Chapter 78: Arrived At Eternal City

Dryden nodded, then entered the city. As he walked through the streets, he could see that the people here were much better off than in most of his other cities. The buildings were well-maintained, and there were shops and stalls selling all manner of goods.

As Dryden entered the city, he couldn't help but notice how peaceful and prosperous it was, which was in stark contrast to the city he had just left. The streets were clean, and there was no sign of any criminal activity. The people walking around seemed content and happy.

Dryden was curious about this place and decided to investigate further. He walked up to one of the vendors and struck up a conversation.

"Sure, Sir. What can I help you with?" the vendor replied.

"I was wondering about this city. It's in the middle of the Endless Forest, yet it seems so prosperous. How is that possible?" Dryden asked.