Chapter 163: Cambion Fight Alone

Azrael nodded, acknowledging Cambion's words with a sense of satisfaction. "Together, Cambion, we shall forge a legacy that shall be etched in the annals of this cultivation world. Our lord's name shall be feared, and those who dare stand against us shall be crushed."

The undead legion, bolstered by their leaders' words, prepared for the next phase of their conquest. Their eyes glinted with a hunger for power, their twisted forms exuding an aura of menace. They moved as one, a relentless tide of darkness, leaving behind the defeated remnants of the Void Sentinels as a testament to their might.

With their victory over the Void Sentinels, Azrael and Cambion knew that they had only scratched the surface of the Ebon Citadel's challenges. They pressed forward, their path leading them through a series of stages, each one more treacherous than the last.