⁕ Fury of The Steel Maiden

When Mike is under his disguise as a general, he can't use his powers to win in a conflict. The only things he can rely upon are his two hands and his brain. Some of the most intense battles that marked the 4th World War happened with Mike's fleet at its centre. No ability, no cyberknights, no special privileges; Just two commanding officers duking it out using their available assets. 

No matter the odds, Mike stayed true to his disguise and sought through every engagement with his own eyes until his coat floated in the winds of victory and the imperial flag flew above the wreck of his enemies. Kadyn only ever got to see Mike in this light once but the memory lingered in her mind despite the corrosion of time. As she explained her plan to her teammates, each of her thoughts and actions replicated Mike's leadership.

As Senju and McCree nodded in understanding, Kadyn stabbed her blade at the battle map she carved on the ground. 

[Kadyn] - "Is everything understood? Any question or opposition? "

[Senju] - "We are ready to execute your orders! "

[McCree] - "Nope, let's roll, busters. "

[CT] - "Yes, ma'am! "

Said CT over the intercom. 

[CK] - "Waiting for action, comrade! "

Said CK over the intercom. 

[Kadyn] - "Then let's give this bastard hell! "

Said Kadyn with determination in her eyes. 

Since Kadyn was handicapped by her condition, she only peeked out of the corner and observed as her team did the work. As Famine's horse jumped up and prepared to face the incoming opposition, CK suddenly stood up from his grave and activated his ability. In an instant, the horse, alongside the lava that surrounded it began to be sucked toward CK. 

[Kadyn] - "Now, McCree! It's your turn! "

Yelled Kadyn over the intercom. 

Using his ability, McCree immediately completed the missing limb and armour on CK's body. This, in turn, allowed CK to bear the brunt of the impact with the horse and the shower of lava that accompanied it. Immediately, the horse tried to flee out of CK's grasp but was grabbed instead as CK's new artificial hand was immune to the heat. 

[Senju] - "千回斬られても,あの世には平安がありませんように! " (by a thousand cuts, may there be no peace for you in the afterlife!) 

Yelled Senju as he activated his ability. 

In an instant, the horse received several strikes on its body but its lava armour held against Senju's strikes. However, McCree immediately aimed his pistol before blasting a burst at the horse while accounting for the deviation caused by CK's ability. As the bullets caused the lava to splash, Senju used this opportunity to cut into the weak spots created by McCree's attack. 

This time, the horse let a blood-curdling scream before collapsing to the ground. The lava quickly receded away from its body before a white stallion was revealed with a massive bleeding wound on his neck. 

[Senju] - "We got the beast! "

Cheered Senju as he raised his sword. 

[CK] - "Haha! Nice job, comrades! "

Said CK as the lava faded from his view. 

[CT] - "Good job, you guys! "

Meanwhile, Kadyn finally breathed a sigh of relief as she allowed herself to rest against the rocky cave surface. However, Famine suddenly moved his hand despite how CT's ability held him prisoner. Before anyone could react, Famine reached down and picked up a sharp spike made from obsidian and threw it in CT's direction. 

An instant feeling of pain travelled through CT's body as she realized that she had a massive shiny dark spear through her abdomen. Blood immediately poured out her mouth before she fell unconscious due to exhaustion and shock. 

[Kadyn] - "Hide! "

[Famine] - "You think you could defy the will of a God, however, reality has proven time after time that no mortal could stand up to me. "

Senju and McCree watched in shock as they stood in front of Famine's massive body. They both froze as Famine's stare drove the sensation of doom into their souls. 

[Famine] - "I stood the test of time for thousands of years. How about you... "

Without using his ability, Famine whacked McCree in the face with his arm and knocked him out cold on the ground. As Senju finally regained his senses, Famine was already holding him by the neck. Before Senju could do anything, Famine slammed him into the ground with such force that his armour shattered all around him. Then, with a cruel smile, Famine slammed Senju into the ground a second time, which caused him to spit blood high up in the air. 

[Famine] - "...Just a few more forgotten bones among the graveyard of dynasties I created. "

Finally, Famine turned his gaze toward CK, who tried to stand strong despite the fear in his heart. However, instead of attacking him, Famine kneeled down and took a look at his horse. 

[Famine] - "I could've broken out of my puny restraints earlier if you weren't leeching off my power. Now, you proved yourself to be unworthy of my care by being useless and weak! "

Said Famine without an ounce of empathy in his voice.

Without hesitation, Famine lit his horse on fire and watched as the creature burned to death while struggling in agony. This savage act shocked CK as he froze up at the scene that played in front of him. As the fire consumed the last of the horse's remains, Famine raised his gaze and met CK's eyes. Like an electric shock, CK abruptly backed off in terror while holding his remaining hand in front of his face. 

[CK] - "Please, I beg you! "

Pleaded CK as the memories of his first encounter with the horsemen came back to haunt him. 

Upon seeing CK's fear, Famine smiled sadistically before raising his hand at CK. 

[Famine] - "I command you to kneel before me! "

With trembling legs, CK slowly lowered himself to his knees while keeping his sight on the ground. Upon seeing CK's submission, Famine began to laugh mockingly.

[Famine] - "I don't even need my ability to kill you humans. That's how feeble you all are. Just a bunch of ants trying desperately to survive in a puddle of my piss. "

Said Famine as he raised his hand in a cutting motion, ready to finish off CK. 

So far, all of Kadyn's plans have failed. All are teammates are in great peril while she is too disabled to fight effectively. Even Kadyn's onboard AI indicated that there is nothing she can do in this situation. However, seeing the situation of her teammates, Kadyn decided to shut off all her systems and only rely on her human brain. 

[Kadyn] - "If you are a God as you claim to be, then why have we a bunch of ants caused you so much trouble? "

Said Kadyn as she sluggishly moved into view while pressed against a rock. 

[Famine] - "Heh... hahaha! Quite the sharp tongue for someone who can't even walk properly. "

Said Famine in a mocking tone. 

[Kadyn] - "A "God" who has been his horse's bitch. It's embarrassing, truly. "

The smile on Famine's face disappeared as he saw the unwavering determination in Kadyn's eyes. Despite how all of Kadyn's friends are defeated, she is still somehow without an ounce of defeat. This greatly infuriated Famine who enjoyed seeing his prey submit before killing them. 

[Famine] - "You do realize you are defeated, right? All your friends are either dead or waiting to die. Meanwhile, all I need is a single twitch of my finger to erase you from this earth. "

Said Famine in an attempt to taunt Kadyn. 

[Kadyn] - "Do you think I fear? I have fought you so far without an ability. Now, I still stand in front of you without an ability. "

Said Kadyn despite staring death right in the eyes. 

Kadyn's words quickly made Famine suspicious of her. No sane human has ever attempted to stand up to him knowing his power, yet Kadyn remained confident without an ounce of fear in her eyes. Surely, she must have another trick up her sleeve, thought Famine. Cautiously, Famine combusted a piece of Kadyn's sleeve, which left her with an injury on the arm. Then, as another test, Famine burned a gap in Kadyn's leg, which caused her to collapse to the ground. 

[Famine] - "It's not that I have never seen crazy people come at me before. However, you must have removed your brain to come at me in your current state. "

This moment reminded Kadyn of Mike's duel with Sniper. Through Mike's eyes, she was able to see his defeat at Sniper's hand but no matter how dire the situation, the resolve burned in Mike's heart like a torch in the night. Just like him, she was determined to hold her ground no matter what. CK watched in horror as Famine lifted his hand and pointed his finger at Kadyn.

[Famine] - "Time to end this miserable show. It's disgusting even to me. "

[Kadyn] - "Heh... who the bloody hell do you think I am? "

Said Kadyn as she revealed the cyberknight symbols on Mike's coat to Famine. 

[Famine] - "The coat of a cyberknight... And the rank... "

[Kadyn] - "I killed the Grand Knight! After he dealt with Sniper, I killed him. "

Said Kadyn with a killer's look in her eyes. 

[Famine] - "Now, that's more interesting. "

Said Famine as he lowered his hand. 

[Kadyn] - "If I can slay him, what chance do you have against me? "

Said Kadyn as she extended her wrist blade. 

[Famine] - "That's all? Did you kill the Grand Knight with these blades? "

[Kadyn] - "Yeah, that's all I needed. "

Said Kadyn as she regained her footing. 

[Famine] - "How droll... I want to believe you but I don't think I can. "

[Kadyn] - "If I can make you bleed with one stab, then you'll let me and my friends go. If I can't, then I'll submit and allow you to do whatever you want with us. "

Said Kadyn as her eyes remained steadily fixated on Famine. 

After eying the short blade protruding out of Kadyn's arm, Famine smirked mockingly before advancing toward her.

[Famine] - "I accept your challenge. However, know that I could instantly dissolve you into a pile of ashes if you try any tricks. "

[Kadyn] - "No tricks. "

Said Kadyn as she dropped her utility belt and showed Famine that her hands were empty. 

[Famine] - "Go ahead then. One chance only. "

Meanwhile, CK watched with horror as Kadyn stood less than a metre in front of a God of death. As Kadyn raised her blade and struck forward, Famine at first didn't seem to be worried at all. However, when he saw that Kadyn showed no sign of fear or hesitation as she stabbed toward him, he immediately knew that he had to do something. 

In an instant, Famine melted Kadyn's blade before it reached him and pushed her out of his way. As Kadyn struggled to get off the ground, Famine walked toward her with a grin on his face. 

[Famine] - "Did you think I would really allow you to stab at me? How naive of you to think I would play fair. "

[Kadyn] - "Now, now, when the Spanish came to South America with guns and swords, the Indigenous people probably didn't know how deadly were these weapons. "

Said Kadyn with a smirk. 

[Famine] - "Do I look like I care for a history lesson? "

Said Famine as he looked at Kadyn, ready to burn her to ashes. 

[Kadyn] - "I could say the same for you, you savage bastard. You think my blade is just any regular blade and that's what sealed your fate. "

Tired of Kadyn's rant, Famine used his ability but ended up falling to the ground instead. A gradual wave of sharp pain abruptly appeared inside his chest cavity as he began to struggle to breathe. 

[Kadyn] - "While you spend your time sleeping in a cave, technology continued to advance. What you thought was a regular blade was actually an anti-material blade made of five parallel oscillating pieces moving at 20,000 strikes per second. By melting it, you only created a shower of molten metal travelling at hypersonic speed. "

[Famine] - "AAARGH! How did you get past my heat barrier? "

Screamed Famine in rage as his heart stopped.

[Kadyn] - "Maybe if you studied physics instead of committing genocide, you would know that at that kind of speed, heat won't even have time to transfer onto another object. "

Said Kadyn as she pushed herself off the ground. 

Kadyn watched as Famine's gasps grew faint while he desperately tried to give himself chest compression. However, due to the excessive amount of fat on his chest, his frantic pushes yielded barely any result. 

[Kadyn] - "You have lost! I don't know how many people died at your hands throughout history but you will be paying for your crimes even in the afterlife. I'm sure all your victims will be thrilled to see you and make you suffer for an eternity. "

[Famine] - "Impossible! I'm a God, you can't defeat me, you are just... an... ant... "

Said Famine as he struggled to get his last words out. 

[Kadyn] - "If you are a God, then save yourself. Get up and kill this human who just humiliated you. "

Finally, Famine breathed his last breath as his lungs collapsed and his limbs slowly slipped away from his chest. 

[Kadyn] - "That's what I thought, pathetic! "

Said Kadyn to rub salt in Famine's wound. 

At long last, Famine died. Finally, justice has been brought upon an evil which has remained unpunished for thousands of years. As Kadyn looked up, she was met with the beautiful sight of the sunset. The wind of victory gently pushed the back of Mike's coat up as Kadyn sat back on the ground. 

[CK] - "You did it... You killed a God. Comrade, how are you not afraid of him? "

Said CK in a trembling voice. 

[Kadyn] - "When Mike fought against Sniper, I could sense he was afraid too but he never gave up despite the hopelessness of his situation. He had the responsibility of protecting the ones he loved, so he pushed forward despite all rational. Now, I'm responsible for this team, so it's only right I did the same. So of course, I was afraid but I had to do what was right. "

Kadyn raised her head and saw McCree and Senju still unconscious on the ground. She immediately tried to go check up on them but the injuries she sustained caused her to collapse. 

[CK] - "Stop, comrade, don't push yourself too hard. Help is coming! "

Said CK as he pointed at the Allied medical ships approaching their location. 

On the ground, Kadyn's mind jumped between illusions and reality. As the medics carried her onto a stretcher, Kadyn smiled thinking that it was Mike who carrying her. 

[Kadyn] - "Are you proud of me, Mike? "

Whispered Kadyn as she fell asleep. 

To be continued...