Chapter 174: The Ominous Seal (part 1)

As they walked cautiously through the broken terrain, the grand elders exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of shock and concern. They had seen battles before, but this was something entirely different—an act of destruction that surpassed their wildest imaginations.

And then, amidst the chaos, Kaelar's gaze landed upon a solitary tree. Its once vibrant foliage had withered and turned brittle, its branches contorted and twisted. Despite the devastation that surrounded it, the tree stood tall, a silent witness to the tragedy that had unfolded.

Recognition dawned in Kaelar's eyes as he beheld the fallen tree. He had encountered this ancient being before—the tree god that held the wisdom of the Veiled Forest. Memories of their previous meeting flooded his mind, along with the guidance the tree god had offered him.