Hua Qing Si came to talk with Yang Rai. She had been given a few things for him. She also had some information for him. As well she really wanted to know a few things. So they talked with each other over some tea in the open chamber of High Heaven Palace. Yang Rai was sitting in the special seat made just for him.

"Sir, I have 300 sealed StarFields for you. I was told to give them to you regardless of whether you could hand over the materials. So here they are."

"Thank you and here is a ring that's filled with all the resources."

"Uhm… sir… it seems you have given me extra Yin and Yang resources."

"Ah, you haven't heard it yet. You really should refine 2 yin and 2 Yang."

"Is there a specific way to do it?"

"Use 1 yin and 1 Yang first. Since you're a woman, start with the Yang resource. After you refine those, finish 4 of the 5 elements. Then the last yin and Yang. Followed by the remaining material. Alternatively I can help you and you'll be able to absorb all of the resources at once."

"Is it alright for me to advance? I was thinking I might only be good for rank 5 materials."

"I don't know about that. I think if you had a set with resonance you'd be fine to use 6th rank."

"Sadly we don't have many sixth Rank resources anymore. Much less ones with resonance like you said."

"That's right."

"I was told that you could help with that. Is it true?"

"Yes, I can help you with that. So on another note what other news is there for me?"

"The major forces of the 3000 world's have finished constructing their palaces."

"I see. Have they decided to tell me the secret they are keeping?"

"Sadly not. I've asked them multiple times and they forcibly changed the subject."

"I see. Summon that one elder from Yin-Yang Heaven. I wish to have some words with him. He seemed to be the easiest one to talk with. Was it Xu Linggong?"

"They actually recently replaced the elder in charge. It's now a woman named Yu Xiang Die. Shall I still ask for them to come see you?"

"Yes, if she is reluctant tell her I'd like to negotiate a deal. That it won't waste her time."

"Very well, Yang Rai. Oh by the way what is your grand dao?"

"No one needs to know that yet but myself."

"I will return shortly."

Yang Rai began refining the disgusting amount of Artifacts on the list he was given. They at least gave him the materials. I hate this. Always refining these items. Seriously no matter how strong they get they are far inferior to what I normally work with. He said to himself. At least he has some time to practice. He was going to show his girls the world inside his Artifact but they wanted to refine their new Artifacts first. It was only natural. They said they could feel his love from them so they wanted to refine them into themselves.

Lan Xun and Xiao Qi were a little disappointed but didn't try to fight it since they were planning on getting back at him at some point. They were very curious about how everything was looking. For Yang Rai the list was a lot. But since he can do it in his Artifacts World he blew through the list in 15 years. Perks of being an absolute mad lad.