Opposite Reaction

Kadyn's actions had more profound repercussions than what she could ever hope to understand. What was supposed to be fate's plan was broken by the indomitable will of a girl who barely understood the power she held in her hands. However, for every action, there will be a reaction. Fate will seek to reestablish balance after such a disturbance of its universe's natural order. She might have broken fate's plan for Mike, but is her victory truly a product of her free will or is it all but an illusion? Just as evil will emerge to match good, one cannot break fate and expect no counterbalance to his or her action. 

Outside of CR-455's headquarters, a small breeze blew against a patch of snow. With this action, a few snowflakes were sent flying around until they reached the exposed hangar bay where they came in contact with a mechanic's nose. Frustrated by the itch, the man rubbed his nose before accidentally dropping a few loose screws off his plane's wing. 

[Mechanic] - "Damn it! Hey, Georgy, can you pitch the screws up for me? "

Yelled the mechanic toward his assistant.

[Georgy] - "Gosh, how many did you drop? "

[Mechanic] - "I don't know. "

[Georgy] - "Nevermind this shit man, I'll get you a new box. We got to get this plane airborne before midnight. Who knows how long would it take to locate all these fucking screws. "

Said Georgy as he walked away toward the storage room. 

By looking through the storage room and pushing around all the supplies, Georgy inadvertently caused a bunch of roaches to flee from the shelf. As the roaches moved through the walls and cracks, one intentionally stepped on an exposed wire and triggered a small fire inside a server room. As the flame grew larger, the other machines also began to burn. However, due to disrepair and neglect, only a portion of the fire prevention system kicked in with some of them spewing foam in only one direction. 

Subsequently, as the smoke rose through the ceiling, it slowly seeped into the cracks and crevasses within the base. A few levels above, the smoke reached a family of rats which immediately began to flee from their home. As some turned left at an intersection, one decided to turn right toward CR-455's throne room. After a short rest, the critter suddenly noticed the leftover food beside CR-455's throne. 

Famished, the rat jumped out of cover toward its meal but unfortunately attracted the attention of Judge, CR-455's cat. As the rat began to eat the leftovers, Judge slowly approached its prey while moving slowly across the red carpet leading toward the throne. Suddenly, the cat lept forward but missed the rat by a few centimetres. Panicked, the rat ran up the throne before leaping onto the jar containing Sniper's brain. Frustrated, the cat jumped up and landed on the jar but the static electricity it accumulated against the carpet quickly transferred onto the metal part of the jar. With an electric shock, the cat abruptly jumped up and fell off the jar. 

As the cat watched in anger while the rat escaped through another crack in the wall, something else occurred. That single electric shock that passed through the jar was absorbed by a microscopic fragment of crystal logged in Sniper's brain. In a chain reaction, the crystal repaired a single neuron, then another, followed by another. Soon, Sniper was able to gain some level of consciousness. 

"Where am I? That reality... is nothing but a dream? Why can't I see or hear or move? "

As Sniper's intellect finally came back to him, he immediately began to analyze his situation. 

"I'm alive and not... why? Unless... "

As his memories came back, Sniper slowly began to realize what kind of predicament he could be in. Using his ability, he reflected a set of weak waves off his surroundings like the echolocation technique used by bats. Suddenly, he felt his consciousness slipping. 

"I'm dying... I don't have enough nutriment to keep myself alive... "

Upon detecting the rat hiding in the wall, Sniper got an idea. Using the last of his strength, Sniper called upon his ability to crush and extract nutriment from the rat's body. In an instant, the rat was ripped open before a stream of red wires flowed out of its insides. Slowly, the red lines of nutrients poured through the glass into the jar. 

"I need more... I need more! "

With newfound energy, Sniper focused his energy on Judge and began to crush the feline's body. The cat immediately yelled in pain before Sniper suddenly realized something. 

"No... I need long-term sustenance... My ability is too limited... "

Instead of killing the cat, Sniper decided to feed off its nutrients instead. Carefully, Sniper mixed a red line of fluid with the red carpet which is connected to the cat permanently. Then, using his ability, Sniper controlled the cat's movement and forced it to stay still and preserve all its energy so he could feed. 

"I need to continue repairing and maintaining my brain until I can figure a way out of here. The horror I saw on the other side... Cannot be allowed to happen. "

On the other side of the world, Mike had coffee in his mansion's massive kitchen. While he waited for his cappuccino to pour from the coffee machine, Kadyn suddenly showed up beside him barely dressed in a black bra and panty. 

[Kadyn] - "Morning, my dear knight. "

Said Kadyn before kissing Mike on the cheek. 

[Mike] - "Didn't expect you to get up so bloody early. "

[Kadyn] - "I tend to notice when you stop cuddling me in bed. "

Using his ability, the pan behind Mike lifted in the air before landing on the stove. Without supervision, the stove was turned on while a row of breakfast items flew out of the fridge. 

[Kadyn] - "Five strips of bacon, two eggs and a toast with jam for me thank you. "

Said Kadyn with a joyful smile on her face before walking away. 

Suddenly, Mike noticed how his cup was missing from underneath the coffee machine. 

[Mike] - "Sigh... Some parts of you just never change. "

Meanwhile, Kadyn walked barefoot into the living room where she began to admire the pictures on the wall while sipping on Mike's cappuccino. All the way to the left was her and Mike's first picture as they bought their current mansion near a lake. As she moved forward, multiple pictures of her and Mike's secret wedding were displayed. Kadyn smiled as she remembered the moment Mike finally put a ring on her finger. 

Continuing forward, Kadyn came across the photos from their many trips across different regions of the world. In all of them, both of them were in disguise to protect their identity. At the centre of all the photos was the one taken by Kadyn and Mike as they danced on Saturn's ring. Although the reality of that place wasn't what Kadyn expected it to be with massive amounts of floating rocks and debris unlike in the movies, to her, what mattered was the moment she spent there with her most beloved. 

Finally, after covering the adventures she and Mike had for the first six months of their new life together, the pictures suddenly stopped. Despite how it might seem as if the photos stopped due to it reaching the present day, Kadyn has so far spent 8 months with Mike. 

[Mike] - "Happy with everything so far? "

Kadyn turned around to see Mike holding two plates with his hands. 

[Kadyn] - "I think we are standing a bit apart in the photo we took in Moscow. "

[Mike] - "Well, I thought we could get a different camera angle. "

Said Mike as he placed the plates on the coffee table. 

[Kadyn] - "Do you have another one where we are standing a bit closer to each other? "

[Mike] - "We are practically hugging in almost every photo. Getting a bit of variety from time to time is a good idea, don't ya think? "

Said Mike as he approached Kadyn. 

[Kadyn] - "No! I want it to show us as a loving and inseparable couple. "

Mike took a look at the pictures and realized how he had so far not lived a single day without being around Kadyn for more than an hour. 

[Mike] - "Yeah, just like glue. "

[Kadyn] - "Oh, come feel this, Mike. Our twins are moving. "

Mike quickly buried his annoyance behind a smile and kneeled down to feel Kadyn's belly. It might be a joy to feel the movement of one's own child while it is still in the womb but performing the same action multiple times every day could slowly become annoying. However, knowing what Kadyn went through, Mike decided to tolerate everything just to make his wife happy. 

Later that day, as Mike was working to model the babies' rooms, Kadyn slowly fell asleep while watching a movie. With a dry mouth, Mike slowly phased through the floor down into the kitchen. After noticing how Kadyn was taking a nap, Mike carefully opened a secret compartment in one of the kitchen cabins. With his prized whisky in hand, Mike quietly ascended through the ceiling all the way to the roof of the house. 

Finally left with some time to himself, Mike lit himself a cigar while pouring a glass of whisky using his ability. After a deep puff, Mike exhaled a mouthful of grey smoke which disappeared into the wind. He could've never imagined the kind of life is a family life. Mike grew up indoctrinated to be a knight of the empire and a successful commander on the battlefield. He got used to a life of military duties and unending actions. But now, after a long rest in the afterlife, he was suddenly coerced into becoming a father and an around-the-clock emotional support partner. 

[Mike] - "I suppose you grew up and I didn't. The fact that I'm still yearning for action and thrill like my naive young self... "

Said Mike to himself before downing a glass of whisky.

[Mike] - "...Maybe that's why this life didn't feel right to me. "

Mike remembered the past when he and Kadyn were just a young couple looking to experience a world they didn't understand well. Back then, Kadyn was free-spirited and not afraid to do anything. Before, every tomorrow was a new exciting day with new things to experience. Now, every day felt the same without any difference or anything to look forward to. On top of that, due to her trauma, Kadyn has become extremely possessive of Mike while being worried or afraid of everything. 

"You have to stop smoking that bloody cigar, Mike! Do you know how bad is this smoke of yours for our babies? "

"You need to quit drinking! I don't want you to set a bad example for our children in the future. "

"No, you can't just leave me at home for hours like that! I need you close to me. "

Mike sighed heavily as the memory of Kadyn's voice echoed inside his head. Slowly, he tapped his cigar and allowed the ash to fall before taking another swig out of his whisky bottle. 

Meanwhile, Kadyn slowly woke up from her nap and stretched her arms. After making her way upstairs, she was puzzled to see Mike absent from the nursery room. While clearing her messy hair away from her eyes, Kadyn checked the other rooms but found no sign of Mike. Soon, panic overtook her mind as her PTSD kicked in and she thought that Mike was not real but a part of her imagination. 

[Kadyn] - "Was this just another illusion? I called him and he didn't answer... What if he didn't hear me? What if he is simply just another illusion just like that time? 

Said Kadyn as she abruptly stopped in the living room. 

Although Mike was in every single one of the pictures, Kadyn only saw herself in them. The stress, fear and panic inside Kadyn's mind caused her to falter to her knees while her entire body froze. 

Meanwhile, Mike was trying to get the last drop of his whisky out of the bottle when he suddenly noticed the sunset. His expression turned to horror as he realized how much time had passed while he sat on the roof. Immediately, Mike dove back inside the mansion before locating Kadyn in a catatonic state amidst the living room. Without hesitation, Mike rushed in and took his traumatized wife in his arms. 

[Mike] - "Don't worry, I'm here. Just breathe. "

After a few moments, Kadyn suddenly let out a gasp before erupting in a fountain of tears. 

[Mike] - "Shhhh, it's okay. I didn't go anywhere, I'm here with you. "

As Kadyn slowly calmed down, her nose suddenly picked up the strong scent of cigars and alcohol on Mike. Anger immediately filled her mind as she pushed herself off Mike. 

[Kadyn] - "You... You are an asshole, Mike! You knew I can sometimes have this kind of breakdown and you still chose booze and cigars over me. Not to mention... how much I went through and the fact that I'm carrying your children. You are one bloody selfish bastard! "

Yelled Kadyn before running upstairs and shutting herself in the bedroom. 

[Mike] - "Wait, Lemon, I'm sorry! I didn't... "

A loud silence enveloped the room as Mike was left alone by Kadyn, this time voluntarily. Upon seeing the time, Mike decided that it was best to let Kadyn cool off a bit before confronting her. In the meantime, Mike activated his ability to open the stove and the light in the kitchen to prepare dinner. This time, the mood was truly off as, usually, Kadyn would cook with him or steal a piece of food before he was done.

The way Kadyn froze like a traumatized statue was a painful image that tore a gaping wound through his soul. The more Mike thought about it, the more he blamed himself for it. However, Mike also realized that he couldn't be feeling guilty for his entire life either. For things to become normal, both sides must make compromises and not just a single side. 

Later, with two plates, Mike approached the master bedroom and knocked on the door. 

[Mike] - "Hey, Lemon, dinner is ready. "

[Kadyn] - "Go away, I'm not hungry. "

Said Kadyn while sobbing quietly on her bed. 

[Mike] - "You can't starve yourself like this. Think of our children! "

Said Mike as he reached for the doorknob. 

[Kadyn] - "Don't you dare touch that fucking doorknob, you asshole! "

Yelled Kadyn as she threw a pillow at the door. 

[Mike] - "Alright, look, I'm just going to place it here. "

Said Mike as he phased the plate of food through the door and placed it on the floor. 

Not long after, Mike could hear Kadyn sitting against the door as she began to devour her favourite dish. Slowly Mike also sat against the door and began eating from his plate. 

[Mike] - "Now can we talk? I made your favourite dish after all. "

[Kadyn] - "What is there to talk about? I clearly don't matter enough to you, so stop pretending to care. "

Said Kadyn as she slowly stabbed her fork through a shrimp.

[Mike] - "Heh... If I didn't care enough, why would I marry you, take you everywhere in the world and be there for you whether it be night or day? "

Kadyn didn't respond as she quietly chewed her food. 

[Mike] - "Look, Kadyn, I promise I won't drink in front of our kids or smoke in the house. However, you still have to let me have some me time while doing things I like. I'm still a dude after all and not a bloody machine. In return, I won't mind being with you whenever you need me. It's a good deal if you ask me. "

Said Mike in his usually cheerful tone.

[Kadyn] - "Why are you so against being with me? "

[Mike] - "I never said such a thing, Lemon. All I'm saying is that life is more than just being beside the one person you love without ever leaving him even for a moment. I'm not going anywhere, you see, because this is my home and you are my lovely wife. No matter how far I might go, this is still the place I shall return to at the end of the day. No matter what kind of vices there might be, the loyalty of my body and soul will always be to you. "

[Kadyn] - "Thank you for the meal. "

Said Kadyn as she got up and walked toward her bed. 

[Mike] - "If you need me, I'll be here by the door. "

Said Mike as he brought the plates downstairs. 

As the night went on, Kadyn thought about what Mike said. She slowly realized how she was indeed too clingy toward Mike in all of her pictures and everyday life. On top of everything, no matter how hurtful were her words, Mike remained gentle and calm toward her. He did everything in his power to make her feel good while never once thinking of himself before her. Maybe, after all, it was she who was irrational and selfish toward him by treating him like an emotional support pet. 

Gently, Kadyn moved toward the bedroom door and slowly pulled it open. To her surprise, Mike was sleeping with his back against the wall as if he was guarding her bedroom entrance. The sight of this deeply touched Kadyn's heart as she realized how committed was Mike to her.

[Kadyn] - "Why am I so stupid sometimes? "

Said Kadyn before she ran back and grabbed her blanket. 

Gently, Kadyn pulled the blanket around herself and Mike before leaning her head against his shoulder. Although the cold hallway floor sent a chill through Kadyn's body, she quickly found warmth by cuddling with Mike. 

[Kadyn] - "I believe you. I promise tomorrow I'll be different. "

Whispered Kadyn as she closed her eyes. 

To be continued...