Chapter 22

Yang Rai saw the 9 Star Spirits talking to each other. He had a vague Idea of what they were talking about. He still figured it would be best to ask them directly. So he joined their conversation.

"Is there something wrong, everyone? You look concerned."

"Master, we can sense the presence of other star sources. You're not replacing us are you?"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Yin'er. Are you sure that's all you were worried about?"

"Well Master, we would like to ask you if you could refine them. Their spirits are panicked and crying out. We all feel it. You saved us, so we won't go against your decision. But as it is right now we can't focus well enough to continue managing Masters glyphs."

"Yang'er, I can at most handle 81 spirits in my current state. And further I can only do this if I refine 72 of them at once. Something like that… I'm not sure I'd be able to do it alone. If the 9 of you work together with me to calm the panic I should be able to manage. I am sorry I am not strong enough to save them all."

"We will do everything in our power to help Master." x9

"You're all such good Spirits. I'll tell you what I'll refine the remaining spirits into a new world. This way they can still Recover."

"Can we really do that?"

"Of course we can. And if we can't do it… then I'll get strong enough to do it. What kind of Master would I be if I didn't help my subjects? You're all very dear to me. So I'll do everything to make you happy."

"Master, you're the best. We love you." x9

"Before we do that let's expand our little family and save the Spirits I can. Help to guide the most suitable ones to the refining process."

"We won't let you down, Master." x9

Yang Rai began preparations for the refinement. The Star Spirits began to attract the Star Sources most suitable. It was a good thing they were helping since Yang Rai would not have been able to choose them this fast. The strength of the attraction between elemental forces could not be discounted this way.

"Ready Master."

"Let's begin then."

The new Star Sources began fighting each other instantly. The Spirits he already had began to use their presence to calm the new spirits. Yang Rai and his spirits were struggling. There were now 72 new spirits all with their own personalities. The strength they began to feed into Yang Rai was immense. Normally even emperors would only refine 1 source at a time if they ever did more than one. He was currently refining 72 and setting them into what he called houses. With each of his original spirits being the cornerstone of the new houses. His Knowledge Sea that was filled with an immense amount of energy before had all but dried up. The remaining time in the refinement was going to be based on physical strength and will power.