in gold materializes in front of me. I take another peek inside this place; is it a business selling adult products?