⁕ Revamped Squad

Kadyn's crew quickly departed to confront the upending danger that threatened to end the lives of millions. As the small transport ship glided across the sky toward its destination, Kadyn quickly began assessing her team's situation. 

[Kadyn] - "Alright, normally, Mike would start by directly attacking the enemy. If said enemy can survive the initial strike, Mike would assume a defensive stance while scouting out the enemy's ability. Then, after all is confirmed, he will use the necessary counter to defeat his enemy. "

Said Kadyn as she stood up to face her team.

[McCree] - "Well, I reckon it would work well for us if we were as powerful as him. However, we've only got one ability per person. "

Said McCree as he lit himself a cigarette. 

[CT] - "On top of that, we aren't very experienced yet. It's only been a few weeks since we first acquired our abilities. "

[Kadyn] - "Right, right... I got carried away. First, let's start with you, CT, what can you do? "

Said Kadyn while trying to calm herself down. 

[CT] - "According to Dane, I think I can modify surface adhesion. Basically... "

CT stood up and pulled a commando knife out of her belt. 

[CT] - "...I can throw this against the wall and it will make the surface adherer to the blade. "

Said CT as she threw her blade against the ship's hull. 

To Kadyn's amazement, the tip of the blade stuck to the ship's hull as if it was held against it with a drop of superglue. Intrigued, McCree stood up and tried to pull the blade off the hull but to no success. 

[McCree] - "Darn thing is pretty resilient. "

Said McCree as he pulled his entire body up using the knife's handle. 

[Kadyn] - "It might come in handy. Now you, McCree. "

[McCree] - "Me? Well, I ain't sure how to describe this but, my ability requires an initial condition. Basically, I can complete a missing piece to an object. "

Said McCree as he pulled apart one of his cigarettes. 

[McCree] - "See, if you touch the missing part of this cigarette... "

Said McCree as he pointed the missing end of his cigarette toward Kadyn. 

[Kadyn] - "Wow... I can feel something here. "

Said Kadyn as her fingers pressed down on an invisible mass that filled the missing cigarette filter. 

[McCree] - "However, I can't smoke it like I would normally. This is only an invisible filler with no weight or usage. "

[Pilot] - "We are approaching our destination. ETA 30 minutes. "

[Kadyn] - "Alright, we gotta make this quick. Senju and CK, present your abilities. "

Yelled Kadyn as she moved toward the back of the ship. 

Senju appeared reluctant as he stared at Kadyn with a judging look in his eyes. 

[Senju] - "You know what I can do already, so why bother? "

Said Senju referring to his duel with Kadyn.

[Kadyn] - "Yeah, if you want to add anything that is. "

Said Kadyn as she crossed her arms. 

Without a word, Senju got up and walked away with his new sword. 

[Kadyn] - "Sigh... what a bloody wanker this guy... "

Whispered Kadyn before moving toward CK. 

A few seconds passed before CK snapped out of his trance. The image of the massacre that occurred that day involving the horsemen still haunted his every moment. 

[CK] - "Sorry, comrade, I was thinking of things... "

Said CK as he suddenly caught on to the current situation. 

CK slowly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead before meeting Kadyn's eyes. 

[CK] - "I can't demonstrate my ability here, however, I can generate strong wind around me to attach objects. "

[Kadyn] - "Oh... "

Kadyn took a glance at the rest of her team. 

[Kadyn] - "Does none of you possess an ability which can offer us protection? "

McCree and the rest remained silent while Kadyn watched with dread in her eyes. In short, her team is composed of three utility abilities and a single offensive ability. Considering how Famine's ability has something to do with heat or fire, CK's ability is practically useless and intentional self-harm. 

[McCree] - "Got a plan yet? We're nearing our destination. "

Said McCree as he stared worryingly at the crimson clouds in the sky.

Kadyn slowly sat down beside CK while trying to figure out a plan of attack. As ideas came and went inside her head, she suddenly noticed how CK's hands were trembling out of fear. 

[Kadyn] - "Hey, what's wrong? "

Said Kadyn as she placed her hand on CK's.

[CK] - "I... I'm not sure. Comrade, I saw what that demon can do. Scientists said demon was at least 10 000 years old. Humans cannot live that long. That... thing is coming from hell. It came out of stone and killed all comrades in that cave. "

Said CK with a livid look in his eyes. 

Rarely did Kadyn ever see this kind of fear except in the eyes of those who knew of their impending doom. 

[Kadyn] - "What happened, comrade? Tell me more. Did you have an encounter with our enemy before? "

[CK] - "Yes, I was with team of scientists. We were investigating cave before demons emerged from stone wall. I was only survivor, Allied Forces covered story, told me not to speak of it. Oh my fucking god, the way he melted people in tanks, they were burning alive like wood charcoal. "

Said CK as tears of agony rolled from his eyes.

[Kadyn] - "It's a fire-based ability then. I'm sorry I need to ask you this, but I need all the details you can tell me about him. "

[CK] - "I can't speak anymore. I should've died with comrades but I survived. Demon killed everyone and spared me only. Why I survive, why me? Now everyone going to die fighting same demon who killed fellow comrades. "

Cried CK as he pressed his hands against his face. 

[Kadyn] - "Hey, it's fine. Don't cry. "

Said Kadyn while putting her hand on CK's back.

McCree and CT approached Kadyn to assess the situation but Kadyn quickly signalled to them to remain quiet before telling them to let her handle the situation. 

[Kadyn] - "You know, I'm a last survivor twice. The first time, I had to watch a demon slaughter my sisters while not being able to do anything. Before you judge, would you believe me if I told you my sisters, unlike other KD-series assassins, had dreams and emotions too? "

[CK] - "Seeing you, I could believe it. "

[Kadyn] - "My sisters wanted to quit the life of an assassin and pursue a human's life. However, life had other plans. One day, I had a family to return to, the next, the entire barrack became my lone room. "

Said Kadyn as tears began to edge from her eyes.

[CK] - "What happened? "

[Kadyn] - "A demon exited her metallic shell and killed all my comrades. "

[CK] - "Was demon as evil as one I met? "

[Kadyn] - "The indiscriminate violence of a demon is instant and brutal but the targetted violence of a demon hurts slow and deep and never leaves you. It stays with you and becomes a battle you can never win. However, with our determination and courage, we can win against your demon. He remains a physical threat we can win against. You might feel broken but I can still see the fight left in you! "

Said Kadyn with a smile while tears also streamed from her eyes. 

[Kadyn] - "Fret not, comrade, we will beat him and save everyone from his wrath. He will pay for what he has done to your comrades. "

Said Kadyn before discreetly wiping away her tears. 

[CK] - "Do we even stand a chance? He can turn metal into molten steel in an instant. "

[Kadyn] - "Hey! Who the bloody hell do you think we are? We are the A-team of the Allied Forces. A fire-bending bastard can't hold us back, can he? "

Said Kadyn with confidence. 

Although even Kadyn herself didn't know how they could win the upcoming fight, she still chose to pretend as if she was sure they could come out victorious. Inspired by Kadyn's determination, CK finally straightened his face before standing up.

[CK] - "You will see no more tears from Comrade Skull. I will fight alongside comrade Kadyn and team until the end. "

Said CK as he saluted Kadyn. 

[Kadyn] - "Come then, let the rest hear what you know about our enemy too. "

[CK] - "Wait, comrade, what about second time you survive? "

[Kadyn] - "Ah, forget it, he is here with us, isn't he? "

Said Kadyn with a smile as she pointed at her coat. 

CK showed a silent nod of understanding before following Kadyn to the main compartment. 

"Since we lack any type of defensive ability, we will land first while Senju remains in the air. With his attack, he will try to inflict the maximum damage. If anything goes wrong, jump down and abandon the ship... "

While Kadyn and the rest of the team looked down from the ground, Senju stood by the side of the ship with his sword ready. Through the crimson clouds, Senju looked around before spotting a dot on the horizon. Sat on his horse, Famine observed the destruction he unleashed below with a delighted smirk. 

[Famine] - "Just like back in China during the Great Leap Forward. How pitiful, it's like an exterminator working to get rid of a colony of ants. "

Said Famine to his horse.

[Senju] - "Just a little closer... "

Whispered Senju as he raised his sword. 

[Kadyn] - "Have you attacked yet? "

Asked Kadyn over the intercom. 

[Senju] - "Just a little closer! "

Said Senju as he activated his crystals. 

[Kadyn] - "Stop getting too close, you're going to alert him to your presence! "

[Senju] - "Yeah I'm in range. "

Just as Senju activated his ability, Famine suddenly raised his head and stared him directly into his eyes. 

[Famine] - "Even a fool would've noticed the sound of an engine at this distance. "

With a movement of his hand, Senju's ship instantly turned into a pile of molten steel. Luckily, Senju was able to jump out of the ship before he was consumed by the scorching fluid. As Senju descended from the sky, Famine also began diving down toward him. 

[Senju] - "Ah, shit, the bastard is gaining on me! "

[Kadyn] - "Don't pull your parachute or he'll catch you! "

Yelled Kadyn through the intercom. 

[Senju] - "You want me to fall to my death or what? "

Kadyn turned around and nodded to CT before raising the intercom. 

[Kadyn] - "Don't pull the damn parachute! "

[Senju] - "Fuck, I'm not becoming a human pie. "

Said Senju as he pulled on his parachute anyway. 

[Kadyn] - "You bloody idiot! "

Yelled Kadyn in frustration.

[McCree] - "I got this, don't worry. "

Said McCree as he fired a few shots which detached Senju from his parachute. 

[Senju] - "McCree, you fucking traitor! "

Yelled Senju as he began free-falling once more.

Just as Senju came close to touching the ground, CT immediately activated her ability and caused Senju to adhere to the air, which slowed his fall to a safe speed. As soon as Senju touched the ground, Famine also arrived in front of the group. After dismounting his horse, Famine observed the team of rag-tag crystal users with an amused expression on his face. 

[Famine] - "Well, well... looks like the asylum is missing its patients. What sane man would dare stand up to a God knowing the feeble nature of his flesh? "

[Kadyn] - "Disactivate your ability now. We got you surrounded! "

Said Kadyn as she pointed her blade at Famine. 

[Famine] - "I suppose the ignorant might not be so wise to who they are addressing. Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Famine. The name comes from hundreds of generations in China who each feared me and venerated me as the God of death and famine. For the past 1100 years, I was responsible for every single famine and mass death event in China and its surrounding neighbours. And believe me, you are not the first crystal users I've faced in over 10,000 years of my existence. Entire armies fell to my hands, so what makes you four insolent fools think you have a chance against me? Bow before me and I might consider showing some mercy. "

Said Famine with a raised chin.

[McCree] - "What the hell is this fat motherfucker mumblin' about? "

Said McCree with a baffled look in his eyes. 

[CT] - "It's ready, go for it. "

Whispered CT behind Kadyn. 

Suddenly, the world slowly to almost a halt around Kadyn as she rushed toward Famine with her blade raised. As Kadyn prepared to stab forward, she suddenly backed off in shock. Luckily, at the last moment, Kadyn decided to switch her eyes to thermal vision mode and all she saw was a blinding white light where Famine stood. In thermal vision, white means heat and black means cold. In this case, at a temperature of 5000 degrees Celsius, Kadyn would've been evaporated by Famine's protective barrier if she had taken one step further. 

[Kadyn] - "Plan B, the bastard is prepared for ambushes. "

Said Kadyn as she abruptly appeared beside CT.

[Famine] - "Heh... looks like you fools had made your choice. Very well then, perish! "

Said Famine as he raised his hand. 

Just before the ability activated, Kadyn entered acceleration once again before moving McCree, Senju and CT out of Famine's sight. When Kadyn exited acceleration, all of her teammates were out of their opponent's view but when Famine tried to turn, he realized that his body won't bulge. 

[Famine] - "What? "

[Kadyn] - "It worked! "

*Earlier on the ship

[Kadyn] - "If Senju's attack fails, we need another option to deal with him. Psychologically, from CK's description of our opponent, there is a strong chance that he might want to toy with us before executing us. We'll use this to our advantage to catch him in a trap. "

[CT] - "How do you know that? What if he straight-up kill us? "

[Kadyn] - "The fact that he melted the object around people and watched as they burned to death shows that he is not the type of person who values efficiency. From my experience in the empire, a lot of cyberknights, because of their power, are egomaniacs with a God complex. These types of people would see lesser opponents as beings of lower stature than them, so they would often mess around to satisfy their ego or fuel their sense of superiority. "

[CT] - "Then, let's say if we managed to get him to face us, what will we do? We have no defensive ability here, so how would we survive him toying us around? "

[Kadyn] - "I will first attempt a strike myself. If I fail, then we will use the only weakness we know of his ability to our advantage. CT, can you manage to increase his adherence to air to the point of incapacitating his movements? "

Said Kadyn as she raised her look at CT. 

[CT] - "I could try but it would require a lot of effort. "

[Kadyn] - "Good, try keeping him there. If you can hold him, then all we need to do is move to his blindspots and strike him where he can't see us and can't attack us. Remember, his ability requires visual contact to work. "

[CT] - "Then what? "

[Senju] - "Why do you need to ask? Just cut the bastard open. "

Interjected Senju with a baffled expression.

[McCree] - "Fiouf... and ya say you can't lead. I would've never managed to come up with this type of four-dimension plan. "

Said McCree while slightly nodding his head. 

[Kadyn] - "I'm just using what I know to make something with the highest chance of success. If Mike was here, he would've made a great plan and not a plan based on statistics. "

[McCree] - "Now, now, he would've been more than proud of ya right now if he was here. "

Said McCree as he gave a pad on Kadyn's back. 

Kadyn let out a discreet smile.

[Kadyn] - "Let's do this then. "

*Back to the present.

Kadyn, CT and CK stood on Famine's right while McCree and Senju stood on his left. 

[Senju] - "I suppose this bastard can't fight back anymore. "

Said Senju as he drew his sword. 

[CK] - "Demon is powerful, so we do this carefully. "

[Famine] - "How naive... You would think I can be so easily defeated. "

As the two groups slowly made their approach, Kadyn's thermal vision suddenly spotted a white glow from the crack in the rocky ground they were standing on. As Senju prepared to strike at Famine, the glow suddenly grew stronger below him. 

[Kadyn] - "Stand back, Senju! "

Yelled Kadyn.

Always as stubborn, Senju remained fixated on delivering the finishing blow to Famine. Suddenly, the ground below him was smashed open by a massive jet of lava which shot up to his face. In an instant, Kadyn entered acceleration but the speed of the jet was so quick that it moved at a decent speed even as she approached it. In one swift move, Kadyn pushed her hand through the molten pillar into Senju's face before pushing him onto the ground. 

Senju yelled in pain as he tried to cover his burnt face. Despite the protection offered by his helmet, the lava punched through the metal like a hot knife through butter. However, thanks to Kadyn's timely intervention, Senju only received a heavy burn and not a decapitation instead. 

[Kadyn] - "You bloody moron! No word can break through that fucking helmet unless that word is lava. Can you not put yourself in danger for five minutes, you bloody dumbass! "

Yelled Kadyn in anger while holding her burnt hand. 

[Senju] - "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! "

Said Senju through wimpers of agony. 

[CT] - "How is that possible? That attack is totally out of his visual range. "

[Kadyn] - "Unless... "

A dreadful realization hit Kadyn's mind when she saw that Famine's ability wasn't active. With a dial of a button on her glasses, Kadyn reversed its recording to a few seconds before. From its behaviour to the way it reacted to Famine, everything suggested that the horse could be alive and not just a creation of Famine's ability. In the playback, Kadyn suddenly noticed how the horse slowly melted into the ground after they had trapped Famine. When the jet of lava hit Senju, Famine's ability remained inactive. 

[Kadyn] - "The horse is alive and it has an ability! "

Yelled Kadyn to everyone's shock. 

As McCree helped Senju up to his feet, Kadyn's thermal vision suddenly displayed the whole ground below her as slowly becoming shinier by the second.

To be continued...