Chapter 197: Lesser Devine Power (part 2)

Alix's spiritual aura enveloped the battlefield, an unstoppable force that resonated with ancient energy. The infiltrators felt as if they were standing before a primordial deity, their feeble attempts at resistance reduced to nothingness.

As Alix advanced, his fiery gaze fixed upon the infiltrators, he spoke with a commanding authority that sent shivers down their spines. "You trespass on my base," he declared, his voice carrying a weight that echoed in their souls. "Your arrogance has brought you face-to-face with your own undoing."

The infiltrators struggled to find words, their once fierce defiance reduced to mere whispers. The leader, his voice trembling, managed to choke out a response. "We...we underestimated you," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of fear and anger. "We had no idea the depths of your power... We were fools to challenge you."