Chapter 22: Fusion

The goblins attempted various methods to tame the wolves, some resorting to force while others tried using food.

As for Ghorm, it was no surprise that he was fighting the giant great wolf. However, the fight was not intense because Argon had ordered them not to harm each other. They still needed to battle the humans, so it was not the time to get injured.

After a few minutes, everyone calmed down and the goblins successfully tamed the wolves.

[Ding: The system has detected that the two monsters have become companions. Do you want to merge the two habitats?]

"Ohh," Argon was surprised, unaware that the system had this kind of feature.


Everyone was teleported outside, and shortly after, the two habitats disintegrated into particles.

Subsequently, a new area emerged in the location where the goblin tribe once resided. The new place resembled the wolves' home—a cave system but more spacious.

Argon explained that from now on, they would live together.

"Now, I will let Ghorm take command."

Argon then disappeared from everyone's sight. He no longer needed to command the goblins; he entrusted that responsibility to Ghorm. As for himself, he would simply observe the upcoming events.

Ghorm ordered them to form groups and disperse into the forests.

"If you encounter any humans, attack immediately."

"Yes, Lord Ghorm."

All the goblins saluted. Ghorm and the giant wolf entered the cave and waited in the boss room.


At the teleportation point on the first floor, a new encampment was being constructed around it. Any individual entering the dungeon would find themselves inside this encampment.

Inside the large tent, Arnoux explained everything he knew about this place to the man in front of him. He discussed how one cannot advance in cultivation by killing a monster with a lower cultivation level and mentioned the existence of the returner stone.

"Alright, you may leave now," Fax said.

"Elder Lee, Elder Gong, what are your thoughts?" Arnoux inquired.

Elder Lee, a member of the Song clan, and Elder Gong, from the Blue Wind Sect, considered the matter.

"It's difficult to believe that such a place exists. Even in the entire world, I doubt you can find a similar location," Elder Lee expressed.

"Well, we can't make such a claim. Remember, neither of us has traveled outside the Orland Kingdom. So, we don't know what lies beyond," Elder Gong added.

Hearing this, Elder Lee couldn't help but scoff at Elder Gong's response.

"Alright then... Can I request the two elders to explain everything to everyone?" Fax asked politely, recognizing the need to give these two elders respect.

"No problem, Commander Fax."

After the two elders provided explanations, everyone began to take action. All the members of the three forces decided to explore the forest in groups, while some solitary cultivators ventured into the forest alone.

Arnoux and his group had no plans to delve deeper into the forest. They were aware of its dangers, and additionally, Arnoux's son was with them, so they needed to exercise caution.

Arnoux's son had already reached the half-step body tempering stage, and Arnoux intended to help him break through to full body tempering.