Chapter 120: The Galestripe Tiger

Argon then unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each one infused with fire and earth energy, hitting the tiger with a powerful force. The tiger roared in pain as it struggled to get back up.

Argon took advantage of the tiger's weakness, unleashing a powerful attack that caused the ground to shake. The tiger tried to dodge, but it was too late. Argon's attack hit the tiger with full force, sending it flying back, crashing into a nearby tree.

The tiger lay there, its body bruised and battered, struggling to get back up. Argon stood over it, a smirk on his face, "It's over, tiger. You're no match for me."

As the tiger continued to bare its teeth at Argon, he decided to use his Identification Eye, a special ability that allowed him to see the true nature and abilities of his opponent. As he activated the skill, his eyes glowed with a fiery light, and he could see through the tiger's wind-based aura.

[Galestripe Tiger