⁕ The Lynching Game (part 4)

"Are you truly convinced by the righteousness of your actions? Or are they just the result of your personal misjudgement? Did you kill because you are afraid of the consequences or did you kill because you believed it's the right thing to do? "

Coincidentally, these were the same words heard by both Oltevin and Jerry earlier in their lives. Both used to kill without question as long as it was an order from their superior. On one hand, this was the question posed by Oltevin's friend while he was working for Wagner. After slaughtering through a camp of insurgents, both men were in agony from the multiple bullet wounds they had received. Around them were dead insurgents and the corpses of their comrades.

[Mercenary] - "...Say, Skull, do you want to play a game? Let's see which one of us can survive until help arrives. "

Said Oltevin's comrade. 

[Oltevin] - "Ah, stop being such a fucking pessimist, comrade. We will both live until help arrives. "

Said Oltevin while grunting at the pain in his chest.

[Mercenary] - "Haha... May Saint Peter grant us a little bit more time on this Earth. By the way, you haven't answered my question yet. "

Said Oltevin's teammate as he turned to face his friend.

[Oltevin] - "I kill because I was ordered to do so. I was hired to do this and I need to get the work done to be paid or my family will starve and my siblings won't be able to go to school. "

On the other hand, Jerry was one of Mike's first disciples, having been under his guidance and leadership since Mike was 13. Despite Jerry being 5 years older than Mike, he always knew to respect Mike's wisdom and genius. A few days before Jerry would officially graduate and also take on the mantle of training a disciple just like his master, they went on one last mission together. On that mission, they stumbled upon the family of one of the rogue cyberknights they were hunting. 

Upon dealing with the rogue cyberknight, the dead man's wife and children all ran up to Mike armed with guns and melee weapons in an attempt to avenge their family member. Seeing this, Jerry immediately leaped into action and impaled all these people with spikes generated from the house floor. 

[Mike] - "...Only a cold heart could make another's blood freeze. "

Said Mike with a disappointed stare into Jerry's eyes.

[Jerry] - "But master Mike, they were attacking you! "

However, at that moment, Jerry's panicked expression could no longer cover his true intention.

[Mike] - "You knew these kinds of weapons could never hurt me, you knew it in your heart when you killed them. So, answer me, Jerry, what's your answer to my question? "

[Jerry] - "Master Mike... I... I just know it's the right thing to do. They were attacking you and if they were left alive, who knows if they are also associated with these terrorists. "

On the other side, Oltevin's friend smiled upon hearing his response to his question. 

[Mercenary] - "Heh! You lie, comrade. Usually, when we do immoral stuff, you also show restraint but today you fought harder than usual. These people we killed, they are insurgents seeking to harm civilians and propagate discourse. You knew in your heart that this was the right thing to do not because you were bound by any obligation. I'm speaking to you now not as a corpse because you gave it your all. "

Oltevin grasped his bullet wounds in agony and didn't get to answer his friend as he felt his consciousness slip.

[Mercenary] - "Just quit this cursed job once you get out of here, Skull. It ain't worth it. "

Said the mercenary as he took a gulp from his flask. 

Upon seeing how Oltevin was slipping into unconsciousness, he immediately splashed his friend's face with his vodka. The burning sensation of the alcohol on Oltevin's wounds instantly woke him up from his grave. 

[Mercenary] - "We still got a bet going, comrade. Survive or I'll take your cut for this job. "

[Oltevin] - "Suka blyat, I'm not dying, I'm just tired. "

[Mercenary] - "Ha! I knew you were just pretending, you lazy bear. "

Suddenly, the room went silent. When Oltevin looked beside him, his friend was no longer amongst the living. 15 hours later, Oltevin was rescued as the lone survivor of his squad. Still to this day, his friend's flask stayed inside his pocket and will remain there until an occasion requires him to drink.

Back to Jerry, Mike has already seen through everything. With a disappointed look on his face, Mike moved a few towels and tablecloths toward him to cover up the dead bodies. All the while, he paid no attention to Jerry. 

[Jerry] - "I'm sorry, master Mike. I really thought this was part of the test. "

[Mike] - "You didn't think this was the right thing to do but instead, you are only afraid of the consequences. Your evaluation officer told you to kill all witnesses, so seeing how success was just at your doorstep, you ignored all the morals I have taught you. You tried to justify your actions not because you felt guilty but because you feared my possible retaliation. "

Jerry recoiled in shock as he didn't expect Mike to dissect the truth with such brutal efficiency. 

[Mike] - "Go now, you have passed the test according to the cyberknight evaluation criteria. I'm not your master anymore, friend. All that gold waiting for you is hopefully enough to warm this ice in your soul. " 

Said Mike before walking away from Jerry. 

For all the years after this last encounter with Mike, Jerry had tried to redeem himself. Jerry had shown remorse for betraying his master and since trained his brother Harry to be considerate of others as a cyberknight. Following Mike's previous teaching, Jerry gave himself a moral code which dictated that he should never kill those who are unable to fight fairly against him.

*Back to the present

Now stuck inside Jerry's ability, McCree and Oltevin had to think of a quick solution before they both got impaled by the approaching spikes. While Oltevin tried to think of a solution, McCree withdrew his pistol and loaded a magazine consisting of only propellant but no bullet. 

[McCree] - "Guilt Extension: Southern Hospitality! "

In rapid succession, McCree unloaded his ability-fused bullets onto the approaching spikes. To Jerry's shock, McCree's ability generated air bullets with enough hardness to destroy his attack. However, both McCree and Oltevin were quick to realize that shooting at the spikes would only ever be a temporary solution as the shattered wood was immediately recycled into new spikes by the house. 

[Oltevin] - "Quick, McCree, over here! "

Yelled Oltevin as he tore off the door leading to a food pantry. 

As the spikes approached him, McCree quickly retreated into the cramped space with his friend. 

[Oltevin] - "Replace that door with your ability, now! "

Without thinking, McCree quickly used his ability to fill in the doorframe with his ability. With a series of cracks, all the spikes instantly broke apart as soon as they hit the invisible door. 

[McCree] - "Damn, that's some quick thinking right there. If only you had this kind of intelligence while watching them Russian propaganda films. "

Said McCree while reloading his pistol.

[Oltevin] - "It's not propaganda! Americans lost war in Ukraine. "

Upon hearing the creaking floor above their head, McCree immediately fired upward. Caught off guard by the sudden attack, Jerry fell back while only being lightly grazed by the bullets. 

"Shit! I have to deal with this gunman first, he's much more of a threat than his friend. "

Thought Jerry while breathing a sigh of relief. 

[McCree] - "Ya damn coward! If you have the balls, come fight us in the open like a real man, ya damn sissy! "

Yelled McCree at the ceiling. 

With a single hand swipe from Jerry, the house suddenly began to shift as McCree was immediately separated from Oltevin before being pushed into the kitchen. 

[McCree] - "Ugh, the kitchen? This ain't where I belong, ya prick! "

Yelled McCree after getting up from the ground. 

Meanwhile, isolated, Oltevin tried his best to defend himself against the spikes coming at him inside the living room. However, the sheer amount of spikes coming his way proved to be too much as many dug through his flesh. To add insult to injury, Oltevin's ability, which draws objects closer to him, would be nothing but a detriment in this battle. Inside the walls, after seeing how Oltevin was being overwhelmed by his spikes, Jerry quickly turned his attention back toward McCree. 

[McCree] - "I'll put a damn bullet right between ya eyes, ya damn dickwad! "

Yelled McCree as he took a random shot at the slightest noise he heard. 

With a calm expression, Jerry silently moved to place his eyes on a set of tiny holes in the wall to see his opponent. With a snap of his finger, the wall soon began to generate giant spikes aimed at McCree. Just as McCree raised his gun to shoot, he abruptly noticed a bullet he had previously fired being stuck inside one of the smaller spikes. With a light tap, McCree was somehow able to break apart the spike with his bare fist. 

[McCree] - "Well, would ya look at that! "

Whispered McCree with an intrigued expression. 

Suddenly, the sight of the broken spikes made him remember how his father's barn was ravaged by termites when he was younger. Earlier, even with regular bullets, he was unable to damage the wooden structure of this house. However, now, just like a house attacked by termites, the presence of impurities somehow weakened the control of Jerry's ability over the house. 

"So that's what's going on. Since you can't exert control over impurities like objects replaced by my ability, let's give ya a termite problem then. "

Thought McCree with a grin. 

After clearing himself a path through the spikes, McCree drew his other pistol and began to blast everything in sight. From vases to plates, everything began to shatter and scatter all around the house. Meanwhile, Jerry could only watch in confusion as McCree seemingly wasted his bullets on random objects. 

Below, Senju and Audrey were both hesitant to move while their opponent simply welcomed them with open arms to attack him. While Audrey proceeded carefully by making slow, controlled movements, Senju was becoming impatient. Upon seeing the eagerness on Senju's face, Harry quickly taunted him by smirking at him. 

[Senju] - "Oh hell nah! You did not just smirk at me while your stupid face is within slicing distance. "

Yelled Senju as he immediately drew his sword. 

Just then, without even feeling anything, Senju's hand suddenly fell off his arm followed by his forearm and then his entire arm. It was then both Audrey and Senju realized the danger that they were in. As the severed limb fell, it was abruptly dissected into even more finely cut slices which were so perfect that it appeared as if they were slashed before being polished. 

Slowly, Audrey glanced at her hand which strangely wasn't cut despite her moving earlier. To find out more about the opponent's ability, Audrey slowly moved her hand into her pocket before pulling out her pistol. A loud shot echoed through the basement but the bullet only exited the barrel before being sliced into oblivion. 

[Audrey] - "Movement speed. Senju, you need to move slowly. The faster you move, the more his ability will attack you! "

[Senju] - "Yeah, I could see. Looks like it's checkmate for him. "

Said Senju while looking at the sparks coming out of his mechanical shoulder. 

Slowly, both began to move forward while Senju reached down and drew his Shoto blade. Suddenly, Harry clapped his hands to applaud the two for their finding. 

[Harry] - "You two are probably the smartest opponents I have fought so far. To be able to not die and figure out how my ability functions is quite commendable. However... "

Said Harry before showing a grin of confidence. 

To Audrey and Senju's shock, Harry pulled a pair of automatic guns out of his belt and aimed it at them. 

[Harry] - "...I'm prepared for such an occasion. "

Without hesitation, Harry fired a burst at the two. At first, they thought the bullets would also get destroyed by the ability but the burning pain on Audrey's body soon proved otherwise. With a bullet lodged deep in her abdomen, Audrey fell back onto the floor but was somehow not slashed into pieces. 

[Harry] - "Ah, bullshit! Don't jam on me, you piece of shit! "

Cursed Harry as he smacked the jammed mechanism on his gun. 

Upon seeing how Audrey wasn't cut and how the bullets managed to hit them, Senju immediately understood how the ability only activates when a target is approaching Harry.

[Senju] - "Guilt Extension: Fury of The 47 Ronins! "

Immediately, Senju swung his sword backward, avoiding Harry's guaranteed hit effect. In an instant, a massive wound appeared across Harry's chest while blood splashed all the way up to the ceiling. However, since Senju used his ability unconventionally, the hit he landed on Harry failed to achieve the desired lethality. 

[Harry] - "It seems your ability requires actual movement from your arm and sword to work. Now, with your arm behind your back, if you want to land another attack on me, a part of your body would need to perform a forward movement. "

Senju gasped as he realized his predicament. Beside him, Audrey slowly took one of her hands off her wound and began to activate her ability. With a confident look on his face, Harry stepped back toward a large blind spot where strange colours reflected under the glowing light. 

[Harry] - "Oh, just in case ya smartasses try something funny again. Trial Access: 64-Space Inventory. "

[Audrey] - "Guilt Extension: Blue Shine Over The Guillotine Blade! "

For the first seconds after the exchange, Harry anxiously watched his surroundings, expecting a powerful direct attack of some sort to come at him. However, after finding out how no harm came to him, Harry grunted angrily at the stress Audrey's hoax caused him. 

[Harry] - "You Blue Guards have no idea how to properly classify your abilities, yet you dare use our callsigns. A Guilt Extension is supposed to be an ability that strikes your target with precision, dumbass! "

Shouted Harry with bulging veins on his forehead. 

In one swift pull, Harry yanked the cover off a massive cloud of green gas hovering inside a specific area beside him. 

[Harry] - "You want to use our callsigns so badly? Well, let me teach you peasants another rule about us cyberknights: Anyone who dares use the wrong callsign to confuse an opponent will be shown no mercy or respect in a battle. For you on the left, I suppose a decent death is no longer an option, so fuck civility, am I right? "

Harry suddenly kicked the gas which somehow acted like a solid trapped in a cube of some sort. Upon seeing the gas' distinct colour, Audrey suddenly gasped in fear and shock. 

[Harry] - "You are from the French's "Commandos Marine" special forces from that SIG Sauer Model SM-2055 handgun you have. So you must know what this gas is, right? "

[Audrey] - "How the hell do you know about my past? "

Yelled Audrey while covering her pistol. 

[Harry] - "It's a small world, isn't it, Viper-5 Seargent Audrey? Turns out the supernatural force your squad encountered back in 2069 on Operation Francois was just my ability. "

Said Harry as he kicked the jammed rifle away from his foot.

[Harry] - "Your defunct government supplied your squad with such shitty rifles and guns. However, this nerve gas here is the magnum opus of your entire squad. With a rapid spread rate and almost instant lethality, the Geneva Convention was more violated than a cheap street whore. "

After overcoming her initial shock, Audrey suddenly lost her cool as she lashed out at Harry only to be reminded of her situation as three of her fingers were suddenly detached from her hand. 

[Audrey] - "Espece de sale fils de pute! I remember now, I still remember this dirty ability of yours! You were the one who killed everyone I knew and loved! "

Yelled Audrey with rage in her voice as small cuts appeared all over her lips. 

[Harry] - "You came to kill my brother. You also used this fucking nerve gas on me. Now, who's the villain here, Audrey? You were lucky to be alive because I allowed you to escape. I'm no animal like you, I allowed you to escape because I knew you gave up! "

With one swift kick, Harry sent the boxed-up gas out of his ability toward Audrey. 

[Harry] - "If we want to talk about morality, Audrey, have I used this gas before you decided to play dirty and trick me? "

While everything went down, Senju moved his arm slowly enough to bring it a position to swing again. However, in one swift move, Harry pulled the same pistol used by Audrey and shot Senju's arm backward, which reset his effort. 

[Harry] - "Wait your turn, it's now between me and her. "

Said Harry with a focused look in his eyes. 

Thanks to Senju's limbs being cybernetics, the shot didn't harm him, but it would mean his next attack would be delayed beyond the time it takes for the gas to reach Audrey. Meanwhile, there was a resolute look inside Audrey's eyes as she prepared to defend herself. 

To be continued...


- Profile: Harry

- Real Name: Harry Cole Miner

- Ability 1: [Trial Through Liminal Space]: "An ability which only works under the condition that Harry actives it in an enclosed liminal space or a space with a long enough transitory area of over 7 metres. Once active, anyone or anything that crosses the space in a predetermined direction by Harry would be subject to an inescapable attack which slices vertically through the intruder or object. Depending on the speed of the target, the ability would automatically multiply the number of strikes by the number of times the speed exceeds 0.1 metres per second. "


Power - B

Speed granted - E

Speed of the ability - A

Range - C to A (depending on the place of activation)

Durability granted - E

Durability of the ability - A

Precision - A

Potential - B

- Ability 2: [64-Space Inventory]: "An ability which incases anyone or anything touched by Harry in an invisible cube of variable dimensions. While active, Harry can control what exits or enters the cube. On top of this, the prison cube's walls are extremely resistant to damage and absorb the kinetic energy of anything trapped inside, meaning a trapped individual cannot push and make the cube fall on its side. However, as a compromise, the weight of anything trapped inside remains the same, thus meaning Harry couldn't freely move anything he catches. Also, as told by its name, Harry can field only a maximum of 64 prison cubes at a time. "


Power - None

Speed granted - None

Speed of the ability - A

Range - E

Durability granted - A

Durability of the ability - S

Precision - A

Potential - C